Chapter 17

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Josh woke up as the alarm on his phone went off he sighed and turned it off Maxie woke up as well and she looked at him Josh sat up and rubbed his face Maxie then said "did you have a rough night?". Josh looked at her and he sighed and said "yes i did.. I couldn't really go to sleep" Maxie then sat up and she cupped his face and said "it's because you are worried about Adeline i understand.. I know it is hard". Josh then said "i just am afraid that one day i will wake up and Adeline won't be there" Maxie saw a few tears in his eyes she then said "Josh babe i know it's scary every parent would be scared but i agree with your mother Adeline is a strong and brave little girl i believe that she will make it through this if the doctor approves the treatment". Josh sighed and he said "i just don't want to see her in pain during the treatment but i know i will see her in pain.. It's the hardest thing". Maxie then said "i know babe it will be hard" Josh looked at her and then he said "i am so lucky to have you when i go through this with her". Maxie smiled and then she said "i wouldn't have it any other way i want to be here for you and Addy" Josh smiled and then he kissed her on the lips sweetly. She smiled in to the kiss and kissed him back then they pulled out of the kiss and they then put there fore heads together and both smiled. Adeline woke up and she was in pain she started to cry Coco woke up and looked at her and she then licked her but she kept crying. She then threw up in the bucket that was next to her bed Josh and Maxie heard slightly "daddy" Josh then got up from the bed and got dressed. Before he walked out of the master bed room and he walked down towards Adeline's bed room he walked in and saw Adeline sitting up and crying in pain. He then walked over to her and he sat down next to her putting his arms around her in comfort he then said in a comforting voice "shh... I am right here.. Shh i got you baby".

Adeline cried in to his chest as he held her he looked in to the bucket and there was her throw up with blood in it the cite of the blood really does scared him but he knows it's one of the symptoms of stomach cancer. He then kissed Adeline on the top of her head sweetly and he then said "i will help you get dressed so we can go see doctor Benton okay baby girl". Adeline then said as she sniffled "okay daddy" Josh then got up and got some comfortable warm clothes as it is a bit chilly out side he then went over to Adeline and he then got her un dressed slowly and got her dressed also slowly. After he did Maxie came in and looked at Josh sadly as she did see Adeline's throw up in the bucket with blood in it Josh then picked up Adeline carefully and he put her in a comfortably position and they walked out of the room. When they walked in to the living room they saw Lisa and she looked at them and she then got up from the couch and walked over to Josh and she said "it's time for her appointment?". Josh then said "yes it is" Lisa then looked at Adeline and she put her hand on her back and rubbed it gently Adeline then looked at her and she smiled a little and Lisa did too and she said "hey sweet heart". Adeline then said "i love you grandma Lisa" Lisa smiled and said "i love you too honey" she then kissed Adeline on her cheek and then Josh and Maxie walked out of the house and went to his car. Once they did Josh put Adeline in the back seat carefully and he then buckled her and closed the door and then he got in to the drivers side seat and started his car. Then he backed out of the drive way and then headed to were the hospital was in a few minutes they arrived and Josh picked up Adeline and he carried her in to the hospital as Maxie followed right behind him. They checked in and sat in the waiting room Josh is holding a vomit bag just in case if Adeline needs it he looked at her and then Adeline looked at him and she asked softly "is doctor Benton going to make this pain go a way?". Josh looked at her and then he whispered to her "he will try his best Addy.. I promise" Adeline then snuggled her head in to the arm of Josh and he smiled a little at her as she did. He then kissed her sweetly on the top of her head and whispered to her "i love you" Adeline smiled a little anx then she said "i love you too daddy" he smiled. A few more minutes went by and the door opened from the waiting room then a nurse appeared.

She then said "Adeline Donaldson? You may come back" Josh then got up with Adeline and Maxie got up as well and then and they went back and the nurse did her hight, weight and blood pressure and then they got in to the room. Josh then asked Adeline "do you want to lay down on the examination table or stay with me?". Adeline then said "i want to stay with you" Josh then said "okay" he then sat down with her and put her in a comfortable position Adeline snuggled her head in to his arm again and closed her eyes. Maxie looked at Adeline and then at Josh and she knew by his face expression that he is worried she then put her hand on his and he then looked at her and she smiled a little and he did to and he then looked back at Adeline. Soon doctor Benton came in and Josh looked at him and doctor Benton then said "do you think that Adeline would go on the examination table?". Josh looked at Adeline and then he said to her "Addy doctor Benton is here so you have to go on thw examination table okay" Adeline opened her eyes and she said "okay" Josh then got up and gently put her on the examination table. He then sat back down in to his chair and doctor Benton went over to Adeline and he started to examine her he did a couple of things he also did an ultrasound of Adeline's stomach. Which by the touch Adeline was in pain so Josh went over and he started to comfort her as doctor Benton asked him to after doctor Benton analyzed his findings he came back in. He then said to Josh "Josh, Adeline is qualified for the treatment so what i want to do is for Adeline to stay over here at the hospital tonight so we can start her treatment tommorow i know it seems fast but Adeline has stage three stomach cancer which already has spread through some of her body". Josh sighed and then he said "okay anything to help her" doctor Benton then put his hand on Josh's shoulder and then he said "this will be tuff on her and you so be prepared". Josh then said "okay" Doctor Benton's assistant nurses brought in a streacher and put Adeline on it to bring her to her hospital room Josh and Maxie followed but has to wait out side the door so Adeline can get in a hospital gound and get some IV fluids in her. Because she hasn't been drinking to much soon they where alowed in so they walked in and Josh sat next to Adeline's bed side and Adeline looked at him and she said "daddy i don't want to stay here i want to go home". Josh sighed and then said to her "i am sorry sweetie but you have to because you haven't been drinking to much at home".

Adeline then said "that's because my stomach hurts when i do" Josh then said "but also doctor Benton wants ro start your treatment tommorow.. Sweetie i know you don't understand but this treatment that you are going to get will help you get the cancer out of your body which will make you have anymore pain.. It could save your life". Adeline looked at him and Josh then brushed back a few hair strains from her eyes and he said "Maxie will be here with you when i have my games okay.. So you won't be alone".  Adeline then said "okay" Josh then said "i love you Addy" Adeline smiled a little and she said "i love you too daddy" he smiled then Josh looked at the time and it was time for him to go to the field. So he then looked at Adeline and he said "i have to go to the field now sweet heart.. So I'll see you tomorrow morning" Adeline looked at him and said "okay" Josh then got up and kissed hee sweetly on the top of her head. Then he and Maxie went out and Maxie cupped his face as she knew that Adeline would be on his mind she then said "Josh she will be fine i will be with her.. You will have her chain that she gave to you and i will have the tv on to the game even though we both know she'll fall a sleep because she is sick.. Have fun out there we will be watching i love you". He smiled and said "i love you too baby" he then kissed her on the lips sweetly then Josh left and Maxie then walked in to Adeline's hospital room and she tured fox sports south on as the game will be on that channel. She then sat down next to Adeline and Adeline looked at her and then she said "what if this treatment doesn't work and i do die? Daddy would be so sad and i don't want him to be sad.. I don't want to die". Tears slipped from her eyes Maxie then said to her "Adeline don't think about the negitaves think about the positives sweetie it's all in gods hands right now we don't know what is going to happen but what i can tell you.. Is that daddy will be with you when he can he loves you Adeline more than you can imagine your his little girl and that won't ever change.. I will be here for you because you are like a daughter to me and i love you too". A few tears slipped from Adeline's eyes amd she then said "Maxie.. Is it okay if i can call you mommy?" Maxie looked at her and her heart melted and tears filled her eyes and she said "yes of course sweet heart". Adeline sat up and they hugged each other and Maxie kissed her sweetly on the temple.

Adeline smiled a little and then they pulled out of the hug and Adeline then wiped her tears a way from her face and she then layed back down and then she saw some highlights and interviews from the Braves. She smiled and said "look there is daddy!" Maxie smiled and then she said "yeah there he is" Adeline watched and soon she fell a sleep as the fourth inning of the game was on. Maxie looked and she smiled and turned the volume down and she tucked Adeline in and kissed her on the fore head and then she went to the couch and sat down.

A/N here is an update 👋 ❤

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