Two nights

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"I miss you Y/n." It's Jimin. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He started grinding making me smile more.

He's already drunk. I pinched his cheek and kissed it. He groaned.

"That's not the right way to ki——" We're stop by a sudden pull. I was pulled by my waist.

Jimin groaned and made his way to me, but the man that's back hugging me pushed him making the drunk Jimin laugh and just grind to the other girls.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I pulled away from the man.

"Who the hell are you to stop my fun—— Yoongi?" I rolled my eyes once again. He raised his eye brow and held my wrist bringing me to our table.

Thursday night, we're invited in a party. She's the cheerleader of our University. I removed his grip on my wrist.

"What did you just do, Yoongi?" I groaned and sat beside him. I fixed my hair making my dress go higher.

"I'm having my own fun and you just interrupt me and Jimin——" I whined and rolled my eyes seeing Jimin having fun with someone else. I looked at Yoongi then laid my body down.

Jin and Hoseok are not present, inside one of the rooms in this cheerleader's house. Having a night of fun.

And now this Yoongi, don't have anyone and he's dragging me to his boring life. How could he?!

"I know you're lonely Yoongi, but can you at least not drag me with your loneliness?" I grabbed his drink and drinking it. He rolled his eyes and I smiled.

"I'm not lonely." He said.

"Then what?"

"I'm Yoongi." I laughed, immediately. Was that supposed to be a joke because it's super funny! Really. He rolled his eyes and sipped his new drink.

"What the hell are you saying, 'I'm Yoongi'? Of course I know who the hell you are?" I fixed my dress.

I caught Yoongi's gaze on my exposed chest. I smiled and stared at him. He didn't even care, he kept staring.

I know I attract everyone but I didn't even expect Yoongi to stare at my trap. Well he's a man, to remind me. I smirked to myself.

I kept my smirk and I wiggled my shoulders. His gaze went up. I raised my eye brow, asking him.

"Where are you staring Yoongi?" I licked my lips and smirked more. He smirked too and leaned closer.

Oh I see, he wants me to himself?

Oh please don't tell me my friend is liking me or lusting over me. I laughed to myself internally.

"I've been wanting to——"

I stopped him from talking by placing my index finger on his lips. He opened his mouth and inserted my finger in. He kept sucking, I smirked.

I licked my lips feeling his tongue playing with my smooth finger. I don't know what's gotten into him. Why is he like this now?

I pulled my finger back.

He stared at me with his lustful gaze. What's with him? Really. I laughed and he just stared at my smiley lips.

"Kiss me, please." He whispered to me.

I think he don't know that I don't kiss a friend? You see, that's super hell awkward. Right?

There's a reason why I don't hang with Jimin. He's my favorite, best kisser of all that I've kissed.

He held my thighs and placed me on his lap. I was taken aback but I stayed calm. Whoa, I didn't know that he's this crazy.

That gives me a reason why he would casually stare at me while he's kissing other's faces. I mean it's disgusting, but not new for me.

I felt his hard “friend”.

I smirked again and he kept staring. Is he sane or he don't know what he's doing?

I wrapped my arms around his neck. I moved a little to find my comfortable position. He groaned.

"What are you doing Yoongi?" I asked.

"Kiss me, please." I chuckled and slapped his cheek. He moaned.

"You like that?" He nodded fast with eyes closed.

"Why are you suddenly submissive, Yoongi?" I laughed. He glared at me. Maybe because I'm making fun of him.


"Shut up Yoongi."

I stood up and chuckled before walking away from him. I fvck but not with people I treasure and love because fvcking is just a fvcking play. Nothing more.

"Hi Y/n~"


I actually felt like a whole slut.

"Hmm." I hummed, indicating I agree.

Why do I feel like a slut?

Friday night, I'm sitting beside Kookie thinking dirty.

I mean who wouldn't think dirty when you're with Jungkook?

You? Haha impossible.

I planned on staying with him again since tomorrow is obviously Saturday and there's obviously no classes.

So you're now probably thinking why I'm thinking dirty, lemme explain.

Me and Jungkook on the same sofa, late night. REALLY CLOSE, there's no space. Of course I'm the one who made that happen.

But he don't even look bothered. It's super dark because we're watching some movie and he wanted every lights off.

As usual I'm in my favorite type of clothes and he's just in his casual clothes but I feel hot and I don't know why.

I know this sound cute but I don't fvcking know why I feel hot.

Jungkook is really focused on the movie that his eyes are slightly widen. The only source of light is the television that's hitting his face.

His side view is so damn cute but so damn hot too. He kept eating the popcorn without even looking at it.

He's so focused that it's so cute. But you see, his other hand is placed on my thigh. My fvcking bare thigh. It's so warm.

I don't know when it get there but I'm so fvcking troubled!

Then I felt a light tap from that part. And he asked something again that I can't figure out.

"Hmm." I hummed, indicating I agree.

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