Chapter 29 Here Comes Trouble!

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Third P.O.V

Our heroes just arrived to Anistar City, as they decided to chill in the Pokémon center. Lillie tries to get Purrloin to open up to everyone's Pokémon, but Chespin had to ruin this like always as Purrloin ran hiding on Lillie's lap. Until a certain rival of Serena's came walking in the center, her partner was a Slurpuff, she had spiky blue hair and just had that annoying teasing voice. "Hey Serena, where's Ash?" She said. Serena blushed, "MIETTE!!!!" She yelled. Leah walked in tiredly. "He's off for the Galar region." Leah stated blankly, you could tell she just woke up since she's wearing her bed wear and she still has bed hair. "Glalar huh? Well Serena you may try to tell him before he finds himself a wife!" Miette told Serena teasingly. "MIETTE!" Serena yelled again. "I heard yelling so I came out of my bed although I don't have clean clothes at the moment and I'm too lazy to clean it." Leah stated. "Relax you can borrow mine." Gladion told Leah as he searched his bag. Lusamine looked like she saw the most horrendous thing in the world. Leah thanked him and went to change her clothes. Leah got out of the change room as she made Gladion's iconic pose. Gladion blushed, Leah looked really comfortable in his clothes. She no longer had bed hair maybe because she brushed it. "So from what I heard, you are Miette." Leah said. "Yes, and you must be Leah." Miette said. "That's my name don't wear it out!" Leah playfully said.

Having enough, Leah decided to go and sit on the sofa and listen to music, she was listening to Beautiful Freakshow by Dean Brody and Chevy Price, Gladion followed her. It seems like she noticed him as she paused the song. "Let me guess everyone is loud?" Gladion asked. Leah nodded. She gave him one side of her earbuds so they can listen to the music as she started Beautiful Freakshow from the beginning. Gladion laughed, "Yeah, that sounds like us." He said. "Let's make it 'our' song." Leah whispered. Gladion nodded in agreement. When the song ended, Leah wanted to have a tag battle so she got up and stated she wanted to battle. "I want to have a tag battle!" Leah said. "If it will help Purrloin then count me in!" Lillie said.

On the battlefield, Leah sent out Espurr, Miette, whom is on the opposite side of the field had sent in her Meowstic, Gladion was on Leah's side and he sent in Noibat, and Lillie was on Miette's side and sent in Purrloin. "Espurr use hypnosis!" Leah told Espurr. "Don't look at it Purrloin!" Lillie told Purrloin. "Noibat, use Steel Wing!" Gladion told Noibat. Steel wing hit Meowstic. "Purrloin use Dark Pulse!" Lillie told Purrloin, it dealt a lot of damage on Espurr. Espurr was really weak, it almost couldn't get up, but it did, and then Espurr started glowing a bluish color as Espurr was changing forms, Leah realised what was going on. "It's evolving!" Leah exclaimed. The light ceased as it revealed the Female form of Meowstic. Meowstic just learned Power-Up Punch. "Meowstic use Power-Up Punch on Purrloin!" Leah told Meowstic.


Leah and Gladion were playing chess, but Leah was at her fifth consecutive win as she was about to claim her sixth in a few moves. "A Pokémon battle is like a game of chess, your strategy will ensure your win, but sometimes you have to adjust your strategy depending on your opponent." Leah said. Gladion made his move, but he gave Leah an opening. "Check Mate, again." Leah said as she moved her Queen towards his King and claiming her sixth consecutive win. "Aw Come on!" Gladion said as he and Leah reset the board.

-End of Flashback-

Lillie and Miette decided to practice for their Pokémon Showcase. Miette for Master Class and Lillie for Rookie class. Although, Purrloin had a timid nature it still wanted to be part of this performance. Leah and Gladion decided to battle between each other. "Well Lillie, it was nice knowing you, now I must go, bye bye!" Miette exclaimed as she left. When Miette left, Lillie decided to watch Leah and Gladion's battle, Lycanroc and Eclipse were battling. "Eclipse use Flare Blitz!" Leah told Eclipse. Being a fire type, Eclipse didn't have much of an advantage to Lycanroc who was a Rock type. "Lycanroc use Stone Edge!" Gladion told Lycanroc. Lycanroc howled and punched the ground as blue stones were summoned from underground, hitting Eclipse and fainting her. Leah pat Eclipse. "You were great, now rest." Leah told Eclipse as she sent it back in its ball. "I must say, you actually have a reason to be happy, you actually defeated me for the first time in a long while. That victory was really well deserved." Leah told Gladion. "My showcase is not until after tomorrow, we are best with watching Leah's gym battle and then going for my showcase." Lillie said. "I agree." Leah said. They walk back in the Pokémon Center as they decided to heal their Pokémon. Everyone were eating their dinner as Leah spoke up. "What a day!" She said. "You can say that again." Serena said. "So who are you using for your gym battle, Leah?" Korrina asked casually. "Yeah! Tell us! Tell us!" Bonnie exclaimed her voice filled with excitement. "Olympia does double battles so you need two Pokémon. Who are you going to use?" Clemont asked. "Well I'm not Ash so, I'm thinking of using Eclipse and Houndoom for this battle. Houndoom for attack and Eclipse for defense." Leah stated. "That works being that Houndoom is immune to Psychic Types and Eclipse has a good defense stat." Clemont said. "And not to mention Houndoom's Special Attack stat is also really good and most of its moves are Special." Gladion stated. "Adding Mega Evolution to the Mix and we get a really good battle." Korrina said. They kept talking until they decided to call it a night.

And so our heroes are at it again. Will Leah win her gym battle and will Lillie's Showcase go as planned? Stay tuned as the journey continues.

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