Chapter 40

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Four weeks later

For the past four weeks Josh and Maxie has been trying to get adjusted to the life that they never would have never imagen. Without Adeline Josh has not been acting like himself at all even the guys in the clubhouse and his manager Brian Snitker noticed. Maxie defiantly noticed the change in his personality too he has been very distant with her and it worries her she doesn't want their relationship to crumble and fall apart because of this. But then agian she still feels like it is her fault that Adeline was taken away from her and Josh the past few days Josh hasn't been really talking to her and she decided that she will put the wedding planning on hold. As they are going through this rough patch of their relationship today when Maxie woke up she didn't see Josh laying right there next to her. His side of the bed waas still made and she wonders if he slept somewhere else so she got up from the bed and got her robe on as it was a bit chilly in the house. She walked out of the bed room and down the hall way she first looked at Adeline's room but didn't see him there so then she walked out to the living room. She looked on the couch and there he was sleeping in the couch she sighed and walked back to the bed room with tears in her eyes. He didn't even come to bed last night she sat down on the bed and started to think that this wasn't a relationship that was ment to be. Tears flowed down her cheeks and started to cry she wants this to work out she wants to be with Josh. But if he's being so distant from her then it won't work out she loves this man so much and she dosent want to give up on this just yet. But she is running out of options and fast she is feeling so hopeless right now Josh woke up as the sun shined in to his face he sighed and covered his eyes because he doesn't want to get up right now but he then heard crying abd it sounded like Maxie was crying. So he uncovered his eyes and he sat up on the couch and got up from it and he then walked down the hall way.

As he reached his and Maxie's bed room he looked in and there was Maxie crying on the bed. He got a bit worried so he walked in and sat down next to her and he said "hey.. Baby what's wrong?". She then looked at him and she was surprised that he was actually there she then said "Josh i feel like are relationship is starting to crumble right in front of us and I'm scared.. It might not work out i put the wedding planing on hold as we are going through this rough patch right now.. But then you have been become very distance from me i feel like I'm losing the man that I'm in love with so much.. It scares me i don't want to lose you like this but I'm not sure if it's the best if i leave or not.. But now I'm starting to think it is for the best". Josh looked at her and he took her hand in to his and then he said "no Maxie.. Baby please don't leave me.. I already lost Adeline and i don't want to lose you.. I don't know what i would do if i did, I'm sorry that i have been so distance from you lately i.. I feel like I'm in such a mess and i don't want this to be your problem because it's not it's my problem, I've haven't been myself during games or in the club house and i haven't been talking to you which i should have.. I feel so trapped and i just don't know what to do". He wanted to cry right then and there then Maxie put her hand on his shoulder and said "Josh honey i want to be here to help you and you know that your problem is also my problem your not going to go through this alone. I will be here right with you because i love you Josh if i didn't then i wouldn't be talking to you right now i don't know how you really feel inside because I'm not you bur i can see the pain in your eyes and it does kill me inside to see that much pain in your eyes". Josh looked at her abd he then hugged her and she hugged him back a tear slipped from his eye.

It landed on her shoulder and she felt it so she hugged him tighter they then pulled out of the hug and Maxie put her hand gently on Josh's cheek and wiped another twar that was going down. She then kissed him softly on the lips he kissed her back they then pulled out of the kiss and she said "do you want me to make you something to eat?.. Because i know that you haven't eaten in a day or two". He shook his bead yes so she got up to go cook something for the both of them to eat. Adeline is at the schools nurses office as she hasn't been feeling good she told Izzy and Manny but Izzy didn't listen and Manny didn't either. She is laying down on the examination table shaking as she is running a high fever and is cold. Sh also has a bad cough not like your usual one if you have the common cold but it's a diffrent cough. She theb had trouble breathing so the nurse got up and said "breath in and out sweetie the best as you can.. I call the ambulance since your mother can't pick you up". She then called and it's on the way soon as they picked her up they got her in quickly abd stabled abd they called an emergency contact to let someone know that she's there since izzy won't come. Josh and Maxie got done eating an half an hour ago then Josh's phone ringed so he looked abd it was his mom so he picked it up and said "hey mama". Lisa then said "Joshua you need to go to the hospital now" she sounded so serious and Josh then said "why? What's going on right now?". Lisa sighed and said "it's Adeline she has gotten very sick with Pneumonia the hospital contacted me and told me". Josh's heart dropped Maxie heard her and she got very worried then Josh asked "what hospital is she at?". Lisa then told him and he said "okay i will be there as fast as i can" he then hanged up and both quickly got dressed and Maxie got Tucker ready he us now a registered therapy dog because they knew Adeline wanted to do that with him. Then they got in to Josh's car and headed to the emergency hospital is at.

