Chapter 6 Destiny Or Reality?

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Third P.O.V

Professor Sycamore had a break so the group could chat a little with him. "So Lillie you came for a starter?" Sycamore asked. "Yes." Lillie answered with a hint of nervousness. And in a matter of seconds three starter Pokémon ran towards Lillie. Leah's bag had shaken. Leah groaned, "RotomDex..." She said. "That's when I can help!" RotomDex said. "Rotom I swear to Arceus that if you don't get in the bag, I'll allow Clemont to use your parts on his inventions!" Leah said. Clemont blushed in embarrassment, but he was pleased that Leah saw his potential. "That's the first time I see a Pokédex like this one." Sycamore said. "What RotomDex? It's the Alolan Pokédex." Lillie said. "And God is it annoying!" Leah said. "Is that why you always shove it in your bag?" Bonnie asked. "Yes and another reason, RotomDex has a tendency of gorifying Pokémon." Leah said. "Even though I read on them and how they are all adorable in their own way, I choose Fennekin." Lillie said. "Just mere minutes ago, Leah was talking about a Legendary Pokémon that actually have an evolve form." Clemont said. "Cosmog is technically an Ultra Beast that evolves into Alola's Legendary Pokémon either Lunala or Solgaleo, but it turns into Cosmeon before Solgaleo or Lunala." Leah stated. "That is so cool!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Well, uh Necrozma steals light because of unknown reasons, but it's said that the people in its dimension has taken its power and now it suffers in agony which is why it will take over Solgaleo and Lunala." Leah stated. "They're the legendary trio of the Alola region." Lillie stated. "Vul!" Snowy said. "Wow a white Vulpix, It's so cUte!" Bonnie exclaimed. "You just happen to notice?" Leah asked annoyed. "Anywho, Snowy is an Alolan Vulpix, there are several other Alola forms in back home, like Ninetales, Sandslash, Sandrew, Grimmer, Muk, Meowth, Persian, Ratata, Raticate, Raichu, and Marowak." Leah said. "That many?" Korrina asked. "Yeh, but we also have the native Pokémon of Alola, like Lycanroc, Jangmo-o, and others." Leah said. "AnD OtHeRs!" Lillie said mimicking Leah. Team Skull then attacked. Leah groaned, "Not those guys again!" She said. "Who? Team Skull?" Lillie asked. "Yeh." Korrina said. Rapp came in. "Wassup?" She asked. "I'm gettin' real tired of your shit, Team Skull! Let me make it to you, Houndoom use flamethrower!" Leah said as they were sent flying again. "So who are they?" Sycamore asked. "Those guys? Team Skull, they harrass Pokémon because they think it's fun and they're gangsters wannabe." Leah explained. "With Aether Paradise only in Alola, helping the Pokémon they harrass will be harder here, being Mother only helps the Pokémon she says worthy of her help." Lillie said. "Selfish much?" Korrina said. "It's always been this way, Gladion and I have gotten used to it." Lillie said. "Getting used to something like that? Man, that's harsh, but I don't have a say in this, my relationship with my grandfather is quite uh... Unique." Korrina said. Leah shrugged. "That's one way to describe it." She said. "Glaceon!" Glaceon said. "You're right Glaceon, I should show them my backup partner.  Go Marvelle!" Leah said. Leah threw a Luxury Ball and Marvelle appeared. Draceon is a cat-like black dragon with blue back scales that go to the tail. (Basically Alpha Toothless, but Smaller and a few Eeveelution details.) "This is Marvelle, a Draceon, a Dragon type Eeveelution, in How To Train Your Dragon, Toothless is technically a Totem Draceon." Leah explained. "I'm just gonna pretend I know what a Totem Pokemon is." Clemont said. "Anywhom, we are best to be on our way, see ya Professor!" Leah said. "Where to now?" Lillie asked. "Let's see, uh Camphrier Town." Leah said. "But I'd like to catch some Pokemon." Lillie said. "That's my job to be ecstatic about catching some Pokemon!" Leah said. "From what we saw it was more empathy and healing not enthusiasm." Korrina said. "Well there's nothing to be enthusiastic when Team Skull hurts random Pokemon, now is it?" Leah said. Korrina sighed, "I see your point..." She said. "Thank You!" Leah said approving her point. "Do they always argue like that?" Lillie said annoyed. "Only when necessary, but it seems quite often." Clemont said. "I theorize that they may be related or something." Bonnie said. "Being it's the most logical statement we can't jump to conclusions." Clemont said. "Logical indeed, jumping to conclusions not so much. And therefore, I don't seem to remember my real family being that I'm adopted." Leah said having heard their conversation over Korrina's ranting. "Ya know Korrina, we ain't gonna have some fun if you keep ranting on my fun-loving attitude." Leah said. Korrina sighed and rolled her eyes. "I guess you're right." She said. "Uh, I think we lost Lillie..." Bonnie said. "Welp, we did... Let's find her before the sun sets. Lycanroc, help us find Lillie!" Leah said as she threw a Pokéball in the air and Lycanroc appeared. "Can you use your sense of smell to help us find Lillie?" Leah asked. Lycanroc nodded, and tracked Lillie in a matter of minutes. The wolf Pokémon started running, after a while of running Lycanroc stopped running. Leah looked over the bushes and saw the unbelievable. Lillie had caught her first Kalosian Pokémon, a Furfrou. Leah being herself let out a loud enough squeal for Lillie to hear and to make everyone else's eardrums explode, not literally. "Leah could you like keep it down?" Korrina said. "Well thanks for finding me. Leah was it necessary to squeal that loud?" Lillie told the group. "Maybe, Maybe not!" Leah said. "Sometimes, I hate you you Leah." Korrina said. "I wouldn't say hate, Hate is a strong word. And I know you love me!" Leah said winking at Korrina. "With Leah it's never a straight line, she's either neutral and doesn't give a care about anything or she's weird and crazy, sometimes, she can be wise and calm." Lillie said. The sun was setting so the group had decided to call it a night.

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