Chapter 15

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Josh woke up to hearing Adelime whispering "daddy.. Wake up.. Daddy please" Josh slowly opened his eyes and he looked and there was Adeline standing right in front of him and she has tears down her face and holding her stomach. He then said in his deep groggy voice in a whisper "hey baby what's wrong?" She then whispered "i don't feel good" Josh then whispered "what hurts?" She then said "my stomach hurts and i feel like I'm going to throw up". Josh then sat up in his bed and got off of it and he went to go find a bucket or something just in case if she does throw up. He found one and he went over to her and said "here you go baby you may use this just in case if you do i want be able to do anything until the morning okay". She then said tearfully "okay" Josh then whispered to her "I'll tuck you in again.. You get some more sleep okay and maybe it will pass through". Adeline then said "okay" then she went back on the bed as Josh took the top cover and put it over her he then whisper "I'll see you in the morning i love you". He kissed her on the temple and she said "i love you too daddy" he smiled a little and he then put the bucket near the bed so Adeline can use it just in case. He then went over to his bed and got on carefully so he won't wake Maxie up and he layed down and closed his eyes Maxie felt the bed move and so she opened her eyes and Josh has his eyes closed Maxie looked over at Adeline's and Ender's bed and saw Adeline has tears down her cheeks. She then saw the bucket so she must not be feeling good she then layed her head back down and went back to sleep. In the morning Josh woke up and heard Maxie say "shh it's okay sweetie it's not your fault" he opened his eyes and looked and Maxie is cleaning something off the floor. He then looked at Adeline and sat up as he saw that she is crying a little with the small bucket he found he then got up and Adeline looked over at him. She then said tearfully "I'm sorry daddy..".

"I didn't mean to do it" Josh then got up from the bed and went over to her and he said as he sat down next to her rubbing her back "it's okay sweetheart i know things happen and you can't control it.. Don't be sorry it's totally fine". She calmed down and put her head on his shoulder he then put his hand to her head and it was very warm he then said "i think you have a fever.. Maxie i saw a thermometer in the top drawer of the night stand can you please get it". Maxie then said "yes of course" she then went to get it she did and handed it over to Josh and he said "thank you" she then said "no problem" Josh then took Adeline's temperature. After it beeped Josh looked at it and she has a fever of 101 he then said "yeah she has a fever of 101.. Addy today you might have to stay at the hotel and Maxie will be here". Adeline then looked at Josh and she said tearfully "but daddy.. I want to be with you today" josh looked at her and he didn't want to say no to her but she is sick. He then said "honey your sick and i will only be gone for a few hours and i will be back here before you even know it". Adeline started to cry Josh then said "oh no addy please don't cry" these are the times he wishes that he wasn't a baseball player when your little girl is sick and wants to be with you it's hard for you. Maxie then said "maybe she can go with you and be in the club house for the game as there are soft couches in there" Josh then looked at Adeline and he then said to her "did you here what Maxie said honey it will be a good idea would you like that?". Adeline calmed down and shook her head yes Josh smiled a little and then he said "okay.. You can only put on a clean shirt if you want your pants are fine" she then said "okay". Josh got up and he went to go get ready as Maxie was already ready and Ender was also after he got ready he went over to Adeline and he then picked her up holding her in a comfortable position. He then looked at Maxie and said "are you ready to go?" Maxie then said "yes i am" he then said "okay" then Maxie, Josh with Adeline went down to the lobby where the guys were waiting for the team bus to come. B-mac came over and he asked "what's wrong with little bringer of rain?" Josh then said "she doesn't feel good she threw up this morning and has a fever of 101". B-mac then said "oh poor little thing were will she be staying during the game?" Josh then said "the club house".

He then said "oh okay" he looked at Adeline and Adeline looked at him and smiled a little and she said "hey uncle B-mac" he smiled and said "hey sweetie i hope you feel better by tomorrow because after the game tomorrow the kids run the bases and i know how much you love that". Adeline smiled a little B-mac did also and he then looked at Josh and he said "even when she is sick she still has high spirits". Josh smiled and he said "yes she does" soon the team bus arrived and every ome got on Josh sat down next to Maxie and Adeline snuggled her head in to the crook of Josh's neck. Maxie looked at her and smiled Adelibe looked at her and also smiled a little then soon they arrived at bush stadium. Then they went to the club house and Josh gently laid Adeline on a couch and he then said "do you feel like your going to throw up again?" Adeline then shook her head tearfully and said "yes". Josh then said "okay.. I will go get a bucket" he then got up and went to go get a bucket as Maxie sat down next to Adeline. She rubbed her back Josh came over with a bucket and he placed it down were she can reach it Josh then said "I have to do batting practice.. So Addy, Maxie will be with you watching you okay". Adeline then said "okay daddy" he smiled a little and then he went with the guys up to the dug out and on to the field for batting practice Maxie looked at Adeline and she then said "do you want water to drink sweetie?". Adeline then said "yes please" Maxie then said "okay I'll go get you some water" she then got up from the couch and went to go get some ice cold water for Adeline. She got some and when she came back she saw that Adeline is leaning over the couch and throwing up in to the bucket that Josh brought over Maxie sat down next to her. She then rubbed Adeline's back as she finished and Adeline started to cry a little as she did Maxie then took her in to her arms and comforted her and she said "shh.. I know honey.. Here drink some water". Adeline then calmed down to were she can drink some water and she did drink the water a little and Maxie then put the water on the table. Maxie looked at Adeline she then said "Adeline you can lay your head on my lap if you want to" Adeline then scooted closer to Maxie and she put her head down on her lap and Maxie then said "close your eyes sweetie and try to get some rest". Adeline then said "okay" she then closed her eyes and soon she fell a sleep a hour went by and Josh and the guys came back from BP.

