Chapter 23

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Josh woke up to feeling sharp pain going through his leg he winced in pain as he moved his leg a little he then heard Adeline say "daddy did i hurt you?" Josh looked at her and a few tears where in her eyes. He then said in his morning voice "no pumpkin you didn't.. When did you get in here?" Adeline then said "a few minutes ago because mommy had to go to the store to get you a ankle brace so your ankle will heal". Josh looked at her and smiled a little he then saw a stray tear fell from her eye and then Josh said "hey whats wrong baby?" Adeline then said "i don't like seeing you in pain". Josh then said "come here honey" Adeline then went over to him cuddling in to his side he then said "I'm fine Addy i promise I'm going to be in pain because my ankle is fracture.. I know you hate seeing me in pain but in a few weeks it will go a way". Adeline then said "i hope so daddy" she then hugged him he smiled and hugged her back he then kissed her on the top of her head sweetly and said "i love you pumpkin". Adeline smiled and said "i love you too daddy always and forever" Josh smiled and then Maxie walked in to the bed room and she smiled and said "well good morning sleepy head". Josh and Adeline looked and smiled then Maxie walked over to him and she said "okay Josh let me put this brace on you" Adeline then helped Maxie get Josh's foot out of the covers and when they moved it even the slightess a shot of pain went through him and he winced. Adeline was hesitant and looked at Josh and he then said to her "remember what I've told you Addy i will be in pain" she then said "okay". Then Maxie put on his brace and then soon they where done he sighed and then Maxie said "Adeline and I are already dressed so it's only you mister that needs to get dressed.. You can stay in your shorts you just need a shirt on". Josh then said "okay mom" and that made Adeline giggle Maxie rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled at Josh's remark then Josh sat up carefully and got up from the bed.

He then started to walk over to his dresser to get a clean shirt limping a little and Adeline trying to help him keep balance. He smiled and said "thanks pumpkin" she smiled and said "your welcome daddy" Josh then got a clean shirt and put it on Maxie then said "everything is already packed in the car and ready to go meet up with the other girls and the motor coach at the park". Josh smiled and said "okay" then they headed out to the car and Maxie drove to the park to meet with the team once they got there they all came out and Maxie took therr stuff and put it under the motor coach in a department. Adeline smiled and said "hey girls" they all smiled and said "hey!" Then Anna said "how are you doing Mr. Donaldson i saw Manny take you out last night.. That was just mean". Ava then said "yeah and just rude!" Josh chuckled and then he said "I'm doing good girls my Ankle is broken though" Adeline then said "so that means y'all have to be careful around my daddy". Lexi then said "don't worry Adeline i will make sure they will" Adeline smiled and looked at Josh and he looked at her and also smiled. Then they where ready and loaded the motor coach Josh got comfortable making sure his leg was elevated as Adeline sat with Lexi. Maxie sat with Josh and Josh looked at Adeline and Lexi he smiled Maxie looked at Josh and Josh said "I am so happy that Adeline has a close friend like Lexi". Maxie smiled and said "I do too babe" Josh smiled and said "I'm happy that she is over Coco's death a little I know what I'm going to do when she is ready to get another dog is that I will find a perbreed Shetland Sheepdog". Maxie smiled and said "that's a great idea.. are hotel is in Orlando and the fieleds are also so we will only be a few minutes away from the fields to the hotel". Josh then said "that is good" Maxie looked at him and said "you mister will be resting in the hotel for a few days and watch the games online". Josh sighed and said "why? Why can't i come?" Maxie raised an eyebrow and said "if you want to go play baseball again then you'll have to rest".

