Chapter 15 Mirror, Mirror!

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Third P.O.V

This morning our heroes are at it again as they set off for Shalour City, they just arrived at the front of the mirror cave. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the funniest of them all!?" Leah said jokingly. "Really, Leah?" Korrina told Leah. "Come on it was funny! Even French Fries is laughing!" Leah said. With that they went inside the cave.

After walking for a while, they got separated, Leah with Gladion, Lillie with Serena, Bonnie with Korrina and Clemont. "Now what?" Leah said unsure. "It's a fork in the road, one of them can be the right path, while the others can be a dead end." Gladion explained. Leah saw a sparkling stone, curious, she picked it up. "Hm, what's that?" She asked. "I don't know maybe Olivia would know." Gladion said. "You're right." Leah said as she put the stone in her bag. Then the mirror started sparkling, dragging Gladion and Leah to the other side of it. Then Serena and Lillie came running to their area. "Gladion! Leah!" Lillie exclaimed. "Pix vul! Vul pix!" Snowy said seemingly calling out to Glaceon and Umbreon. "Now what are we gonna do?" Lillie asked. "It happened once, by sunset they may never be able to return, but for now, we must wait until they do return." Serena explained. "How do you know, Serena?" Lillie asked. "Well, long story short, Ash also went through the mirror and actually returned, I have faith that Leah and your brother will return safely, like Ash did." Serena explained. "You met Ash!?" Lillie exclaimed. "Yes, I did, I traveled with him." Serena said.

On Leah and Gladion's side. "I'm confused, this is the entrance right? But we were just in the cave mere seconds ago." Leah said. Mirror Lillie walked up to Gladion. "Here you are, Gladion!" She said. "Lillie?" Gladion asked. "Don't play stupid with me, Gladion!" Mirror Lillie said. "Vulpix!" Mirror Snowy said aggressively. "Lillie, I know to you this may sound stupid, but we are from a world that is different than yours, the Gladion you know, isn't him." Leah told mirror Lillie. "Prove it to me, in a Pokémon battle!" Mirror Lillie told Gladion. Gladion was speechless. "We won't be able to convince her if you don't battle her." Leah told Gladion. Gladion nodded. "Lycanroc show them your crimson glare!" Gladion said. "Snowy, you know what to do!" Mirror Lillie said. "Lycanroc use Stone edge!" Gladion told Lycanroc. Lycanroc howled as stone edge did its effect. "Snowy use Aurora Beam!" Mirror Lillie told Mirror Snowy. "Lycanroc use Stone Edge again!" Gladion told Lycanroc. Stone Edge blocked Aurora Beam. "Snowy use Powder Snow!" Mirror Lillie told Mirror Snowy. Mirror Snowy used Powder Snow. "Lycanroc finish this with crunch!" Gladion told Lycanroc. Lycanroc used crunch fainting Snowy. "Okay, I believe you." Mirror Lillie said. "Hm, if you're here, where are the others?" Gladion asked. "My brother is hiding, Leah is trying to calm her rampaging Houndoom, the other four, I dunno, they must of left. Hmph." Mirror Lillie said. "So I'm assuming that here is the opposite of our friends' personalities." Leah said. "We have to get back home!" Gladion said. "The mirror will only activate if you really desire to return home, if we don't get back by sunset we are stuck here forever!" Leah said. "Thanks Lillie, but I'm afraid we must leave." Gladion told Mirror Lillie as they both withdrew their Pokémon and start running towards the cave, the mirror opens revealing the other side. "Gladion? Leah?" Lillie asked. "How do we cross that thing?" Gladion asked. "A leap of faith!" Leah exclaimed as she successfully jumped to the other side. "Okay here goes nothing!" Gladion said as he followed Leah. "See, it wasn't that bad!" Leah said. "Come on let's go find the others." Gladion said. "Right!" Lillie, Leah and Serena said agreeing with him. Lillie's Eevee escaped its Pokéball. Lillie sighed and grabbed Eevee and set it gently on her shoulder. "Now you be good Eevee or it's back in the Pokéball." Lillie told Eevee. "Veevee, eevee!" Eevee exclaimed. They stopped walking as they found the others. "Oh my Arceus! We finally found you!" Leah exclaimed. "Any idea where the exit is at?" Leah asked. Clemont chuckled. "THE FUTURE IS NOW THANKS TO SCIENCE! CLEMONTIC GEAR ON!" He yelled, which woke up a swarm of sleeping Noibats. "Rotom give me data on these Pokémon!" Leah told Rotom. "Noibat, the Sound Bat Pokémon, a Flying and Dragon type-" Rotom Dex said before being interrupted by Leah. "Thank you, that's all I needed!" Leah said. "But you didn't let me finish!" Rotom Dex panicked. Gladion grabbed a Pokéball that he had and threw it at one of the Noibats. The Pokéball flickered and then sparkled indicating that Noibat was caught. "Noibat can create sound waves that bounce back to them maybe we can find our way out!" Lillie said. "Okay Rotom, you had your fun, now get in the bag!" Leah told Rotom Dex. Leah wildly shoved Rotom in her bag. "Come on let's get outta here!" Korrina said. Gladion sent out Noibat using its soundwave powers so they can escaped the cave. Gladion withdrew Noibat and thanked it for helping them.

The sun was setting, the group just arrived to Shalour City so they decided to go in a Pokémon Center for the night. Nurse Joy healed everyone's Pokémon as they went for bed. Lillie was playing with Snowy, Eevee and Furfrou, Leah was grooming Glaceon and Umbreon, Clemont was making an invention, Serena was reading, Bonnie was playing with Vulpix and Dedenne, and Gladion was taking a shower. He finally got out of the shower, whom was greeted with Leah's playful yelling. "He's back! Oh My god, He's back! I thought he didn't survive!" She yelled playfully. Gladion playfully rolled his eyes. "Leah if he didn't survive in a shower, I think that he'd magically stop singing in it." Lillie told Leah. "Yeah, like you can magically stop singing Bohemian Rhapsody in a shower!" Korrina said sarcastically. Leah wasn't listening, she was busy staring at shirtless Gladion and blushing. "Sorry Lillie and Korrina, it doesn't look like Leah is actually listening." Serena said. Lillie sighed, "Yeah I noticed, she is daydreaming about Gladion, like always." Lillie said. It caught Bonnie's attention. "Ooh, what kind of daydreams!?" She asked. Clemont freaked out hearing this. "The kinds you don't want to know about, just the image of her very detailed daydreams makes me wanna throw up!" Lillie said. "How did these got in your head?" Serena asked. "Long story short, Leah has a reputation of detailing stuff amazingly that she detailed her secret erotica." Lillie explained. "She's not listening right now and let me guess she's still staring at Gladion." Lillie said in annoyance. "Yes she still is." Korrina said in annoyance. Gladion decided to get changed because he noticed that Leah was still staring. "Leah? Leah? Earth to Leah!" Lillie said. "Huh? What?" Leah said snapping out of her daydream. "Hm, well I'm going to bed. Good Night!" Leah said. And with that everyone went to be. Leah and Gladion agreed on sharing their bed, but Leah is used to having the bed all to herself so she was all over the place, Gladion had to slightly move her because she was almost on his side of the bed. Her upper body was on his side and her lower body was on her side. Gladion chuckled. "How are you comfortable sleeping like this?" He whispered as like said he slightly moved her. And with that he went to bed.

And so our heroes have finally arrived at Shalour City. What will happen? Stay tuned as the journey continues!

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