Ruined plan

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I smiled in victory when I saw his reply.

Thank god I packed that quick. I smirked to myself before standing up and heading out of my room.

I've only had my sleeveless which is actually revealing my cleavage and a short which is really short.

I looked at myself in the mirror that's placed in the living room. Smiling after seeing myself, I searched for my favorite maid.


When I finally found her, I smiled.

"Oh, where are you going?" She asked and walked towards me. She's older than me but she's my favorite.

"I'm heading out. I wanted you to know. I'm going to Jungkook's. I'm staying there over night." I said calmly. She just stared at me and eyed my clothing, she's eye scolding me.

"Your clothes. Isn't that an inappropriate clothing, specially it's a guy's house?" I just smiled and shrugged. He's cute and innocent. HE WON'T DO ANYTHING. (what's tasty in Busan again? Okay, sorry. bye)

"No it'll be fine, he's nice ...and sweet." I winked and searched for a nice slippers. I put them on and walked out not forgetting to ask Kook's address.

When he replied, I immediately drove to his village and it's not that far from mine.

I noticed that his village is filled with hella rich houses. When I finally found it.

I stopped and parked my car just in front of his gates. I walked out and held my bag tight.

After pressing the door bell, a cute bunny headed Kookie pop it's self in front of me with his smiling face.

I sighed and smiled too.

he's too breathtaking for me to even react

"Hi Kook." I started.

Oh, you will clearly notice how he studied me. I'm a dish, I know. Maybe he's tempted.

I noticed his grip on the little door of the huge gate tightened. I mentally smirked.

I did this for you Kookie, are you happy?

The way he bit his lip and I noticed the bead of sweat on his forehead that is not present back before.

So cute. Beast, are you ready for some nice and sexy wake up call?


I rolled my eyes.

Just as I though I'm waking up the beast. This can't be happening right? No way. Ugh.

I hate this.

Jungkook is in the kitchen and I'm on their couch in the living room, eating this popcorn. Are you asking me if I'm bored?

Yes. And irritated too.


Well, this is supposed to be fun and planned. Uhmmm this is fun, Jungkook's presence is fun and cute but THIS IS NOT WHAT I PLANNED!

I sighed and laid myself on the couch. I sighed heavily.

Just as I though the house is clear.

"Noona!" The baby shouted and held his hands up in a grabby way. I was obliged so I stood up and carried him.

Yes, indeed he really is cute. But I... this is not what I planned for heck's sake!

He's a mini Jungkook.

This is his brother's son. The time I arrived, we're just preparing for a nice dinner when everything went hell when the doorbell rang.

And then, this 3 years old baby is suddenly present in the view. Like, heck didn't see that coming.

"Jungkook, would you mind if I leave Seojoon here? Me and Hana are just going off to date." I mentally rolled my eyes hearing that.

What the actually fuck is he saying just right now?! We're going to baby sit a baby while they go out and be lovey-dovey?

No way--

"Sure. I don't think Y/n would mind. Right?" Jungkook said in the most gentle way making me weak.

He's the kindest. Even as a brother he is the kindest. I think he's a great person to even break.


I don't want to make him bad anymore.

Because, the way he smiled when he kneeled down just to talk with his nephew.

The way he caressed his nephew's soft hair and pat them just to assure him that he'll be okay during his stay with his uncle.

It's just so soft. The scene itself is so soft. Jungkook himself is soft and I don't think I can break that.

I don't think I want to break that.

He's too precious to change him. This personality is something that does not costs half a million. It's worthless.

I absentmindedly nodded and smiled. His nephew kinda looks like him. His nephew actually looked like his own child than his real father.

Will I continue this?

That's what I'm thinking about while ago. But I've thought of something that really made sense.

I should not care if he'll be bad. It's my mission anyway. It's my wonderful task and I'm getting it.

Get your spirit and faith high Y/n!

"Noona, you're soft!" The baby giggled and caressed my exposed neck. He smiled cutely and poked them.

I know I'm soft, bud.

I've been spending so much skin care for myself and girls deserved that. I deserved that.

Since this baby came, Jungkook decided that he'll make some dinner by himself.

And yes, I'm left with this baby.

It's not actually annoying. I don't hate babies but I don't love as well. I can't and will never baby sit a baby.

But here I am.

"Noona." He said and laid his head on my chest.

He's been crying after his parents left. Searching for them, specially his mother. But he stopped after receiving a nice comfort from Kookie.

Maybe he's tired now.

Been running for half an hour, who wouldn't be tired?

"Yes baby?" I asked. He muttered unrecognized words and they came out muffled.

I walked to Jungkook and was shock to see him topless. Only an apron.

I gulped and stared at him. Maybe he didn't notice us and he kept his back facing us.

Man, you'll never know. And I'm thanking everyone I know because I get to see this.


Muscles man!

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