Chapter 39

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Maxie woke up expecting to see Josh beside her but he wasn't so she sat up and looked around the bed room and looked at the bath room. He was no were to be seen she sighed and got up from the bed and got her robe she wears. Then she put it on herself and walked out of the bed room and walked down the hall way. She stopped by Adeline's room and she opened the door gently and she looked in and her heart broke. But at the same time she smiled a little with tears in her eyes as she saw Josh and Tucker sleeping peacefully on Adeline's bed. Josh must of gotten up when she was a sleep and came into Adeline's bed room she sighed and walked over to the bed and she took the covers and put it over Josh. She then kissed him on the temple sweetly she looked at him and sighed she then walked out of the bed room closing the door behind her self. She walked into the living room and then walked into the kitchen she got out stuff for breakfast and started to make breakfast for her and Josh. She was going to make some for Adeline but she knew that she wasn't there with them anymore. She feels so gulity about all of this because she still thinks it is all her fault she sighed and soon she finished cooking breakfast she served the food on the two plates she got out and she put Josh's in the microwave so it could keep warm. She then sat down at the kitchen table and sighed as she did wishing that it wasn't her fault she knows that Josh say it's not but she thinks that it really is her fault of losing Adeline. She took a few bites of her food and started to think staring off into space. Josh woke up to the sun shining into his eyws and he sighed as he didn't want to get up but he has to. Then Tucker went over to him licking him he chuckled and said "okay I'm up" he got up and walked out of Adeline's room and he walked down to the back door and let Tucker out. After he did that he walked ovee to the kitchen and he walked in and he smiled a little.

As he saw Maxie sitting at the kitchen table eating but then his smile faded away as he saw trars down her cheeks he then said as he walked over and sat down next to her. "Hey Maxie baby what's wrong?" Maxie looked at him and she sighed and said "i feel like you losing Adelinr is all my fault i know last night we talked about it but.. Waking up and seeing you in Adeline's room alseep with Tucker broke my heart.. She was going to be in are wedding as are flower girl and i doubt that bitch will let her be in the wedding or even go.. I just feel like everything is starting to fall apart and i never wanted it to and i don't want are relationship to fall apart at all because i love you and i don't want to leave you.. I just wish everything will go back to normal". Josh looked at her and he took Maxie's hands into his and he then said to her "baby i know but this isn't your fault i know it hurts but remember what you said to me last night we will get through this togather.. I love you too Maxie and i can't wait for you to be my wife and spend the rest of my life with you.. I know losing Adeline like this isn't what we have planed and i know it's going to hard to adjust.. Into this life without her but we both have to know that she will always be here even though she is living with Izzy". Maxie looked at him and she said "your right" Josh smiled a little and then he kissed her gently on the top of one of her hands she smiled a little when he did. She then said "your plate for breakfast is in the microwave if you want to eat". He smiled and said "okay thanks baby" she then said "no problem babe" Josh got up and went to the microwave and got his plate of food. He then got his silverware and went over to the kitchen table and he started to eat his breakfast as Maxie started to coean some of the dishes that were dirty. Maxie then let Tucker in and fed him his breakfast she chuckled as Tucker started to eat his food happily getting a little dirty in the process.

Adeline woke up to Izzy yelling "Adeline it's time to get up.. Adeline get your butt up now" Adeline sighed and she streached out on her bed and she then said to Izzy "i am up". Izzy then said "okay good" Adeline then got up from her bed and went to go get dressed for the day. After she did she then walked out of the bed room that was hers she walked into the living room were she saw Izzy with Manny Machado. Adeline then said "hey Manny" Izzy looked at her and then she said "Adeline sweetie this isn't Manny to you he is your daddy now". Adeline then said "no he isn't he will never be my daddy one man who will ever be my daddy is my real father Josh Donaldson not Manny Machado". Izzy then said "no that bastard isn't your father any more and Manny is so you better call him your dad". Adeline shook her head no and said "no i will never do that" Izzy then went over to Adeline and Adeline immediately shutdown as she did. Izzy then smacked her across her face and said "your grounded for talking back to me and not listening to my orders so go to your room and stay in there for today". Adeline then ran to her room and closed the door she got on her bed and started to cry into her pillow. She didn't want to stay here she never did she just wants to be with Josh, Maxie and Tucker. Izzy already took her away from them but noe she wants her to replace Josh as her father to Manny Machado that was to much she just wanted to go back home were she really belongs. But she knows that she can't control what the judge has said and what her decision was and how she made it this way. It just wasn't fair is what Adeline has thought she didn't even get to say goodbye to Tucker and she knows that she won't be able to see her softball friends and teammates and won't be able to see her closet friend. Which it is Lexi and that scared her because they were her only best friends she had and she will never find friends like them and who cared about her like they did it just wasn't fair.

She sat up in her bed and looked around her bed room and she said "i want my daddy.. Why was i taken away from him? I just want answers lord please? My daddy doesn't deserve to be separated from me and Maxie doesn't deserve it either none of them do.. I won't be able to see the guys in the clubhouse any more i do want to see them they were like my family too I'm going to miss them.. I want to be with them it's not fair". She started to cry again as she pulled her knees up to her chest and put her head in her arms. Josh and Maxie are sitting on the living room couch and they are watching TV and they saw that Manny Machado and Izzy got enloped Josh sighed and then he said "really that guy? You've got to be kidding me". Maxie looked at him and she said "do you know if he is good with kids or with Adeline?" Josh looked at her and said "no i don't know.. But hopefully he is and if he isn't then so god help me.. I'm wondering what Adeline is doing now". Maxie looked at him and saw the sadness in his eyes she then cupped his face and he looked at her and she then said "Josh.. I know it's going to be hard to distract you from these thoughts that you have in your mind.. But maybe you should try? I'm not pushing you so that you know". Josh sighed and said "i know.. But there is so many memories in this house of her and she is my little girl I'm going to worry and i can't help myself and i know it's because of my fatherly instincts". Maxie then said "i know babe it's not fair but we can make it through this togather" he smiled and then after a full day of trying to be distracted they went to be and fell asleep.

A/N: here is an update and i know it's short but i hope y'all like it 😊

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