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Evening had rolled around soon enough, and Amity was pleasantly surprised by where he took her.
"It's beautiful." Isaac had taken Amity to a small cafe, where people could just walk up to the front and try their hand at spoken word poetry.
"Hearing their stories, listening to the raw and real emotion behind each and every one of these people- for me it was a great way to not only express myself, but also learn other people had stories of their own." Amity gazed at him, listening intently to what he had to say. "Lives of their own, just as exciting and impressing as my own."
"It's a good thing to be reminded of. Did you ever perform?"
"Thank you." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "This is wonderful." He froze and looked at her curiously, before shaking it off.
"So, you've got Kol back, and for the moment your siblings aren't in immediate mortal danger. Ready to think about Finn?"
"Finn- he tried to kill my son. He tried to kill Hope. He actually killed Kol. I can't afford to trust him, anymore. I want to. More than anything in the world, I want to trust that it'll be like it was. He'll be my best friend, my twin brother again but Isaiah and Hope have to come first."
"That's okay." He reached out, putting his hand over hers comfortingly. "Maybe one day, right? You do have an eternity."
"Come on." Isaac pulled her up, and led her out of the cafe.
"Where are we going now?"
"I can't tell you that." He grinned. "It'll ruin the surprise."
"Trust me?" He asked and she sighed.
"Yeah." She let him take her out. He helped her to his car, and he started driving.

He'd taken her to his home, where he led her to the kitchen.
"I distinctly remember you once telling me your kitchen was too small for two." Amity said, walking in.
"It was." He shrugged. "Then I realised I'd need a bigger kitchen if I wanted to impress cute girls."
"Aha. Did it work?"
"I don't know. You tell me." Amity giggled.
"It's not really the size that matters, but I appreciate the effort." She replied, not realising the double meaning behind her words. He grinned as she looked around and opened the fridge.

Amity and Isaac spent a few hours cooking together, and by the time they finished they sat in the dining room, conveniently located through a door adjacent to the kitchen.
"My mom would have loved you." Isaac grinned and Amity smiled.
"She sounds like she's got good taste." She shrugged.
"And you've been spending too much time with Amira. She's corrupted you." Amity laughed.
"Possibly." He leaned over, and reached for the mashed potatoes. He tilted it towards her.
"More potatoes?" He asked.
"Yeah." She smiled. He added some to her plate then his own and put it back. They sat in silence as they ate. "I should probably tell you about Mal and Lia."
"She said you two go way back."
"She's my sister, and Mal's my brother. When I told you about my family, supernatural explanation and all, I didn't know this side of it. The truth is, I wasn't always Amity Mikaelson." She seemed to have lost him somewhere in her explanation so she continued. "I used to be called Zia. Mal and Lia were my siblings and that was it. We had power and I chose to use mine in accordance to one side of nature. The good. Lia chose to be neutral and Mal chose to follow a dark path. To be dark."
"So that what you meant when you said he was a brother in a past life."
"Yeah. Mal took it too far. So Lia and I cursed him. We couldn't get rid of just him though- he and I were two sides of the same coin. Nature wouldn't allow such an imbalance of power on one side, so Lia and I decided we'd link Mal and I. She cursed me to be reborn a human and grow, and every time I died, I'd come back a human. The same with Mal."
"But then you became a vampire."
"But Mal continued living out human lives. A year ago, when I was washing Dahlia's influence off you, I accidentally ended up washing away the curse Lia put on me. I started getting back my memories, and so did Mal and we reunited." Amity reaches over for her glass, and took a sip.
"So Mal messing with me, dropping me in the middle of a deserted town was.. what?"
"Him trying to help. Just like everyone else in my family, he's trying to get you and I together."
"Naturally." Isaac smirked.
"They do make good points." Amity started.
"Oh, do they, now?"
"I know I've been emotionally... distant, but if you'll have me... I'd like to give us a try."
"I love you, Isaac. And I'm done feeling guilty about it. You're kind and sweet. You make me smile when I feel like just giving up hope. You believe there's good in everyone, and considering all I've put you through, you're still here."
"Are you sure?"
"You love me?"
"Without a shadow of a doubt."
"I love you too." He grinned widely and in an instant Amity was sitting right beside him. He put a hand behind her head and she smiled. He pulled her closer until their noses were touching. "Is this really happening?" He asked and she nodded. He softly leaned closer until their lips brushed each other. She looked into his eyes, assuring him and he deepened the kiss. She put a hand on his cheek and the other on the back of his head.

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