Chapter 18

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Three months later Adeline is cancer free i know it's long but i couldn't bare to write about her cancer

Josh came in to the living room smiling as he got great fantastic news as he found out that Adeline is cancer free Maxie and Adeline looked at him and he smiled and said "guess what". Maxie then said "what?" Josh then said "i got a call from doctor Benton.. And Adeline you are cancer free" Adeline looked at him and she smiled and said "really daddy?!" Josh then said "yes". Adeline then got up and she then ran over to him saying "i did it daddy!" She hugged him around his neck and he smiled and hugged her back saying with tears in his eyes "yes you did baby". Adeline started to cry a little in to Josh's shoulder but he knew it was happy tears Maxie smiled at the moment that Adeline and Josh is having. Maxie knew that Josh is so relifed that Adeline is cancer free because she saw a stray tear going down his cheek he knew that Adeline will be okay. Then they pulled out of the hug and Adeline looked at Josh and she said "i stayed strong for you daddy.. Because if i didn't and if i would've you know.. Die.. You would of be so sad and i didn't want you to be sad so i stayed strong for you". Josh looked at her abd he smiled and said as he put his hand on her cheek "you did baby girl.. I love you" she smiled and said "i love you too daddy". Adeline then looked at Maxie and she smiled and ran over to her saying "mommy does that mean i can go to Softball practice today?!". Maxie looked at her and she said "sweetie i am not sure" Adeline then said "but mommy i want to go play because i want to play with my friends". Josh then said "i think that would be a good idea i mean if she feels tired then she can rest Maxie doctor Benton said that it would be nice uf she can have some activity". Maxie smiled and then she said "okay you can go.. Just take a shower first and get dressed in your practice jersey". Then Adeline smiled and said "yay thank you" she then hugged Maxie and she smiled and hugged her back saying "no problem".

Then Adeline ran to go take a shower and Maxie chuckled when she did then Josh walked over to Maxie then he said with a few tears in his eyes "she's going to be okay". He then hugged her and she smiled and hugged him back he then said "my little girl is going to be okay" he started to cry a little in to her shoulder. Maxie hugged him back and said "i know babe.. See i told you she was going to make it through this" Josh then looked at her and he said "i am just so happy she wont be in any pain anymore i get to see her happy and healthy again running around and just being a kid". Maxie then cupped his face and wipped the tears a way with her thumbs and then she said "i know i am too" then they kissed each other sweetly on the lips then they pulled out of the kiss. Then Josh put his fore head on hers then he said "i don't know how i would've done this with out you" Maxie smiled and she said as she put her arms around his neck as Josh put his hands on her waist. She then said "i wanted to be there for you because i knew that it would be hard on you because Adeline means so much to you and she is your little girl.. She means so much to me too". Josh smiled and then he kissed her sweetly on the lips he then pulled her closer to deepen the kiss and it started to get a little heated as Josh attached his lips on her neck finding her sweet spot. Maxie put her head back and then she said as she put her hands on his chest "Josh not rigjt now babe.. After Adeline takes a shower and gets ready we need to head to the field". Josh sighed and then he looked at her and he said "your right.. But we can start were we left off tonight" he winked at her and Maxie felt her cheeks heat up Josh chuckled at her blushing badly he then kissed her on the cheek and she smiled. He then said "you are too damn cute" after Adeline was done getting ready she ran out and saw Josh and Maxie she smiled and said "mommy, daddy i am ready to go". They both looked at her and smiled and then Maxie said "okay.. Your equipment is in daddy's car" Adeline smiled and took Josh's hand and said "let's go daddy". He chuckled and said "slow down there tiger let me get my keys" then he got his keys and went out of the house and went to his car then they got in and headed to the softball field. Josh looked at Adeline and he smiled and said "i can tell your excited to see your team mates baby".

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now