Chapter 10

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Maxie is a wake and she is getting ready for the day as the gurls have softball practice she got on a Mizuno Softball shirt with some work out pants and sneakers with socks. After she did that she looked over at the bed and at Josh who is still fast a sleep she smiled as she watched him sleeping for a few seconds. She then walked over to the bed and decided to lay there with him until he wakes up she snuggled close to him with out waking him up. Soon he started to stir around in the bed and hus eyes fluttered open and he looked at her and he gave her a sleepy smile. Maxie chuckled and said "good morning sleepy head" he smiled and said good mornin' beautiful". Maxie smiled and then she gave him a soft sweet kiss on his lips and then she said after they pulled out of the kiss "Adeline and I are going to be living once she is ready to go practice with the girls at the field.. The reason why i didn't wake you up and get dressed us because you looked very exhausted last night and plus you have a game during her practice". Josh smiled and said "that's okay baby.. I understand" Adeline came in to the room and said "I'm ready Maxie". Josh looked at her and he smiled and said "hey pumpkin" Adeline looked at him and she smiled and said "daddy" she got on the bed and went over to him hugging him around his neck. Which made him get pushed down to the bed both Josh and Maxie chuckled then Adeline said to Josh "are you coming to my practice daddy?". Josh then said "no I'm not sweet heart" she then said "oh" Josh then said "i know you don't like it Addy but i have a game today.. But i will have the chain that you picked out for my birthday present on for good luck". Adeline then said "I'm your good luck charm" Josh smiled and said "yes you are baby and your chain is too" Adeline smiled and Maxie then said "we have to get going sweetie". Josh then said "i love you Addy see you in a few hour's" she then hugged him and said "i love you too daddy" then Josh kissed her on the fore head sweetly.

Adeline giggled as his facial hair tickled her and then she said "i think soon you need to shave daddy it tickles me" she then hoped off the bed and went out if the room. Maxie chuckled and said "she has character" Josh smiled and said "yes she dose" Maxie then said "now I'll see you later". Josh smiled and said "okay baby.. See you later and i am going you out on a date tonight.. Lexi's mom called amd she said Adelime can sleep over so it'll just be us". Maxie smiled and said "oh i can't wait" they then kissed each other and they then pulled out of the kiss and Maxie got up from sitting on the bed and tgen she walked out of the bed room. Josh smiled and sighed in happiness he decided to stay in bed for a few more minutes until he has to get up and get ready for today's game. Maxie made sure Adeline is buckled in and ready to head to the field she was and they headed to the field. Soon they got there and Adelime got her equipment and they headed down to the field once they got there Maxie said to Adeline "Lexi's mom called your dad and Lexi asked her can you sleep over at her house and you can tonight". Adeline smiled and said excitingly "oh okay!" Maxie chuckled at her excitement and she then said "go in the dug out and get ready". Adeline smiled and said "okay coach" and that's what she did bad Maxie waited for the other girls to show up soon they did and Maxie said to them "get ready girls and then come out on to the field". They all said "okay" and soon they did and Maxie said "so okay this practice we are going to do a little work on throwing third to first a little but we are gping to focus on more fly outs and pop outs on the out field and in field and also we are going to work on base running and live hitting okay". All the girls then said "okay" Maxie smiled and said "okay go loosen up find your throwing partner and throw with them" Lexi grabbed Adeline and then they started to throw to each other. Maxie smiled as she walked up and down the line and she said "these are good throws girls keep this up". After they loosened up Maxie told the girls to go to there positions so they can field some pop ups and fly outs. Maxie hits the ball to a girl to the other and they field it when Maxie hit one to Adeline it was a little bit to high but Adeline jumped for it and caught it and she fell to the ground landing on her butt. Maxie then said "wow Adeline great catch are you okay?" She giggled and said "yes i am coach Maxie" Maxie smiled at her.

On the field // Josh DonaldsonWhere stories live. Discover now