Where Adeline is once they got there they met up with Lisa and headed to the floor that Adeline's room was on and they were stopped by a nurse saying "you are not allowed to see her Mr. Donaldson". Josh then said "yes i am she's my daughter! I have the right to see her!" Then the nurse said "sorry i can't i have to listen to Izzy" Josh then muttered "that bitch" Maxie then held him back as he waa trying to get through and then Lisa said "hey I'm the women that you called today.. Please let my son in he is a loving father.. If he wasn't then he wouldn't be here.. Please let him in please.. Izzy isn't a good mother because she doesn't work i kbow that because she works were i do and she isn't there today". Then we heard "let him in I'm judge Riley i made a mistake giving custody of Adeline to Izzy Hunter Mr. Donaldson is allowed in". Josh looked at her and smiled then he got up and walked behined the double doors and walked down to Adeline's room that the nurse said she was in. Once he got to the door he walked in and his heart broke when he saw a few things hooked up to her she looked sick that is for sure. He then walked over to her and sat down next to her bed side he then put his hand on hers and said "Addy". Adeline then opened her eyes and looked at him saying "daddy" Josh smiled a little and then he said "hey baby". She then said "you came" a few tears filled her eyes and Josh then said "yes of course i did baby I'm your father and i love you so much". Adeline then started to cry and then Josh said "shh.. It's okay baby girl no need to cry you need to calm down honey.. Shh I'm here and guess what". She then looked at him and calmed down and said "what?" Josh smiled and said "you get to go home with me and.. You can bring him in". Then the nurse brought Tucker in and then Tucker jumped on the bed and Adeline then said "Tucker? He is a therapy dog now?". Josh smiled and said "yes he is Addy" Tucker saw her and wagged his tail excitingly. As he knew that it was Adeline he whined a little and then he started to lick her excitingly she chuckled and said "i missed you too Tucker". She then coughed it was a very bad cough Josh's heart broke Tucker then laid down on her gently and looked at her Adeline then said "he's so big now is he full grown?". Josh smiled and said "yes he is he's beautiful isn't he?" Adeline smiled a little and said "yes he is" Josh then looked at Adeline's heart rate and it was a little bit low he knows.

That Pneumonia can be dangerous for kids and it scares him to know that Adeline has it. He then looked at Adeline and she is petting Tucker softly and Tucker is licking her arm gently because he immediately knew that she was very sick. Adeline looked at Josh and then she said "were is mama? I want to see her" Josh smiled and said "i will go get her" he then got up and went to go get Maxie. Once he did Josh and Maxie went in to her hospital room and Maxie smiled a little when she saw Adeline she then sat down next to her bed side. She then said "hey sweet heart" Adeline looked at her and said "hey mama" Maxie smiled when she called her that. Then she said "i see that Tucker is very happy to see you" Adeline smiled weakly and said "yes he is and i am happy to see him too. But i am also happy to see you and daddy also.. I missed y'all". Maxie smiled and said "we missed you too Adeline we definitely did" a few hours later Adeline has fallen asleep and Maxie told Josh to go home and get some sleep as he has a game tommorow. She is not going home because Tucker doesn't want to leave Adeline's side so she decided to stay after Josh tucked Adeline in the best he could and kissed her on the fore head he said good bye to Maxie. Maxie then got the couch that was in there ready for her to sleep on and once she got that ready she said good night to Adeline and Tucker. She then went over to the couch and laid down on it and got under the covers and soon she fell asleep.

A/N: here is an update 😁🐾 here is what Tucker looks like now.

A/N: here is an update 😁🐾 here is what Tucker looks like now

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