Something else//Sweet Pea

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Warning: nothing yet, but tune in next time ;)

You felt you finger tips tingle as the warmth spread through your skin. You gazed out the window before you, admiring the glow of the street lights against the cars lining your little suburbia you called hope. As you washed the dishes, not really paying much attention to them, your mind wandered to the past few months. And what a few months it had been.

You when you first moved to Riverdale, you didn’t think much of it. The Northside was like every town you’d ever lived in; clean, quiet and all-around average. Your parents had moved here after getting word of its developmental future at the hands of Hiram Lodge, a respected member of the ‘upper class’ as your parents like to put it. The way you saw it, it wasn’t much of a privilege, with your parents away on work trips or at the office for most of your waking hours. But you didn’t like to complain, after all, you could have been living in the Southside and, from what you’d seen and heard, it wasn’t the nicest of places. And yet, with the closure of Southside High, you’d developed a curiosity for those who lived on the other side of the fence.

Walking in on your first day, you were met at the office by the face of a gorgeous tanned brunette, introducing herself as Veronica. “The Lodge daughter” you regarded flippantly, sensing an immediate discomfort in her. Maybe Hiram wasn’t so respected after all? Pushing your speculations to the back of your mind, you two made idle conversation as Veronica showed you around. Classrooms, bathrooms and finally your locker. By now, most people had made their way to class, so you were left alone to sort out your belongings and attempt to calm the nerves that had crept up into your throat. As you became lost in your thoughts of what this town would be like, you failed to notice a figure quickly walk past you and stop just a few lockers down from you. You were suddenly awoken from your daydreams by the loud bang of his locker door flying open, virtually jumping out of your skin in fright. “Shit!” you whispered to yourself, looking around quickly to see where the sound had come from. To your right you saw all six foot of him, ink black hair slicked back from his olive face as he put his belonging away, not seeming to be in any hurry despite his extreme lateness. As you continued to admire him, you took notice of the jacket which struggled to cover his braid shoulders, neatly embroidered with a logo you had seen around the halls a few times already. Moving your gaze back up, you were taken aback by the sight of a tattoo adorning his neck, the same image as on his jacket.

“Take a picture darl, it’ll last longer” you hear him tease, startling you as you avert your gaze back to your locker. “Sorry…” was all you could mumble out, too embarrassed now to introduce yourself to the mysterious boy beside you. Great, you’d been here for all of half an hour and you’d already managed to make a fool of yourself. Sighing, you closed your locker, avoiding the steely gaze he now lay on you as he leaned against his closed locker, arms folded and a grin plastered to his face. “New here?” he asked almost rhetorically before taking a step towards you, outstretching one of his large hands before introducing himself. “The names Sweet Pea” he stated, his cocky tone more present than ever, “And yours?”. You quickly looked up to meet his gaze, your cheeks growing even redder as you admire his features; his bright eyes, sharp jawline and that stupid smirk. “Umm, Y/N” you state, almost as a question as you shook his hand. “You sure darl?” Sweet Pea laughed, causing your stomach to flutter slightly at the sound which made you grin a little. “Well welcome to Riverdale High” and with that, he strode past you and around a corner. You stayed there for a few minutes, mind racing with so many questions that you needed answers to and no idea where to get them.

Over the next few weeks, the banter between Sweet’s and yourself gradually grew as your encounters became more and more frequent. You had grown close to a girl in your English class, Toni, who also wore the jacket you soon learnt belonged to the Southside Serpents. Despite the increasing time spent with him, though, that cocky smirk never left his face and you were growing fond of it. Lunchtimes were spent with Toni, Fangs and occasionally Jughead if he felt he could leave Betty’s side for a moment, and you were starting to feel like maybe the town and its Southside residents weren’t all that bad. Yet, despite the friendship you managed to make, there was always something different about Sweet Pea. The way he teased and provoked you, knowing you’d eventually snap at him only to cause a fit of laughter from the tall boy. The way he would always casually touch your thigh or come up behind you and place an arm around your waist. The way he’d smirk down at you and send you’re a playful wink every now and then. Every little thing he did seemed to be just to rile you up, just to get a reaction out of you for his own enjoyment. But then again, wasn’t he like that with everyone? Wasn’t that just Sweet Pea being his confident, cocky self?

Not wanting to get too much into your own head, you decided to brush it off and see what happened. So you stopped reacting as much, you didn’t fight back and you didn’t give him your usual sassy remarks. But all that seemed to do was make him act out more, trying time and time again to get your attention and get you worked up. So maybe it was for you? You obviously wouldn’t be unhappy; I mean look at the boy. His towering figure awed you every time you saw him play basketball, his muscles contorting and flexing as he swiftly moved through the sea of people to take the prized shot. The way he grinned with pride as the team cheered for him, his ego inflating with every point he scored. The way he’d saunter over to where you sat on the stands, crouching down only to give you some stupid remark that never failed to make you smile. “Enjoying the view princess?” he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows as you reddened slightly at the pet name. It wasn’t uncommon for Sweet Pea to give you a new name every now and then, but that never lessened the butterflies they caused in your stomach. “Oh yea!” you smiled, his face brightening at the remark. “Fang looks like one hell of a snack in those basketball shorts.” As you giggled, biting your lips slightly, you saw Sweet Pea roll his eyes before getting up and returning to the game, but not before flipping you the bird. You laugh to yourself, how you’d learnt to push his buttons just as much as he had yours.

Fast forward about a month, where you were today. Stood in your kitchen washing up what dishes remained after your takeaway pizza and beers as Sweet Pea searched for the third movie of the night. Goosebumps spread across your skin as the feeling of the warm water contrasted with the slight chill in the air. Maybe a cropped tee and cute frilly shorts wasn’t the best choice of clothing. As always, lost in your own thoughts and staring absentmindedly out the window, you failed to hear Sweet Pea enter the kitchen with the remaining rubbish in hand. Placing it gently on the counter top, he slowly moved towards you, pressing his bare chest against your back and wrapping you in his arms. Jumping a little, you let out a small gasp of surprise before smiling and continuing with the dishes. “Did you find a movie?” you ask casually, trying not to over-analyse the situation as you felt him rest his head on your shoulder, remaining in his spot. Sweet Pea’s flirty contact wasn’t abnormal but this, this seemed to linger a little longer. Your heart began to race as you felt his fingers run along your somewhat exposed hip bones with a feather-light touch. “Nah,” he stated bluntly, “I had something else in mind”.

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