Chapter 20 An Unlikely Friendship

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Third P.O.V

After Leah's gym battle and Lillie's Pokémon Showcase, our heroes decided to sleep in this morning.

Gladion's P.O.V

We are chilling in a Pokémon center, Lillie is practicing for her Pokémon Showcase outside on the center's battlefield with Mother squealing. I can tell that Lillie haven't gotten over her loss. Yesterday, Leah gave Glaceon permission to "play" with Umbreon. Funny thing, Glaceon is in heat, so by "play" she meant mate, and that's exactly what they're doing. I can't handle it, but Leah calls it the circle of life. Then the Pokémon mating noises stopped. I realized that they were done mating. Thank Heavens! Then Leah came looking like she just woke up, she still had bed hair. "She looks so cute like that." I thought. It was Leah cute morning voice that stopped my train of thoughts. "Hey, you okay?" She said. I snap out of it. "Uh yeah, just thinking." I replied. "About what?" She asked so curiously it was cute. "How do I answer that?" I thought. "Nothing interesting." I answer, but she isn't convinced. I mentally slapped myself, "Gladion snap out of it!" I mentally told myself. Leah's my girlfriend and in addition to that my best friend, so she practically knows me like the back of her hand. "You know you can tell me anything." Leah told me. "In all honesty I was admiring your cuteness." I told her, well now she's convinced. "Am I really that cute with bed hair?" She asked. Then Bonnie interrupted our conversation. "LEAH USED CUTENESS, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!" Bonnie exclaimed. I glared at Bonnie, but Leah just chuckled at her joke. Clemont left for Lumiose City so he can prepare for his battle against Leah, so ya know Bonnie is doing all possible shenanigans that she normally won't do with Clemont around. Luckily, I was saves as she went outside to watch Lillie practice.

Lillie's P.O.V

I've been practicing my routine since Morning, but nothing seems to be good enough to wow the crowd. "Snowy, Eevee I need to be left alone for a little while." I told my Pokémon. They understood and went inside where Leah and Gladion were. I went in the City so I could think, that's when I saw Aria. "Hey! You're Lillie right?" She cheerfully said. I nodded. "Where's your Eevee and Vulpix?" Aria asked. "I told them I wanted to be left alone, so I could think." I told Aria. "You know, I met Serena at this place, she got mad at her Pokémon and walked up here, and then we had a battle and her Fennekin evolved into Braixen." Aria told me. "I've been practicing all morning and nothing seems to work, what am I doing wrong?" I asked. "You're not gonna win a Pokémon showcase with that demeanor, you have to smile." Aria told me. I was left to think. "Leah is always joking around, she always seem to bring a smile on everyone's face, she always lighten up my brother's day with just her presence and her humor." I said mostly to myself. "See your friend is a good example, when you smile you empower others around you, that's exactly what Leah does." Aria told me. "You're right, but I'm not Leah." I told Aria. "You're right, you're not Leah, but you can be a better version of yourself." Aria told Lillie. "When you join your friends, I'd like to have a Pokémon battle with you." Aria told me. "It's a deal." I told her happily. "I wonder which type your Eevee will evolve into." Aria said. "I dunno, Eevee will evolve in what it wants and when it wants." Lillie said. "Amazing! That shows that you and your Pokémon care deeply for each other!" Aria exclaimed happily. "I suggest we go Shopping!" Aria said.

Leah's P.O.V

Lillie has been gone for hours now and Gladion has gone into protective older brother mode and it's starting to annoy me, but I'm still watching over Snowy and Eevee with Glaceon and Umbreon helping me. I just hope Lillie's okay because Gladion is starting to annoy me. "Gladion, I get it you're worried for your sister, but she also has her limits and we all need to respect that." I told him, he seemed to have calmed down a bit. Glaceon walked up to Gladion for some reason. "Glaceon!" Glaceon said as it nuzzled Gladion like a cat. "I think that Glaceon wants you to pet it, weirdly it's not being its usual attention hog." I told my boyfriend. The thing about Glaceon is that it has trouble trusting people, it only trusts those who are my close friends. Umbreon jumped on my lap. "You what I think maybe we should do a partner switch battle. You and Glaceon vs Me and Umbreon, what do you say!?" I told Gladion as I pat Umbreon. Gladion nodded. "Yay! Glaceon, we're gonna have a battle, but you won't be battling with me, I want you to obey Gladion, okay." I told Glaceon and pat my partner's head. "Glace!" Glaceon said.

