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Harry got his a-levels over and done with, putting as much effort as he could in order to distract himself from the pain in his heart. He revised and prepared as much as he could and believes that the exams went as well as they possibly could have done considering.

Tom bought Harry a plane ticket to Ireland without him knowing so that he could go to Essie. So much for Sam and Harry going travelling right after A-Levels. Soon Harry was in the hospital room beside Essie who laid asleep, an oxygen mask over her face to make sure she continued to breathe. He held her hand and didn't let go scared to let her go and her leave him again.

His eyes were red and puffy as tears rolled down his cheeks. Seeing her in such a bad state was killing him, he wanted to take it all from her and put it on himself, he yearned for her to smile and laugh as they had been doing so.

With Harry there, Essie's family returned home to wash and rest properly for the night which they hadn't been doing much of prior to the boy returning. Harrison stayed with Harry, sat in the corner of the room, his breathing low and soft snores rumbling from his parted lips as he slept brokenly in a hospital chair, his head in his arms that sat on his knees.

Essie stirred in her sleep, her head turning to the side and her eyes flickering open slowly. Her hand clutched Harry's just as tight as he was holding hers, and her thumb rubbed his. "Why are you still awake?" She asked him, her voice hoarse and quiet. Everything about was weak from her heart failing her.

"I haven't been awake long, Esme," Harry told her.

"Bullshit." She croaked out.

Harry adjusted himself in the chair and leaned down to kiss her forehead. His lips lingered in place for a short while, his eyes closed and his mind transfixed on the beautiful girl before him. "I can't help it. How can I sleep knowing you're in hospital? Knowing what had happened?"

"Harry, I'm okay now."

"No you're not! Essie, Jesus, they still don't know what the hell happened and it was nearly a month ago! Babe, if you were fine you would not still be in here. I know that sounds horrible but it's true. And I'm so fucking scared that I will lose you for good this time." His voice cracked, "I can't lose you. I really can't."

"You're not g—" she coughed loudly, "gonna, Harry. I promise you."

Harry shook his head, "please don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't promise things you can't keep. Esme who knows what will bloody happen." Said Harry.

Essie took his face in one hand and she pulled the oxygen mask off with the other. Pressing her lips to his she held him there. Tears fell from her own eyes, she knew he was right. There was no way she could promise to stay there forever. That everything will be okay when, like he had said, she would be discharged if everything was a-okay. But for that moment she wanted to forget what had happened, she wanted to forget where she was, why she was there and simply relish in her love to Harry and his to her.

Harry pressed his forehead to hers, putting his hands over hers that remained on his cheeks. "I bloody love you so much, Esme."

"I love you too, Harry." She responded with a sniffle.

"I'm not leaving you, Essie, not ever."

"But you have to."

"I beg your pardon?"

Essie bit her lip, "you are going travelling with Sam." She coughed and Harry placed the oxygen mask back on her face to help her. "Don't cancel them plans. Do it. Do what you always wanted to do because if anything has come out of this it is that life is too short to cancel things. So when you and Sam are planning to go." Another cough. "Do it. Have fun. See the world and take so many photos that I can hang on my bedroom wall like trophies for having the best boyfriend that anyone can ask for."

Harry grinned, his dimples becoming much more prominent, "only because you have told me to do."

"Do it. After all, I might not get the chance so seeing the photos of you and Sam doing it will be enough for me."

"You will get to do it, Essie. I promise you, baby. You will."

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