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Tristan spent some time reminiscing about the past. It was as though he just loved hearing himself talk. He stopped, cutting himself off.
"Where are my manners?" He asked. "I haven't even offered you a drink." A human girl walked in.
"I'm not thirsty."
"Are you sure?" He took the girl's wrist and bit into it.
"That's disgusting and crude." I commented.
"It's vampire nature."
"There are more civilised ways to feed. Compelling a human blood servant is not one of them."
"My apologies. I did not mean to offend you."
"Everything you do offends me. I don't like you."
"And here I thought you were warming up to me." I opened my mouth as though to retort, but stopped myself, and looked away. He smirked triumphantly.
"Tell me the truth. Do you even care about my brother's life?"
"Elijah's? Not particularly, but I do care about mine. I don't want him dead, because it would result in my own."
"You don't want him dead. Am I correct in assuming anything else is fair play?"
"I'm simply here to protect my sire."
"You're never simply anything, Tristan. Why am I here? You haven't done or said anything worthwhile."
"I'm curious. Lucien's seer hadn't seen you at all. Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus were the subject of her visions. There was even a little bit in there about Freya. But there was nothing regarding you."
"Maybe the seer wasn't so reliable after all."
"Or maybe it's because you aren't supposed to get caught up in this. Your family can battle whatever weapon Lucien has, but you have a child."
"Whether or not I have a child, I'm not leaving my siblings defenceless."
"Your siblings are hardly defenceless."
"I'm an original. I'm a Mikaelson. That means I don't give up on my family."
"And if they end up your ruin?"
"Then they will be my ruin."
"You're far too loyal to those who could never return the favour."
"Perhaps that is what you believe, but you could never turn me against my siblings."
"That's true. I've disappointed her so much more than Klaus or Elijah ever could, and still she forgives me and cares for me." Mal stood in the doorway, his arms folded.
"Mal, what are you doing here?"
"Who's the child, Amity?"
"Child." Mal snorted.
"Go away, Mal."
"But this is such an entertaining show."
"Mal!" I scolded and he sighed, but left.
"He left you?"
"He listens to me. Well, sometimes." I shrugged. "What are you and Lucien up to?"
"Lucien and I aren't up to anything."
"We've already established you don't care much to keep my siblings safe. Alive, yes. Safe, no. You hate Elijah." I stopped as something dawned on me. "Safe from your enemies, not from yourself. No one knows where this weapon against my siblings will strike from. Not even you."
"I'd forgotten how perceptive you were."
"Whatever you and Lucien are cooking up, it's a trap. Designed for my siblings."
"You have no idea how much I wish you hadn't put that togeth-" He was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked to see Caroline.
"As riveting as conversation with you is, I should probably answer." I said. "Caroline, this better be an emergency so dire that you actually need my help."
"It is." She said quickly. "Look, I know you pretty much want me and everyone else dead, but I need your help."
"Fine. You're saving me from a conversation with a creep anyways."
"I might be pregnant."
"You're a vampire, Caroline. That's impossible."
"I don't know. Alaric's fiancée died, but right as she was dying, her coven did this spell, and I have a witch here who promises that it was a baby transportation spell and she thinks the kids are in me."
"Kids as in more than one?"
"Where are you right now?"
"Lockwood mansion."
"Who's there with you?"
"Just Alaric and Valerie."
"Great. So there's another poor soul dragged into your crap?"
"She's hardly a poor soul." Caroline snorted.
"You dislike her."
"I know you really really really hate me and want me dead and all but I need your help Amity." She begged.
"Give me some time to tie up some loose ends, et cetera. Stay put, and absolutely no other friend of yours. You and Alaric and this Valerie only. I mean it."
"Thank you."
"This isn't forgiveness or anything close. But whatever happens, if you are indeed pregnant, I'm helping."
"I know. Thank you." She repeated and hung up.
"So she's a vampire?"
"A pregnant vampire. Aren't you just the trendsetter?"
"I never said I had a child."
"Why would she call you if you hadn't?"
"I'm the most skilled witch she knows. I had a son once when I was human. Take your pick."
"I have to go now. Undo my chains?"
"I'm sorry, I can't."
"Guess I'll just have to do so myself." I shrugged and stood. I glared at the chains, willing them to break, and they started to tremble. They shattered, and the pieces flew around. "Here's a tip. Know thy enemy. You can't restrain me."
"But you-"
"Pretended to be powerless. I'm an original. A hybrid at that." I said. "It isn't so easy to keep me down."
"The chains-"
"Aren't strong enough. They don't have the power to keep me contained."
"So why did you-"
"I've figured out all I need to, for now. I have no desire to be in your presence any longer than I need to be. Goodbye, Tristan." I shrugged and vanished, reappearing at the compound.

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