Third P.O.V

Leah and Gladion went on the battlefield for a battle. Leah still had her hair undone, but she didn't mind. Serena freaked out at Leah's bed hair. "Wait you're not gonna deal with your hair!" Serena panicked. "Nah, I'm too comfortable." Leah told Serena. "How can you be comfortable looking like as if Clemont's invention blew up in your face?" Serena said. "Serena, I don't think Leah cares about her hair." Korrina told Serena. "Oh they're having a Partner Switch battle!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Glaceon is strong, but Umbreon is also quite strong too." Lusamine stated. "Well now you're calm." Bonnie said. "I feel that it's not only about the Pokémon's strength, but the strategy used that will help a victory." Korrina said. "Glaceon use Hail!" Gladion told Glaceon. "Clever for Glaceon's Ability, Snow Cloak. Umbreon use the rings on your body to help find Glaceon in this hail and then use Dark Pulse!" Leah told Umbreon. Umbreon did what Leah told it. "Clemont once said that a trainer's true potential is shown when he/she uses the Pokémon's true potential to it's finest." Serena said. "Did he say that when Ash was battling Valerie and she told her Sylveon to use the ribbon like feelers as an attack method?" Bonnie asked. "Yeah I think so, but Leah using the rings on Umbreon's body to help it guide itself in Glaceon's hail is also another example." Serena said. It stopped hailing. "Glaceon use Ice Beam!" Gladion told Glaceon. Glaceon used Ice Beam. "Dodge it Umbreon and use Shadow Ball!" Leah told Umbreon. Umbreon used Shadow Ball it was a direct hit on Glaceon. "Glaceon can you keep going?" Gladion asked Glaceon. "Glaceon!" Glaceon said. "Alright then, use Blizzard!" Gladion told Glaceon. "Resist it Umbreon!" Leah told Umbreon. That's when it learned Foul Play as it charged towards Glaceon. Everyone gasped. "Glaceon use Frost Breath!" Gladion told Glaceon the move has a 90% accuracy so Umbreon got hit. "Umbreon you okay?" Leah asked Umbreon. "Umbre, Umbreon!" Umbreon said. "Alright use Foul Play!" Leah told Umbreon. The move fainted Glaceon. "That was quite the battle." Lusamine said.

Lillie's P.O.V

Aria and I returned at the Pokémon Center, when we got there Leah and Gladion just finished a Pokémon Battle, they switched partners for that battle though, I wonder why. I guess it's just so that they can learn each other's battling style, I guess. I saw Leah restore Glaceon and Umbreon to full health. "I'm back!" I said out loud. I saw Snowy and Eevee running towards me. "Hello Aria!" Serena exclaimed. Aria and I went on the battlefield. "So here's my Pokémon Delphox and Aromatisse!" Aria said. "It's a Double Battle, Snowy and Eevee go ahead." I told my partners. "Snowy use Powder Snow on the ground, Eevee use Swift!" I told Eevee and Snowy. "Wait Eevee can hold itself on the ice, how?" Serena said. "Yeah Pikachu had trouble with the Ice floor, why is Eevee able to stand on it?" Bonnie asked. "Because they practiced..." Leah said with an annoyed tone. I told Snowy to use Aurora Beam, but it was countered with a Flamethrower. "Eevee use Quick Attack!" I told Eevee. Eevee skated on the ice floor and then tackled Delphox. "Delphox use Mystical Fire!" Aria told Delphox. "Aromatisse use Charge Beam!" Aria told Aromatisse. "Dodge it both of you!" I told my partners, but Mystical Fire hit Eevee sending it towards me, then Snowy went to cover Eevee. "Snowy use Hail then Aurora Veil!" I told Snowy. "Everything seems bad right now, Snowy has a huge type disadvantage and Eevee is weakened." I thought. Then I remembered what Aria told me today. "Snowy and Eevee, I know that things look bad right now, but if we work together we can win this battle." I told my partners as I gave them a smile. "Ee... vee..." Eevee said in pain as it got up. That's when Eevee started glowing. A glowing feeler wrapped itself around my arm as Eevee changed forms in a blinding white bluish light that I realized what was going on. "It's evolving!" I gasped. I saw Leah hug Gladion in pure excitement. "Veon, Veon!" My newly evolved Sylveon said. Sylveon learned Fairy Wind. Snowy sent Aurora Beam and the Charge Beam it was holding off in the air creating sparkles. Aria received a phone and had to leave. "I hate to cut this battle short, but I have to go." Aria said. "See you all!" Aria said as she left.

Third P.O.V

With a boost of confidence from Aria, Lillie's Eevee evolved into Sylveon. Stay tuned for more weirdness as the journey continues!

Pokemon Leah's Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें