Chapter 22

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Maxie woke up and she smiled as she saw Josh who is still a sleep with his arm around her she then snuggled a little closee to him and she then took her finger and started to trace small little hearts on his firm bare chest. She felt him starting to stir around she smiled and she then kissed him on the chest sweetly as he opened his ocean blue eyes he looked at her and he smiled and said "good mornin' beautiful". She smiled and looked at him and said "good mornin' too my handsome ball player" Josh sighed and put his head back and Maxie then asked "hey babe what's wrong?". Josh then said "I'm going through a slump at the plate i was frustrated last night" Maxie then said "oh.. I'm sorry babe i know it sucks". Josh smiled as he remembered what Adeline said to him last night he then said "but then Addy told me last night that you'll do better next time daddy i know struggling is not fun.. But you'll get them next time.. Your still the best baseball player in the world". Maxie smiled and said "see i told you that she adores you.." She rubbed his chest and said "she just wants to make you feel better.. Your her daddy and that won't ever change". Josh smiled and he said "i am so lucky to have both of you in my life.. First my little girl came along and then seven years later you came along and I'm so happy.. Wait it's Adeline's eight birthday today shit i forgot damn it i didn't get her anything for her". Maxie then said "hey babe it's okay.. She wrote a list on what she wants today i got her a few things.. But she didn't put anything down for you.. That's because she only wants you for her birthday she just wants to be with you.. So you don't have to freak out". Josh's heart melted right away he then said "I'm going to wake her up" Maxie smiled and said "wait.. There is a ballon in the closet to give her". Josh then said "okay i will get it" he then got up from the bed and went to the closet and got the ballon and headed out of the bed room and down the hall way to Adeline's bed room.

Maxie got up to go get dressed and Once he got in there he smiled as he saw that Adeline is a sleep still he then walked over to her bed and bent down and he then brushed a few hair strains from her face. He then whispered to her "hey wake up.. Wake up pumpkin" Adeline started to stir around and she opened her eyes and he smiled and said "happy birthday Addy". She smiled and said "thank you daddy" he smiled and said "look what Mommy got you a ballon" she smiled and said "i love it.. Daddy did you get me anything?". Josh then said "um no" she smiled and said "good.. Because all i want for my birthday from you is that i want to be with you" Josh smiled and he said "and that you will get". Adeline smiled and she then sat up and hugged him around his neck he smiled and hugged her back Maxie looked in to the bed room and her heart melted when she saw them hugging and Adeline said "i love you so much daddy". Josh smiled and said "i love you so much too Addy" then they pulled out of the hug and Josh said to her "get dressed and then after your ready i will take you out to breakfast to were ever you want to go". Adeline smiled and said "okay daddy" he smiled amd then walked out of her bed room closing the door Maxie smiled as he did and she said while rubbing his chest "see i told you that she wanted to be with you". Josh smiled and sighed as he said "how did i ever get so lucky to have a sweet little girl like Adeline in my life?" Maxie looked at him and noticed that his mood changed when he said that. She then said "Josh whats wrong?". Josh then said "my father wants to come see Adeline but she won't remember him because when he saw her she was a baby.. He has hatred towards women i don't know why but he does and I'm afraid that she sees him that he'll do something that would make her.. I just want to protect her the best i can but this time i can't really do that because the police are on his side of thing's i dont know how but they are".

He plopped down on the couch and sighed as he did Maxie then sat down next to him and felt bad for him she then put her hand on his leg she then said "Josh if there's anything i can do..". Josh then said "Maxie baby there is nothing you can do i want to protect you too like i said he hates women for all his heart when i was Adeline's age i saw some horrible stuff what he did to my mom.. I don't want it happen to you". Maxie looked at him and for the first time in a long time she saw fear in his eyes she sighed and cupped his face saying "Josh babe.. I know your scared but me and Adeline will be fine.. Plus i will get some of my friends that are cops to securtly spy on him when he comes to visit okay.. I promise everything will be fine we are going to be safe". Josh looked at her and a stray tear fell from his eye and he saif "i love you so much baby.. I don't know what i would do with out you" Maxie smiled and said "i love you too babe" she then gave him a sweet kiss on his lips he smiled in to the kiss and kissed her back. Then they pulled out of the kiss then a few minutes later Adeline walked in to the living room smiling until she saw Josh on the couch with a few tears she got worried. So she went over to him and said "daddy are you okay?" He looked at her and he smiled a little and said "yes i am honey i promise i am.. It's just your growing up a little to fast". That was also one of the reasons he is a little emotional Adeline then said "aww daddy i don't want you to cry.. I always want to be your little girl" Josh looked at her and smiled then Adeline hugged him around his neck and he hugged her back trying to fight back tears. Maxie smiled and rubbed his back knowing he could cry at any minute then they pulled out of the hug and Adeline said "I'm ready to go daddy.. Are you?" Josh smiled and said "yes i am let's get going and tell me were you want to go".

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now