Please be a sham

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He's getting married?!

I gulped as soon as I heard that. Why the hell am I here?! At this f*cking position. I mean, I should've left. I shouldn't have sent my résumé.

I shouldn't have applied to this company but, I need this. I know I need this. I know this to myself. And why the hell am I even reacting like this?!

Do I still like him? I mean— Do I still love him? What? I don't love him! I never loved— well, I know I did back then but not totally love! What?

Okay stop! Y/n stop!

You should be calm and not ever let what happened in the past affect your present. Because what happened back then was in the past. Past is past no longer to discuss.

It can't be erased and can't be forgotten, well it can be forgotten by you but the others can not. I know damn well that every person inside that campus knew, what I did to him.

I know I can forget it, but the others will always remember.

So what's the point of forgetting? When they will just remember it? When they will just judge me easily for something that I did back then. I am a fool for even doing that!

Stop reacting so much Y/n.

He's just getting married and— I can't wait to see him— and I will be there for him as well as I have a lot of love to give him— I mean for their marriage.

Yeah, stop panicking or some things Y/n. He's just getting married with this gorgeous girl in front of me. He's just.... getting married... nothing is wrong, right? Like, totally nothing.

Everything is fine. Everything is so damn jsbdjdhedvsndkep fine. It's funny how my hands are sweating, yeah fine. How my eyes water— wait what? I'm crying?! I'm f*cking crying.

Stop Y/n! Stop!

This is a dream and Jungkook is not getting married. Now, pinch yourself so you could wake yourself up.

As what my mind told me, I pinched myself. Pinching my hands using the fingers of my other hand. I can no longer hear what they're saying.

Everything became blurry. And the sound of a broken speaker was the only thing that's heard.

"Jeon Jungkook, will you take Jessie—"


Can you please stop?! Cause you're really not helping! Things that's going on right now is so damn unplanned. I don't want anything of this—

I watched as Jessie walk down the aisle with a smile that is pure happiness. You knew that she very much loved Jungkook.

The way she looked straight at him, it was so breathtaking. Her gorgeous face matched with her long and beautiful wedding gown. Seeing Jungkook smile at the end of the aisle, I knew she got him head over heels— wait what?

Jungkook was never head over heels for a girl! Well, I'm proud to say this. He's only head over heels for me because I'm the love of his life and no one can break that because I am indestructible! Wait what?

"Y/n?" I flinched when I heard my name.

"Y-Yes?" I asked and shook my head to get my senses back.

You're a fool Y/n!

"Well, I've been asking you for the third time." She giggled; Venus.

"Is Jessie and Jungkookie Oppa a cute couple?" She continued.

I looked around and the three other girls are looking at me with a hopeful eyes and Jungkook's bored one. I don't need his attention though. He's ugly.

No, Y/n you're being bad again. I thought you swore that you won't be the old Y/n?! In my own opinion, I didn't changed, a bit. I can't answer her question. Well...

"O-Of course, why not? You see, Jessie is a straight forward girl. Not to offend hmm? And— And Mr. President here, my boss ahem is a very hand-handsome guy and a total fit for you. A gorgeous girl and a handsome man. Perfect match!" I said.

Do I sound like a forced girl? Well, I really am forced but I really tried to be a nice girl. I cannot look at Jungkook's way.

As soon as I said that, I hears their teasing once again for Jessie. I sighed internally and rolled my eyes internally once again. I don't know what to do anymore.

My back is killing me, I decided to just lay down comfortably on the couch while watching them talk. Now that I remembered, the f*cking flight was so exhausting.....


"You very well-known that you should not over sleep!!" My eyes immediately went wide open as soon as I heard a shout from who's who.

"President?" I mumbled.

When I realized who the hell is shouting the hell out of my face, I immediately rose from my bed- wait, bed?

I looked around the placed and found out that I'm in a room. Why am I suddenly here? Who brought me here?

Oh god please don't tell me that I slept on the couch! Oh man! I really did slept on the couch! Now, who brought me here?! I looked down on my clothes and found out that I'm still in the same clothes as .....yesterday?

I gulped.

I really did slept on that couch!

"Well what the hell are you doi-" I didn't really mean to stop him from talking, well shouting I mean.

"W-Who brought me here?" I asked.

I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. Why did I have to cut him off?! That's just stupid Y/n!

As soon as I said that, his angry expression turned into something I didn't even know he'll do ever again. His eyes on the floor turned expressionless and his ears turned red.

What the hell is in his mind now? Did I do something that is so funny yesterday?! What? What?

"W-Well.. Well, I didn't know!"

He stuttered but at least he tried to act mad.

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