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Klaus carried Cami back into the compound, past his siblings. He settled her on a sofa, wrapping a blanket around her.
"She's been bitten." Amity noted.
"The cure could take hours to synthesise, even if we had everything. She doesn't have enough time."
"I'll get started on a healing salve. Maybe it'll buy us enough time."
"I'll get uncle Nik to run down names with me. No one has researched the wolves like he has."
"I'll also get Hayley to try get some of Mary's venom."
"Alright." Amity turned to go back to her room, as Amira approached Klaus.

A few minutes later, Amity had put together a small balm and walked into the room Cami was in. Hayley was beside her.
"Hey." Amity said, walking in. She sat beside Cami.
"Where's Klaus?" Cami asked.
"Amira needed his help for some research. He'll come back to you, don't worry."
"We have an idea for a cure. It's a long shot, but we need venom from all seven packs if we're to synthesise an antidote. Nik's giving Amira a list of names so we can track them down."
"I don't have that long, do I?"
"Here." Amity said, reaching out for Cami's arm. She studied the bite before applying the salve onto it. "That's what this is for. It's a healing salve. Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe's over a thousand years old."
"So the good stuff, huh?"
"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms, and slow down the infection to hopefully give us enough time."
"Slow it down, not stop?"
"Lucien's bite is too strong to be contained for long." Amity said, before placing her hand on Cami's chest. "Tardus pulsatio."
"What- what did you do?" Cami asked.
"It's a spell to slow your heartbeat. The faster your heart pumps, the quicker Lucien's bite makes it through your system. This should give us some more time too."
"I'm screwed aren't I?"
"Just keep calm."
"We're gonna do everything that we can, Cami." Hayley added and Amity nodded. She looked up to the doorway and saw Klaus.
"Told you he'd come back to you." She smiled.
"You did." Cami let out a breathy laugh as Amity stood. Cami turned rigid, as though something had taken hold of her body.
"Cami?" Amity asked. Klaus rushed forward, concerned.
"What happened?" He asked. Cami's eyes were wide with panic.
"Cami, calm down. It's okay, just calm down."
"Lucien's going after Isaac." She said.
"I- he compelled me to forget. I didn't get away. He let me go. He compelled me to forget until you were busy with a cure."
"What did he say?"
"To tell you he's going after Isaac. It's a trap. He's baiting you."
"It's okay, Cami. It's okay. Just rest, okay?"
"Where are you going?" Hayley asked.
"To go see Isaac."
"That's what he wants." She said. "I'll go."
"No. You need to go to Mary. We're going to need her venom for a cure."
"He wants you to go after Isaac. Cami's right. It's a trap."
"I'm not walking in blindly." Amity sped out before anyone else could protest. She pulled out her phone, and called Isaac.
"I wondered how long it'd take until you called." Lucien answered.
"Where the hell are you?"
"I'm at your old apartment. Come alone or I snap your little boyfriend's neck." Amity hung up and sped there. The scent of blood wafted over to her from the lobby and she walked up slowly. She stopped outside her door. Her neighbour, Rae, was nailed to the door, her throat slit. She held in a gasp, and softly opened the door walking in. Isaac was bound and gagged on a chair in front of her. She walked forward only for Lucien to speed in front of her.
"Let him go."
"Careful, you're beginning to sound desperate, there, Amity." He smirked. "No weapons this time?"
"What do you want, Lucien? My family to suffer? You know how many have tried and failed."
"You're underestimating me." He breathed out a laugh. He pulled Isaac up off the chair, keeping him stood.
"Lucien, you want to let him go. Your quarrel isn't with him. I know Nik wronged you in the past, but are you really going to drag another innocent into your feud?"
"Begging already?" He smirked. "Poor Amity, always suffering one loss or another. I was perfectly fine with keeping you out of this. Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah. They're the true sadists, but then you showed your hand. You won't stand by."
"They're my family."
"And what of your son? If you stand with your siblings, you will fall. And what happens to your son then?"
"There's a reason the ancestors keep warning you against me, Lucien. Imagine that, even in my weakest state, they're afraid of me. I won't ever truly go away. You can kill me if you want, but they know I'll come back stronger than before, thirsty for vengeance."
"I won't kill you." He said. "Not yet." With a swift motion of his hand there was a loud crack and Isaac fell limply.
"No!" Amity cried, her hand shooting up to her face. Lucien grinned sadistically, as horror and sorrow filling her eyes.
"Well, you can't say I didn't give you any choice." Lucien said, casually.

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