Chapter 28 A Frolicking Find In The Flowers!

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Third P.O.V

On their way for Anistar City our heroes stop by a nearby field, this field is the same one as the field that Serena caught her Sylveon. "Sylveon come on out!" Serena called out. While they still had free time, Lillie, Serena, and Bonnie went further in the field, they saw a Purrloin dancing on the stage like rock, the same one that Serena's Sylveon used to dance on. "What kind of Pokémon is this?" Lillie asked she was whispering so she wouldn't frighten Purrloin. "I don't know." Serena said. Leah didn't say anything. Then Gladion called out to them. "Girls food is ready!" He yelled. Purrloin heard him and stopped dancing and ran off. The girls returned to where the boys and Lusamine were at. "We saw this Pokémon, I don't know what it is, but it was cat like, it had Purple and Cream colored fur." Serena said. "It's a Purrloin, a Dark type, it is known as the devious Pokémon they act cute to let their target's guard down and then they steal their stuff, they are native to the Unova region." Leah explained. "You knew what it was and you didn't say anything!" Serena exclaimed. "Why would I? I enjoy watching you question about Pokémon!" Leah said. "Oof, didn't see that one coming!" Gladion said. "I have to make a statement! Leah is a Human Pokédex!" Lillie exclaimed. "I'm not a human Pokédex, I just know a lot." Leah stated. "Maybe using a Poképuff could lure Purrloin to us." Bonnie said. "Great Idea!" Lillie said. "Yes, but Chespin may eat it like he always do." Clemont said. "Why so negative? We can't have a full answer if we don't try, Clemont!" Leah said. "But didn't you say that Purrloin is a Pokémon that steals stuff? Will it be logical to not encourage a behavior as such?" Gladion asked. "Actually, Gladion does make a good point." Leah said. The group were left to think. "How can we lure a Pokémon like this one to us?" Leah asked. By this time Bonnie, Lillie, and Serena were making flower crowns. Leah decided to go with her gut and put a Poképuff on where Purrloin was dancing earlier and joined the other girls in their flower crown creation. Purrloin ate the Poképuff, but it noticed that Umbreon and Bunnelby were watching, although Umbreon and Bunnelby knew it ate the Poképuff, they didn't say anything to anyone and Purrloin ran off. Then Lillie left a Flower Crown where it was dancing earlier.

When night fell and Leah was still not asleep, she was talking with Gladion about "stuff". Purrloin returned from the woods and put on the Flower Crown and started dancing. Lillie, Snowy, and Sylveon watched Purrloin dance.

When morning came Lillie decided to practice her next routine on the rock like stage to attract Purrloin. Snowy used Hail, Sylveon learned Moonblastso it jumped, spinned, and used that as Snowy backflipped and used Aurora Beam. It did got Purrloin's attention until Team Skull had to mess it up again. "Yo, this Pokémon is mine!" Rapp said. "Yeah, Yo, don't mess with our stuff!" Tupp said. Purrloin ran off near the woods, Team Skull were chasing after it until Lillie decided she had enough. "That's Far Enough!" Lillie exclaimed. Snowy and Sylveon were standing next to her. "As you wish Princess, Garbodor use Sludge Bomb!" Zipp told Garbodor. Lillie braced herself, but to her surprise Purrloin used Protect. Purrloin used Dark Pulse, "Snowy use Aurora Beam, Sylveon use Moonblast!" Lillie told her partners. They both used those moves, as Team Skull were sent flying. "Are you okay Purrloin?" Lillie asked as she pat Purrloin. "Purr, purrloin!" Purrloin said. Lillie took a Pokéball from her bag and showed it to Purrloin, Purrloin was unsure though and decided to join Lillie in the end. The ball flickered and then sparkled indicating Purrloin was caught. Lillie sent out Purrloin as she realised that Purrloin was comfortable with Umbreon and Bunnelby. "Interesting, normally Purrloin are very sassy Pokémon but, this one has a Timid nature." Leah said. Chespin being itself chased Purrloin which resulted in Chespin getting attacked by a Dark Pulse as Purrloin hid behind Umbreon and Bunnelby.

Gladion's P.O.V

I didn't thought I'd see the day that Lillie would catch a dark type yet here we are, I'm mentally celebrating. Honestly, I'm really happy that she caught a dark type. As for Leah, I feel bad for dragging her into something she didn't wanted, but I guess she has already forgiven me, Leah's not the kind to hold grudges. Chespin chased poor Purrloin as it hid behind Umbreon and Bunnelby, but of course Chespin didn't stop there as Purrloin jumped into Lillie's arms, I feel like that Lillie and her Pokémon make the purrfect team. Okay that was a bad pun.

Third P.O.V

Lillie lifted Purrloin Lion King style. And so Lillie just caught herself a new partner. What will happen next? Stay Tuned as the journey continues!

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