Chapter 46

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Skyler's POV

"Holy shit man maybe she's going after all our businesses! I'm not ready." Kris exclaimed dramatically. "She's a shark man, she's out for blood" 

After a couple of drinks later I finally finished telling him what just happened between Jessica and Hailey.

"But for real I think she's my hero" Kris sighed deeply.

 "You should have seen how she acted it was so..-

"So hot? Bet you got a boner watching that" Kris laughed loudly taking a big drink. 

"I'm serious man, you know exactly what Jessica is capable of." I took another drink feeling stress about what just happened.

When I saw her standing infront of the board members holding so much confidence it left me speechless. The way she speaks, even the way she holds authority in a firm almost scary way is like looking at a different person. 

The shy girl I fell in love with is not there anymore.  

"Do you think she needs you're protection?" Kris huffed. "She is a Collins! You should have told me who her family is" 

"Why would it matter anyway?" I rolled my eyes. "She's just Hailey to me" 

My Hailey. God I miss her. 

"They are the family that built something from nothing and through blood and tears arise an empire. One of the best hotel industry in the world, so in demand that you would need to book a year in advance to get a room in one of their hotels." He spoke in admiration. " I mean we stayed in Heaven's Side! How did I not put two and two together." 

"You met with her father what was he like?" Kris asked.

"Will you stop being such a fanboy for a minute." I chuckled shaking my head. "You know her okay. She's the same girl in high school." 

"Is she really? The same girl pretty much everyone gave a hard time because Jessica hates her. Same girl you publicly dump and humiliated while people laughed?  I think not, admit it or not she's definitely not the same girl." 

He watch the way my face fell at the mention of the things I regret the most in my life. 

"Oh buddy your life is a mess" He pour me another shot.

That should be my bumper sticker. 


My phone rang loudly making me wince loudly wanting to drown out the sound and bury my head inside my pillow. I reach for the phone blindly and answered with a groan. 

"Are you still in bed??" My mom's voice rang in my ear. 

Drinking with Kris last night was needed but now I feel like I was drowned and left to dry out on a desert. 

"Why didn't you tell us Hailey is back? She reached out to us and we are having family dinner." 

I shot right out of bed, my heart pumping loudly and the sun blinding me. 

"What?" Completely wide awake from her sentence. 

"I said get your ass out of bed because are having a family dinner!" She yelled purposely. "Be here promptly I hate it when you're late" She orders. 

"Yes mother" I sighed deeply a small smile twitch on my lips knowing I'm going to see her. 

"Go eat something sweetie love you" She change her tone as quickly as she shouts orders at me. 

I rolled my eyes amused, "Love you bye" 

I got up and it was like I wasn't dying a minute ago from a headache but instead a large amount of energy came to me. I look down at my phone and I see 20 voice message from Jessica, I threw my phone on my bed and head to my shower and got ready. 

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