Chapter 13 Never Judge a Book by Its Cover

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A/N: Minor disclaimer, this chapter contains bullying, if you're sensitive to that stuff I recommend to skip that part of the chapter. But I won't force you, read at your own risk.

Third P.O.V

On their way to Shalour City, our heroes decided to take a break and eat. Gladion walked up to them. When Leah saw him, she gave him a big bear hug. "Oh My Gawd, I didn't expect to see you here, right now, I thought you were with the others!" Leah exclaimed. "We went our own ways, I assumed that you were eating, because you love food!" Gladion stated. Gladion's Umbreon walked up to Leah's Glaceon, whom was asleep. "Breon, Umbreon!" Umbreon said. "Gla, ceon?" Glaceon asked as it woke up. "Glaceon!" Glaceon exclaimed as it started snuggling with Umbreon. Bonnie looked ecstatic when she saw Glaceon and Umbreon snuggling, then she made a remark to her brother. "I wonder when this will be you and your wife!" She said. "BONNIE!" Clemont exclaimed obviously embarrassed. Leah and Gladion sweat dropped. "Don't sweat it, it happens all the time." Serena stated. "Yeah I think they did that because everyone in Alola think they're a thing due to exactly Glaceon and Umbreon's relationship." Lillie stated. "Even Mother thinks we're a thing!" Gladion said extremely annoyed. Lillie just bursts out laughing. "Good Luck with trying to convince Mother, you'll need it!" Lillie said. "Hmph." Leah and Gladion said in unison. A shiny Eevee was playing in the nearby bushes. "Vee, Eevee!" Eevee said. "That's one lively Eevee." Lillie said. Then Eevee got hurt from the branches. "Vee, Ee..." Eevee said clearly suffering. Lillie walked to the bushes and kneeled down. "Vul?" Snowy said concerned. "Hey there Eevee, I won't hurt you, don't worry." Lillie told Eevee. "Vee, Vee!" Eevee said. "There's no Pokémon Center nearby..." Leah stated loudly. "Leah do you have any healing items like potions or something?" Lillie asked. By now Lillie was holding Eevee in her arms. Leah checked her bag. "I have a lot of full restores, you can use those." Leah told Lillie as she gave her a full restore. Lillie healed Eevee which jumped with joy all over the place. "Careful Eevee you wouldn't want to get hurt again." Lillie told Eevee. "Vee!" Eevee exclaimed. Lillie grabbed a Pokéball from her bag. "Go Pokéball!" She exclaimed as she threw the ball in the air as it fell on Gladion's head. Everyone sweatdropped. When the Pokéball fell on the ground Eevee walked up to it and curiously put its paw on it as it was dragged in the Pokéball. The ball flickered and then sparkled indicating that Eevee was caught. "Eevee come on out!" Lillie said throwing the Pokéball as Eevee appeared. "Eevee!" Eevee said. Eevee started running all over the place. "Leah, I'd like to have a Pokémon battle, please." Lillie told Leah politely. "Of course, I'll go easy on you so don't have to worry." Leah told Lillie. "Alright, The battle between Leah and Lillie will begin, each trainer is allowed to use one Pokémon each and the battle will end when either sides can't continue! Do your best both of you!" Bonnie said. When Gladion heard that Lillie was battling Leah, he walked up near the field to watch how it goes. "Alright Snowy, do your best!" Lillie told Snowy. "Vul!" Snowy said cheerfully. "Glaceon show them your ice cold power!" Leah said. "Glaceon, Glace!" Glaceon said playfully. Glaceon was faster so it took the first move. "Glaceon use hail!" Leah told Glaceon. Glaceon did what it was told. "Hmph, Snowy knows Aurora Veil, Leah's helping both sides unless she's up to something." Gladion said. "Snowy use Aurora Veil!" Lillie told Snowy. Snowy used Aurora Veil as Lillie told it to do. "You're right on this, but Glaceon's ability is Snow Cloak, which boosts Glaceon's evasion. Even with Aurora Veil Protecting Snowy from the front, Leah can play chest and make an easy strong move straight out the flask and Lillie isn't as experienced as Leah." Clemont explained. Glaceon's evasion was boosted. "Glaceon go behind Snowy and use Frost Breath!" Leah told Glaceon. Glaceon did as it was told. "Snowy use Powder Snow on the field!" Lillie told Snowy. It stopped hailing and Snowy's Aurora Veil reached its end. "Very clever, Lillie, but remember that Glaceon is an Ice type, Glaceon make your movements swiffer by using the frozen field!" Leah told Glaceon. Snowy just learned Aurora Beam and used it on Glaceon, but with the power of the move being about sixty percent, Glaceon just kept going. "Ready Glaceon, use Ice Shards!" Leah told Glaceon. Glaceon used Ice Shards, which surprised Lillie because Leah normally didn't used that move. "Surprised you didn't I? Glaceon let's finish this!" Leah said as she activated her Z-Ring. Leah did her pose as the Icy Aura surrounded Glaceon. "Alright Subzero Slammer!" Leah exclaimed. This made Snowy faint. The smoke dissipates and reveals that Snowy fainted. "Snowy is unable to battle, Glaceon wins and the victory goes to Leah!" Bonnie exclaimed. Leah walked up to Lillie and gave her a max revive. "You were great Lillie, maybe try using your area to your advantage and Snowy's height to your advantage." Leah told Lillie. "Right, thanks for the battle, it was fun!" Lillie told Leah. "No problem!" Leah told Lillie with a winky face. Gladion who was watching the battle was shocked. He knew Leah was amazing at Pokémon Battles, but never like this. Leah walked up to Gladion. "So what did ya think, French Fries?" Leah asked him playfully. Gladion didn't mind the nickname, Leah always called him that, plus he has his own nickname for Leah. "Honestly, Carrot top, I'm speechless." He told Leah. Leah stuck her tongue out in a playful demeanour as they started a tickle war. Korrina heard Leah's nickname and snickered. Lillie on the other hand was talking with Serena. "Those two really get along well, I wonder why." Serena told Lillie. "They're best friends." Lillie told Leah. "How long has this been going?" Serena asked. "Ever since they were kids, I'd say about when they were six years old or seven years old." Lillie said. "I'm confused. Why that young isn't that the age where it's girls with girls and boys with boys?" Serena said. "Normally yes, but Gladion didn't really had any friends, he was bullied badly, until Leah stood up for him, since then they became almost inseparable! They even have their weird nicknames." Lillie explained.


