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*third person*

As soon as Amity received the text alerting her of the trouble at home, she immediately stood up. Apologising to Isaac for her rash exit, she strapped the kids into the pram and disappeared.
She got to the compound and found Freya in the living room attempting a spell. She handed the children over to Elijah who was on the phone to Klaus.
"Freya!" She immediately sat in front of her sister, placing her hands on top of Freya's. Freya was holding the talisman with Finn in one hand and what looked to be the enchanted stake in the other.
"Amity." Freya smiled, comforted by her sister's presence.
"Come on." Amity tried to unfurl Freya's hands and get her to let go of the objects.
"I have to- I have to help Rebekah."
"We will." She smiled kindly. "But you can't help anyone in your condition."
"What do you mean?"
"Just stop. For one second, just stop." Freya reluctantly did as her sister said. "Okay good, let me see this poison." Amity looked around to see if Elijah was around. She couldn't see him and she turned back to her sister, placing her hand above her heart. Concentrating, she pulled her hand away from Freya's chest toward the open wound in her neck. Unbeknownst to her, Elijah had arrived stopping at the balcony and watching the infected blood dribble out. When Amity was certain there was no trace of the poison in her sister's system, she bit into her wrist and held it out to Freya. Freya drank the blood, and her neck healed up.
"Thanks." Freya said, starting to regain her strength. Amity tapped Freya's forehead, renewing the strength she lost, battling the poison.
"You're my sister. Was I going to let you die? Now let's save Rebekah." Elijah made his presence known walking in. He feigned obliviousness as though he hadn't witnessed Amity's display of sorcery.
"Water." He said, handing a cup to Freya. "Oh your neck healed."
"Amity saved me." She explained and Amity nodded.
"I remembered an old spell one of our ancestors had written in a grimoire, and thought it'd be worth a try." She lied.
"Right." Elijah said. "Well, thank god it worked. I'd love to see the spell sometime. The Strix are usually thorough in their weapons."
"Sure." Amity shrugged. "Sometime. But first, we should help Rebekah."
"Here," Freya said, holding out the stake. Amity grabbed one end, and Freya held onto the other. Freya held out her other hand, where she held onto the talisman that contained Finn's spirit. Amity hesitated, but placed her other hand on top of Freya's, so they both held onto the talisman. "Repeat after me. Niax en at tem alach ti."
"Niax en at tem alach ti." Amity said and Freya nodded. They both chanted as Finn materialised.
"Sisters." He said. Amity ignored him. He looked at Freya who shrugged.
"I wouldn't talk to her if I were you." She said.
"Amity please." He pleaded.
"Are you my Finn again, or do you still want to kill my son?"
"I don't. I don't know what I was thinking, Amity. I could never want to kill him."
"And Kol?"
"I've made a lot of mistakes. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but you've always been there for me. I don't want to let you go. I miss you."
"Niax en at tem alach ti." Amity continued chanting. Sighing Finn began chanting adding to his sisters' powers. Finally, Amira and Jackson arrived with the white muskroot. Amity let go of the talisman, as they heard a crash from upstairs. She turned to her brother. "Go, it's Hayley and Rebekah." She said. Elijah looked at Jackson, before speeding away, Amira right behind him. Amity then let go of the stake, as her sister did the same, grabbing the knife and the muskroot. They channelled the muskroot healing powers into the knife, continuing the chant. Finally the silver knife glowed orange with their power. Once they'd finished, they rushed upstairs.

Klaus, Amira and Elijah were holding Rebekah against the dinner table. Freya handed Amity the knife.
"Hold her!" Freya told the men as Amity grabbed Rebekah's arm, slicing off the cursed patch of skin, chanting the spell. Rebekah screamed in pain until Amity finished, before falling limply in fatigue. Klaus, Amira and Elijah let go of their sister, stepping back. Amity watched as Rebekah's arm began to heal and sighed in relief. Rebekah woke up, and sat up, her siblings all around her.
"Well, that was annoying." Rebekah said sarcastically, prompting the rest of her family to laugh, both in exhaustion and relief.
"Don't do that again." Amity said, hugging her sister, turning to Freya. "You get to slice our sister the next time."
"The next time?" Rebekah said, sounding offended. "How about none of you slice me up?"
"That does sound better." Amity agreed. Rebekah bit her lip, looking at Amira. The younger vampire slipped out of the room. Freya stepped forward as Amity stepped back, letting her look at Rebekah's newly healed skin. Amity took that moment to follow after Amira. "Hey." Amity said and Amira looked up.
"You should be in there."
"Rebekah's fine. I can talk to her later. You, on the other hand..." she grabbed Amira's hand, comfortingly. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing."
"It's not nothing. Come on, sweetheart. Talk to me."
"I swear I'm fine."
"You're a lousy liar. Just like your father."
"He was terrible." Amira laughed, before quietening.
"Amira, sweetheart. What's the matter?"
"It's nothing. Please?" Amity sighed.
"I'll drop it for now." She nodded.
"Thanks. So where'd you get to? You didn't come with Hayley."
"I took the kids for a walk. I didn't get the message when she did."
"Well, The Strix attacked. They snapped my neck, poisoned Freya, stole the Serratura, and left us to suffer. Jackson actually saved us and brought us here."
"Remind me to thank him." Amity smiled.
"Did you bump into Isaac?"
"Isaac? Why?"
"You're always a little happier after you've seen him."
"I am not."
"Did you?"
"Let's go back inside and check on Izzy and Hope."
"You're not denying it!" Amira pointed out.

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