Chapter 16

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Josh woke up to hearing "Mr. Donaldson" he opened his eyes and there was the doctor Josh then sat up and he said "hey doctor Willie" then doctor willie said "unfortunately stomach cancer can't be found in early stages sense the symptoms don't show until later stages so.. Adeline she has stage IB which is stage three stomach cancer". Josh's heart dropped he sighed and then said "okay" doctor Willie then said "we can't start her treatment until her doctor back in Georgia approves it so until they do we can only give her some medicen to help her pain in her stomach to go down". Josh then said "okay" Willie put his hand on Josh's shoulder and he said "Josh so that you know this treament she will possibly get will be intense some days she will be in pain and be tired it will be tuff if her doctor approves it". Josh then said "okay i understand" Willie then left and Josh sighed he then heard "daddy" Josh looked over and Adeline is a wake on her hospital bed. He smiled a little and got up and walked over to her and said "hey baby girl how are you feeling right now?" Adeline then said "my stomach still hurts.. Daddy.. Is.. Is it true that i.. I have Cancer?". Josh looked at her and he saw fear in her eyes Josh sighed and he said "yes.. Addy you have cancer". Adeline then said "am i going to die?.. Does that mean that i will die daddy? I don't want to die" she was freaking out Josh then said "no baby that does not mean that you will die.. I promise.. I know it is scary.. But you'll be fine when doctor Benton approves that you can start treatment you'll be fine". Adeline looked at him and she then said "i want to go home.. I don't want to stay here.. I just want to go home" Josh looked at her he felt bad his little girl wants to go home but he can't do anything about it. He then said "i know.. You have to calm down sweetie can you do that for me?" Adeline calmed down and she said "were is Maxie?". Josh then said "she is at the hotel packing up are stuff to head back home and once this doctor will let you come with us we will head home".

Adeline then said "okay" Josh looked at her and he then wiped her tears a way from her cheeks Josh then said "just think about Coco she is waiting for her mommy to come home she'll be so happy and she will give you a lot of kisses". Josh then poked her belly gently ans she giggled and smiled Josh then said to him self "there's that happy smiling little girl i was looking for". Adeline then said "i can't wait to see Coco" Josh smiled and he said "i know baby" he then brushed a few hair strains and put it to the back of her ears. Adeline smiled a little and then she said "does Grandma Lisa know that i have cancer?" Josh then said "no she doesn't sweetie but don't worry she will". Adeline then asked "daddy do you think that i will lose all my hair when doctor Benton says i can have the treatment?" He looked at her and he said "i am not sure sweetie i wish i did but i don't". Adeline then asked "daddy can i cuddle with you" he looked at her and his heart melted when she asked that he couldn't say no to her so he said "yes of course Addy". He then got up and he went on to her bed carefully as it was big enough for both of them and Adeline snuggled close to him and she put her head on his chest. Josh smiled and he then kissed her on the top of her head Adeline started to get cold so she said "daddy I'm getting cold" Josh looked at her and then he said "okay sweetie i will go turn up the temperature.. The reason why you are cold is because you have some fluids going in to you". Adeline smiled a little then Josh got up and he went to the thermostat and he turned up the heat and he then went back over to Adeline and he leand back on her hospital bed. Adeline then put her head back on to Josh's chest soon Doctor Willie and Maxie came in with him and Willie said "okay so Adeline is cleared to go back to Georgia and Doctor Benton said that he will like to see her tommorow morning okay and so here is the discharge papers for Adeline". He handed them over to Josh and Willie un hooked Adeline from the mechians and left Maxie looked over at Adeline and she smiled a little and said "hey sweet heart how are you feeling right now?". She looked at her and she then said "my stomach still hurts but i haven't thrown up yet" Maxie then said "that's good to hear.. Here i brought you some comfortable clothes to put on during the plane ride to go back home". Adeline smiled a little and she then said "thank you Maxie" she smiled and said "no problem sweetie".

Adeline then started to get dressed in them and soon Josh was done with the paper work and him, Maxie and Adeline walked out of the hospital room Josh then turned in the papers and then they left to go to the air port and a few hours later the plane touched down and Josh looked at Adeline who is in a deep sleep. Josh then picked her up gently and he walked out of the air plane and went to tbe baggage claim with Maxie and got there bags and walked out of the air port and to his car. Josh opened the back seat door and he gently put Adeline down in her seat and buckled her in closing the door gently but enough that it will be closed. He helped Maxie put the suit cases in the back of his cars trunk and they got in the car and soon they headed home an half an hour later they arrived at the house. Josh saw Lisa's car outside so she is there feeding Coco he pulled in and they un loaded the car and Josh gently picked up Adeline and they walked to the door and came in Josh walked in to the living room and he put Adeline down on the couch gently making sure she was in a comfortable position. He got a blanket and put it over her and kissed her on the temple sweetly Maxie came over and Josh whispered to her "can you please stay in here with her as i will go talk to my mom". Maxie then said "yes of course babe" Josh smiled a little and then he kissed Maxie on the lips sweetly and then he walked over to the kitchen as Maxie sat down carefully next to Adeline. Josh walked in to the kitchen and Lisa looked at him and she said "hey honey how is Adeline?" Josh sighed and said "hey mama.. Adeline she is sleeping right now and is on the couch she is doing fine for now". Lisa knew something is wrong with Josh so then she said as she saw him sit down at the table "what did they find what was wrong with her?" She sat down next to him. Josh sighed and then he said "she has stage three stomach cancer" Lisa looked at him and said "oh my god" Josh looked away from her as he trys to fight back the tears that are threatening to come out. Lisa looked at him and she put her hand on his shoulder and said "Josh.." Josh then said "mom.. I'm scared what if this treatmant that doctor Benton might suggestes doesn't work?.. I don't want to lose my little girl.. I just can't lose her". Lisa then said "Josh honey.. She is a strong brave little girl i believe that she can and will pull through this when ever it starts.. You just have to be strong for her because i know you love her dearly".

Josh looked at her and he then sighed and said "you are right" Lisa smiled and she said "mothers knows best" Josh chuckled at her and then they heard "daddy" they then looked and there was Adeline. Walking over to him he smiled and said "hey baby" she climbed in to his lap and barried hed face in to his chest and she started to cry. Josh then put his arms around her and he rubbed her back and he said "shh.. Shh.. I'm right here.. Shh" Adeline then said through her tears "my stomach really hurts daddy". Josh then said "i know baby" Adeline then said "did the doctor give the medicen that he used in the hospital?" Josh then sighed and said "no he didn't sweetie I'm sorry i can't do anything about it until we see doctor Benton tommorow". Adeline then said as she was still crying a bit "okay" Josh already hates seeing her in pain and he can't do anything about it and he knows it will get harder to see her in pain if doctor wants to use the treatment him and doctor Willie talked about. Josh then kissed her on the top of her head sweetly Lisa let Coco in and Josh saw her and he smiled he looked down at Adeline and he said "hey Addy looks whos here sweetie.. Coco is here". Adeline then felt Coco nudge her hand and she then looked and she smiled and said "Coco" Coco then gently put her two paws up on her lap and started to lick her gently. Adeline smiled and she said "i missed her too Coco" she then hugged her around her neck and she started to cry in to her fur. Josh then rubbed jer back as she did then a few hours later Josh put Adeline to bed with a bucket close to her and tucked her in kissing her on the templw sweetly. Then he went to his bed room with Maxie and soon they both went to bed and fell a sleep.

A/N an update it's shorter than usual i guess you can call it a filler chapter 💁 

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