Gladion grabbed his books from his locker (Some Elementary schools have lockers for the kindergarteners up to the six graders.) then a group of sixth graders walked up to him and smacked Gladion's books on the floor. The sixth grade girl kicked the books all over the place. "Fetch now, little Rockruff! Bark bark!" She told Gladion, she was laughing. "What's the matter Litten got your tongue?" The biggest one mocked. A younger girl wearing a gray, pink, and Purple Under Armor hoddie yelled, but she came closer so her yelling was becoming louder. "Hey, leave him alone! What did he do to you!?" She yelled to the sixth graders. They all look at her, she was walking with her shiny Eevee. "If you morons keep hurting him, I'll go get Principal Oak, so let's settle this peacefully and leave him alone." She said. "Pfft! As if we'll listen to a first grader!" The girl said. "Well then, Eevee stay here, if they hurt him, don't hesitate to attack." She said as she walked away somewhere. "Well that was a waste of time now where were we? Oh yeah!" The biggest one said and he started to kick Gladion, until he was stopped by Eevee's Swift. "Eevee!" Eevee exclaimed aggressively. Eevee's swift didn't stop them, as the young girl from earlier returned with the principle. "Thank you dear Leah, I'll make sure this doesn't happen again." Principal Oak told Leah. "No problem and thanks for helping, Principal." Leah told Principal Oak. "Now as for you three, in my office immediately." Principal Oak told the bullies sternly as they left for the office. Leah and Eevee grabbed the books and gave them back to Gladion. "T-thanks..." He told Leah nervously. "No problem, I didn't get your name though, I'm Leah by the way and I think you know my Eevee." Leah said. "Vee, Eevee!" Eevee said cheerfully. "The names Gladion!" He said a bit more cheerfully than earlier. "Nice to meet you, Gladion!" Leah said happily. Further away in the hall, Lillie watched the whole thing. "Why did you help me though?" Gladion asked Leah. "Because I like helping others, besides that's what friends are for, they got each others' backs!" Leah told him. "Come on we're late for class." Leah told Gladion, letting out her hand to help him up. They walk in their class, it was a mix class where first and second graders are in, these normally occur when there's too many second graders or first graders that they have to combine the older students with the younger students. As they walked in Professor Kukui didn't look impressed so he scolded them for being late. "Why are you two so late? Leah you're barely ever late why this time?" Kukui told them. "I'll explain after class, Dad." Leah said. "Understood, my dear, as for you Gladion, that's the second time you're late this week, what's going on? At the start of the year you weren't late like this." Kukui said scolding Gladion. "Go to your seats, I will now begin my lesson." Kukui said.

-Timeskip to end of class 'cause I'm lazy-

Leah walked up to her father and explained everything, Gladion was waiting for her, this class was the last lesson of the day so Leah told Kukui that she'll walk with Gladion. "So Prof Kukui is cool with letting me hangout with you?" Gladion asked. "Of course he's fine with it, Dad is really cool and fun!" Leah said playfully. "Vee! Vee! Eevee!" Eevee said running around the kids playfully. Gladion chuckled at Eevee playful antics. "And we're here!" Gladion said motioning towards the huge mansion. Leah jaw dropped, she was totally impressed. "Oh my Arceus! This place is amazing!" Leah exclaimed. "Hey there and who you might be?" Lusamine greeted. "I'm Leah, this is Eevee!" Leah introduced. "Nice to meet you, Leah, I'm Lusamine, Gladion and Lillie's mother." She introduced. "Nice to meet you to, Lusamine!" Leah said cheerfully. "While I make dinner, how about you two play a game like Z-move 1, 2, 3, oh and Gladion let your sister join you if she wants to." Lusamine said as she walked in the kitchen. Gladion rolled his eyes. "Lillie's watching that Friendship worshipping Ponies TV show, I doubt that she'll join us." He said. "Oh you mean My Little Pony Friendship is Magic." Leah said. "Yeah, that." Gladion said agreeing with Leah. They decide to sit on the couch and watch tv. "Hey How to Train Your Dragon is on!" Leah exclaimed. "What's How to Train Your Dragon?" Gladion asked. "A super cool movie about a weak viking who befriends a dragon that is known as the Unholy offspring of Lightning and Death itself!" Leah said.

-Timeskip to the end of the movie- "THAT WAS AMAZING!" Gladion exclaimed loudly. Eevee was running around in excitement. Leah and Gladion were chuckling at Eevee's antics.

-End of Flashback-

The sun was setting as Leah and Gladion were still teasing each other until they decided to call it a night.

Will Leah and Gladion finally confess their feelings to one another? The answer is in the next chapter as the journey continues!

What do you think? Do you think Leah and Gladion will confess their feelings? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to leave a ❤! See y'all in the next chapter!

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