Chapter 33 Ready, Set, Dance!

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*A Wild Update appears!*

Third P.O.V

Our heroes just arrived at Couriway Town as they are waiting for evening as the showcase will take place then, so our heroes decided to have a full on discussion. "Furfrou and Skitty will perform tonight." Lillie said. "I wish you the bestest luck, Lillie." Leah told her with her mouth full of chocolate cake. "Leah! You are not supposed to talk while you eat!" Serena scolded. Leah stopped eating for a while. "Why because evil ultra beasts will possess me, if I do?" Leah jokingly said. Lusamine, Lillie and Gladion gave Leah an unimpressed glare. "No because it's unladylike!" Serena said. "So? I'm not your average girl, I'm a tomboy, a girl that likes doing what boys enjoy." Leah said. "Yeah, she's been with Gladion for far too long, it's going in her head." Serena said. "Me? What do I have to do in this!?" Gladion panicked. "Leah has always enjoyed boyish stuff, even when she was young. It's who she is, you can't expect her to be someone she's not, the same goes for all of you." Lusamine said. "I'm a manly girl!" Leah playfully said. "Stop, that just sounds wrong." Gladion told Leah. "Imagine, Ash twerking with his Lycanroc!" Leah exclaimed. "Gee thanks Leah, I didn't needed that mental image!" Gladion told Leah. "If you think this is bad, I had to witness it in person!" Leah and Lillie exclaimed, they were clearly traumatized. Serena was blushing like mad. "Uh are you okay?" Leah asked. "I wanted to see that!" Serena exclaimed, she looked like she was anime style crying. "I filmed it..." Leah said. Serena's face lit up as she almost turned into Rarity from My Little Pony. "Show Me!" Serena exclaimed. "Uh sure..." Leah awkwardly said.

They watch the video. "What did I just witness!" Clemont exclaimed. "It's worse if you've seen it in person..." Lillie said. "Metapod used Harden, it is very effective!" Leah playfully said. "Uh Harden is a status move... Oh! Never mind, I got your joke. Bad Leah, Bad!" Lillie said. "Leah are you capable of acting normal?" Serena asked. "Lol, what is normal?" Leah said. "You know Serena maybe you shouldn't have asked that, normal is not in our dictionary anymore" Gladion stated. "Leah, I never understood why you hate society so much, we agreed on chilling here because you wanted to stay away from people." Korrina said. "Because society is evil!" Leah said. Gladion nodded in agreement. "You know what else is evil? Faba!" Leah stated. Lillie and Gladion nodded in agreement. "Kids, Faba is a person, not a thing to be picked on." Lusamine said. "Well he is the main source of most of our problems. So?" Lillie said. Gladion and Leah nodded in agreement. "He once tried to kill me." Leah though as the memories she didn't wanted to remember came back. Gladion noticed that Leah was mentally not there because she was being too quiet and her playful demeanour changed drastically, until her thoughts took over as she started sobbing. Gladion immediately went to comfort her. Then Leah returned to playful. "Well that was an odd mood swing." Serena said. A Pokémon came towards the group, it had a water shuriken on its back, it was none other than Ash-Greninja. "Greninja!" It said. "Hi Greninja!" Bonnie exclaimed as she hugged the water and dark type Pokémon. "You know this Pokémon?" Lillie asked. "Yes, it was one of Ash's strongest Pokémon." Serena stated. "Ash released it on the demand of the legendary Pokémon, that Bonnie called Squishy." Clemont explained. "Ash didn't chose Greninja, Greninja chose him." Serena stated as she pat Greninja. "I think I said that once and I'll say it again, Ash is an interesting child." Gladion stated. "It is very interesting how he is still 10. All I ever wanted was my sleep, but he had to be loud at 5 o'clock in the morning." Leah said. "You and sleep, it seems like you have a great bond with it." Korrina said. "Then with my key stone I shall mega evolve sleep for a more uh, I'm not explaining kind of sleep." Leah said. "Mega Sleep!" Bonnie exclaimed.

It is now Evening and Lillie is preparing for her showcase. "Oh and one more thing," She said as she sent out Purrloin. "Gladion, please take good care of Purrloin." Lillie told her brother. He nodded. And with that Lillie left to get prepared for the theme performance. "I'm telling you, you have to bake a poképuff while dancing." Serena stated. "Be Prepared!" Leah sang. "Leah you love music too much." Korrina said. "There is nothing wrong in loving musical art, Korrina, therefore there are different kinds of arts which are expressed differently." Lusamine stated. "Geez Mother, we didn't needed a human dictionary!" Gladion told Lusamine. "Oh boy..." Leah said in annoyance as she dragged Gladion away from Lusamine before anything could happen. "Now is not the time to start an argument, if it helps we'll have a battle after Lillie's showcase." Leah scolded Gladion. He could hear Korrina chuckle in the distance so he gave her a death glare. They left in the room where people watch the performances. Little did they know Palermo would be watching the performances, like she did since Lillie began performing.

Lillie's P.O.V

My theme performance was up and luckily I won, so I get to move on to the freestyle performance. "Furfrou and Skitty, we have one shot let's not blow it! Give it your all!" I told them, I started to sound like Leah. I guess this journey really did helped me. I was up for the freestyle performance as I tell Skitty to use assist, the odds of using a Dark type, Ice type, Fire type, Fairy types, and Fighting type move increasing due to the number of Fire types, Dark types, Ice types, Fairy types and Fighting types my friends and family had. Luckily, it ended with a Will-O-Wisp in which I told Furfrou to use swift as the Fire type move combined with Furfrou's magical stars, making the whole thing spin around in the air. As Skitty goes for another Assist. Assist summons Fairy Wind as my Pokémon and I are hovered in the air. I was hovering in a handstand like although I only had one hand reaching out onto the ground, that's when I noticed, pain taking over my wrist. I winced in pain, but I kept going nonetheless, just as when we were about to finish I was drifting in the Fairy Wind, Furfrou had to drag me down on my feet. Then Skitty used Assist, summoning a Stone Edge which ended the Fairy wind, swift, and Will-O-Wisp combination. I tried to do Gladion's pose, but my wrist hurt so much, that I instead went for Leah's playful pose instead, which was simply the ending of the Pikachu Z-Move with a wink and playfully sticking your tongue out. Then it was time for the audience to vote and I won, luckily, but I can't say any better for my wrist. I was in the changing room when, a woman I didn't know walked in. She asked me to show her my wrist, she bandaged it and told me to be more careful, she told me that a performer did the same stunt and the same thing happened, but that performer was in the Master Class when it happened. She left as my friends and family entered. "Who was that?" Mother asked. "Oh that's Palermo, she's a mentor to performers that yearn to become Kalos queen, she only chooses performers with amazing potential that is yet to be unlocked." Serena explained. "Although you were amazing that stunt you pulled, will be your greatest downfall, I know because I did it once and it cost me the competition." Serena explained. "Long story short, she lost the master class." Bonnie stated. "Wow that helps a lot." Leah said sarcasm dripping from her voice. With all the comotion set aside, Gladion turned into overprotective brother mode as soon as he noticed my wrist. Leah as annoyed as she was, tried to calm him down, which worked. I don't know her super power, but it is effective.

Third P.O.V

And so our heroes go for Fleurr City for Lillie's next showcase. What will next? Stay tuned as the journey Continues!

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