Josh went over to the couch and saw that Adeline is a sleep with her head on Maxie's lap and Josh whispered "how is she?" Maxie then whispered "not any better she's thrown up a few times sense you went to BP.. She is starting to shiver a little now i think she is cold and i think her fever went up a little but not much". Josh then whispered "okay i will get her a blanket" Maxie then said "okay" Josh then went to go get a blanket and once he did he went back to Maxie and Adeline. He then gently put the blanket on to Adeline and she stopped shivering he then carefully sat down on the other side of Adeline and he felt her fore head and she was still hot. He sighed a little if there is one thing he hates seeing in the world is Adeline being sick he hates when she is sick because she is low in energy than usual and almost sleeps all day soon it became game time. Josh got up and leand down and gently kissed Adeline on her temple and then he kissed Maxie on the lips sweetly. She smiled after they pulled out of the kiss and she whispered "good luck babe have fun" he smiled and then he whispered "i will.. Because i know Adeline would want me to even though she is sick". Maxie smiled and then Josh went up to the visitors dug out Maxie looked at Adeline and she moved her hair strains covering her face gently and put them behind her ear. She feels bad that Adeline is sick but things happen that they can't control like Adeline being sick today she put on the channel that had the game on and turned it down to low volume. So she wont wake Adeline up she then leand back and relaxed as the game started a few minutes later Adeline woke up and she started to sob a little in to Maxie's chest. Maxie looked at her and she said "hey sweetie what's wrong?" Adeline then said through her sobs "my stomach hurts so badly" Maxie didn't know what to say or do she then said "what kind of pain is in your stomach?". Adeline shrugged her shoulders and said "i.. I dont know" she started to cry Maxie then said "okay.. Shh no need to cry i understand". Soon she calmed down and fell a sleep again after the game the braves won ten to one and Josh went six for six with three homers a single double and triple so he completed the cycle. He is happy and all but his concern right now is Adeline he saw that she is a wake and has tears down her cheeks Josh then sat down and he said "hey baby girl are you okay? What's wrong?". She then said "my stomach really hurts" she started to cry she then threw up and Josh saw red in her throw up he then looked at Maxie and he said "did she eat anything or drink anything red?". Maxie then said "no" Josh got worried and then he said "we need to take her to the hospital" he then picked her up gently and Maxie followed him and got in a cab and went to the hospital. Once they got there they immediately took Adeline in and Maxie and Josh has to wait in the waiting room Josh sat down and he nervously started to bounce his leg up and down Maxie looked at him.

She knew that Josh is worried about Adeline it's his fatherly instict to be worried a few hours later Josh got up and started to pace around the room as it has been an hour later and has not found out anything about Adeline. Maxie looked at him and he then sat back down with his head in his hands closing his eyes it's now been about two and a half hours sense they took Adeline back and no news yet. Then finally Josh heard "Mr. Donaldson?" Josh picked up his head from his hands there was the doctor he then stood up and so did Maxie then the doctor said "come with me" then they did and went in to a quiet private area to talk. The doctor then said "Mr. Donaldson we did an ultra sound of Adeline's stomach and we saw a mass in her stomach area.. So we did some blood work and test.. This is not so easy to tell you but.. The mass she has in her stomach is Cancer.. Adeline has stomach cancer". Josh's heart sunk Maxie looked at him and she knew that he is devastated what parent wouldn't be? When they hear that there kid has cancer. After Josh found the words to say he said "how far along is this cancer?" He then said "not sure we need more testing this type of cancer shows up very were at kids her age it usually happens when people are in there sixties.. Until we can get more info we won't know what her treatment will be". Josh sighed and then he said "okay" he then said "it's best if she stays over tonight so we can do futher more testing.. You can go see her she's is in room 235". Josh then said "thanks" Maxie and Josh then went to go see Adeline they walked in to her bed room and she was hooked up to a few machine's it broke Josh's heart to see his little girl like this. Adeline looked at him and he saw tears and fear in her eyes and she said "daddy" she started to cry Josh then went over to her snd sat down next to her. He then said "shh.. I'm right here baby shh" after a few minutes she calmed down a few hours later it was time for Josh and Maxie to leave. Adeline looked at him and she said "daddy.. I don't want you to go i want you to stay I'm so scared" Josh sighed and then he said "okay I'll stay" he then stayed and soon they all fell a sleep.

A/N here is a update for yall 😃

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