Josh then said "okay" in defeat and Maxie chuckled at him and rolled her eyes playfully taking out her computer to do some line ups and posituons for the girls in the games. Josh then heard "daddy" he then looked over at Adeline and Adeline smiled and said "how long is Orlando from here?" Josh smiled and said "about eight hours away depeneds on traffic". Adeline then said "i am so excited daddy" Josh smiled and said "i know honey I'm happy that you arr baby" Adeline smiled and so did Lexi. Lexi then said to Adeline "you really love your father don't you?" Adeline smiled and said "yes i do he's the best ever" Josh smiled as he heard her say that. He then layef his head back and closed his eyes to get a bit more sleep because last night he didn't have that good night sleep he was hoping for as his ankle was really nagging at him. Maxie took a quick second to look over at Josh and she smiled as she saw that his eyes are closed she then took one of her hands and placed it on his leaving it there and continues to work. Josh smiled a little and soon he fell a sleep then Maxie soon finished and she put her computer up and looked over at Josh and smiled she then got comfortable and put her head gently on his shoulder. She smiled she thinks he's perfect but she knows that all people aren't perfectly perfect but Josh is perfect to her in her eyes. He's loving, caring, funny, a great father to Adeline and most of all he loves to interact she then looked out the window with her head still on his shoulder. Lexi and Adeline looked and they smiled and Lexi said "it looks like coach Maxie really loves him too" Adeline then said "yeah and hopefully one day she and my daddy will get married". Lexi smiled and said "that will be cool" Adeline smiled and said "yes it would.. Lexi do you mind it i go over to coach Maxie and my daddy so i can sit with them?". Lexi smiled and said "go a head i don't mind" she smiled and said "thanks Lexi" she smiled and said "no problem". Adeline then went over to Maxie and Josh Adeline then whispered to Maxie "mommy?" Maxie looked and she smiled and whispered back to her "yes honey?". Adeline then said in a whisper "can i sit with you and daddy?" Maxie smiled and said as she looked at Josh and whispered "yes sure.. Get on daddy's lap and sit just be very careful and don't wake him up". Adeline smiled and whispered "okay" Adeline then got on to Josh's lap carefully and she snuggled in to his chest also carefuly so she won't wake him up Maxie looked at her and she chuckled lightly as she saw Adeline.

She then whispered to her "you comfortable?" Adeline looked at her and she smiled and whispered "yes" Maxie smiled and then looked out the window and an hour later she heard soft snoring so she looked over at Adeline and Josh. She smiled in awe as she saw that Adeline was a sleep on Josh's chest and lap it was so cute she then looked back over out the window and a few hours later. Josh woke up and felt some one on him so he looked down and smiled as he saw that Adeline was a sleep on his lap with her head barried in to his chest. He then looked over at Maxie who was looking at Adeline sleeping in awe he then whispered "when did she get over here on my lap?". Maxie smiled and looked at him and she said "a few minutes after you fell a sleep" Josh smiled and whispered "how far are we away from the hotel?". Maxie then whispered "only five minutes away" Josh then said "okay" he then looked down at Adeline and he then gently shook her and said "hey Addy baby wake up.. Wake up sweetie pie". Adeline started to stir around in his chest and she then opened her eyes and Josh smiled and said "good afternoon sleepy head". Adeline giggled and looked at him she then said "hey daddy" Josh chuckled and said "hey pumpkin we are only five minutes away from the hotel". Adeline smiled and said excitingly "okay!" Maxie and Josh chuckled at her then a few minutes later they arrived at the hotel they are staying in for the qualifiers. The girls got out and then Josh got up from his seat and winced a little in pain as he walked with the cast on he walked slowly off of the motor coach's stairs and he walked over to Maxie and Adeline. After they checked in they went up to there hotel rooms and Josh sat down on one of the beds Adeline then said "daddy i wish that you could go swim with me and Lexi". Josh smiled a little then said "i know baby but you go have fun with her okay.. And be safe" Adeline then said "okay i will daddy" Adeline got her bathing suit and went to go with Lexi ans her parents to go swimming in the hotels pool.

Josh smiled and then he sighed and Maxie said "Josh what's wrong babe?" He looked at her and he said "nothing I'm just in pain that's all". Maxie then said "do you want to take some Tylenol or Ibprofien?" He then said "yes please" Maxie then said "okay get comfortable and lay down in the bed and i will get you some okay". Josh smiled and said "okay" he then layed down and got under the covers after he took off his shirt as Maxie went to go get some Tylenol for Josh. Once she got some and get some water she went over to him and Josh smiled and said "thanks baby girl.. I appreciate it i love you" she smiled and said "i love you too my handsome ball player". Josh smiled a childish smile and Maxie chuckled at him then she went to go un pack sone stuff Josh took the pills and then put the water next to him on the night stand next to the bed. Josh smirked as he saw Maxie from behind and said playfully "oh yeah i can get used to this view all day long" Maxie laughed amd said playfully back "shut the hell up Joshua Adam!". Josh chuckled and he said "i love you baby girl" she smiled and said "i love you too babe" she then got finished un packing and got dressed in to pjs. She then went under the covers with Josh and she snuggled up to him and she said "we have to get up early to get to tge fields to practice before the first game". Josh looked at her and he said "okay" Maxie then said "but you mister will have to stay here tommorow because your in pain" Josh sighed and said "i know it sucks". Maxie chuckled and then soon they both fell a sleep when Adeline returned she also went to bed.

A/N: here is an update hope y'all enjoyed! 😄

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