Chapter 10 Future and Past Alike

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Third P.O.V

On their way to Cyllage City our heroes arrived in Camphrier Town. "Wow this place is so calm!" Leah said. "OMG it's a Snorlax! I've never seen one in person!" Leah exclaimed fangirling. Korrina rolled her eyes and grabbed Leah's arm. "I dare you to have a battle against Clemont." Korrina told Leah. "Ooh, I like that, but here is not the place." Leah said. And so they left the small town and went out in a field. "What are we doing now?" Clemont asked. "A battle!" Leah said. "Okay, who vs you?" Bonnie said. "Clemont vs Me!" Leah said. "HA!" Bonnie exclaimed. "I'll ref since I dared Leah to battle him." Korrina said. "It was a dare!?" Clemont exclaimed. "Yes, now battle!" Leah said. Clemont groaned knowing that Leah wasn't going to leave him alone with this. "It's a one on one battle, the battle will be over when both sides can't continue and bla bla bla, you know how it works!" Korrina said. "Alright, Glaceon take the lead!" Leah said. "Glace, Ceon!" Glaceon said. "Chespin come on out!" Clemont called out. "Chespin, Che!" Chespin said. "Glaceon use Hail!" Leah ordered. "Glaaaceoon!" Glaceon said as hail appeared. "Chespin use Pin Missile!" Clemont ordered. "Glaceon use Ice beam to create a custom shield." Leah ordered. "Glace, eon!" Glaceon said. Like said Pin Missile hit the ice shield, but Glaceon had no damage. "Now, Glaceon use Frost Breath!" Leah said as Glaceon did what it was asked. Meanwhile in another timeline, about fifteen years from now, a group of children are planning to prank their great grandfather with one of their father or uncle's inventions. Kira and Cyrus, the offsprings of Korrina and Clemont and Lillia and Glalia, the offsprings of Leah and Gladion. Their pranking spree stopped when Kira saw a time machine. "Hey guys check this out!" She said. "So Cool!" Glalia said in amazement. "Come Let's see what this baby can do!" Kira said. Back to the present time, Chespin's ability, Overgrow was activated. "Chespin use Vine Whip!" Clemont said. "Glaceon dodge it!" Leah said. Glaceon dodged the Vine Whip, but the battle was postponed, due to a blinding white light. "What now?" Leah said annoyingly. "Is Chespin evolving?" Lillie asked. The light has calmed down, but the groups theories were wrong, Chespin didn't evolved. "Huh?" Korrina asked. Then a group of children came out of the machine. The boy groaned, "Let's agree to not do this again." He said. The gothic girl spoke up, "I agree with Cyrus on that, Kira." She said. "Of course you would, Lillia, you hate everything!" Kira said. The girl wearing the sport hoody spoke up afterwards. "Uh, where are we?" She said. "More like when are we, Glalia." Cyrus corrected. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Glalia said. The time machine then exploded. "Great just great!" Lillia said sarcasm dripping from her voice. A cat Pokémon escaped its Pokéball. "Sparkat..." Cyrus said in annoyance. Sparkat meowed as it sent a thunderbolt in the air. The Cat Pokémon walked to Bonnie's bag and tugged on it. Cyrus sighed and withdrew Sparkat. "I apologize for Sparkat's sudden behavior, he's not usually like this." Cyrus said. "Hey Genius, if you're that much of a geek, how about you fix that mess we're in!" Kira told her brother. "Like you know how, Dad made that Time Machine with materials that only he knows, therefore, I am not capable of rebuilding the time machine and take us back to our timeline." Cyrus told his sister. "English Please!" Kira told her brother. "He just mean that he can't rebuild Uncle Clemont's machine, which also mean we are stuck in this timeline." Lillia said in a monotone voice. "Who asked you, Vampire, go back to sipping your blood." Kira said. "Even so, Kira, you may not like my sister, but she's right, we are stuck here. I don't even wait to think of the punishment we'll get for playing with Uncle Clemont's inventions." Glalia said. "Please we always get scolded for our pranks how bad will it be this time around?" Kira said. "Because this time it won't be Great Grandpa, but our parents!" Glalia said fearfully. "Even if Aunt Korrina enjoys your recklessness, I doubt she'll be happy to hear we messed up the past because we wanted to prank her grandfather with Uncle Clemont's inventions and came across his time machine." Lillia said in her monotone voice. "We don't even know how to deal with a Time Warp like this one!" Glalia exclaimed. "Uh, who are you guys?" Lillie asked. "I'm Kira, this is my brother, Cyrus, he's a geek!" Kira said. "I told you to not introduce me like that!" Cyrus said. "I'm Glalia, this is my sister Lillia, and you've met our cousins, Kira and Cyrus." Glalia said. "So you guys are from the future?" Leah said. "Yeah, we're technically your fsst-" Kira said before Cyrus blocked her from revealing too much. Once he let her go, she spoke up. "What was that for!" Kira exclaimed. "If you reveal anything from our time, we'll be doomed, also don't say or do anything that'll alter our timeline." Cyrus said. "Don't worry, since when have I ruined something!?" Kira said. "All the time!" Cyrus said. "So what were you guys up to before finding the time machine?" Bonnie asked. "We were planning on pranking our Great Grandfather, but Kira and Glalia had another plan on their mind and here we are." Lillia explained in her monotone voice. "Who asked you Vampire!?" Kira yelled at Lillia. Lillia sighed, "This is going to be long..." She said. "Why?" Leah asked. "Because Kira hates me because I'm a ghost type gym leader so she thinks I'm a vampire." Lillia explained. "Hey Glalia let's have a battle!" Kira said. "Alright then, Lucario show 'em what you got!" Kira said sending in her main Pokémon. A Shiny Lucario appeared. "Okay, so Lucario is part Steel type, so it weak to fire." Glalia told herself. "Flareon, let's frie them!" Glalia exclaimed as she sent in her fire type partner. "Flare, Reon!" Flareon said. "Now Flareon use Flamethrower!" Kira ordered. "I knew you would do that, Lucario, dodge it and use Bone Rush!" Kira said as Lucario summoned two bones and ran towards Flareon. "Dodge it, Flareon and use Fire Blast!" Glalia ordered. "Now follow it with Fire Spin!" Glalia ordered. "FLAREON!" Flareon exclaimed as it summoned Fire Spin which defeated Lucario. "Lucario is unable to battle, Flareon wins and the victory goes to Glalia!" Leah said. Then a new time machine appeared. There was a female figure and a male figure. The female spoke up. "What were you kids up to!?" She said. "We were planning to Prank great grandpa, but we stumbled across a time machine and we uh sent ourselves in the past... Sorry mom..." Kira said. "You four are in serious trouble!" The male said. "We know, Dad, Glalia told us." Cyrus said. And with that they left to their timeline. "Well that was weird..." Korrina said.

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