Chapter 27 Expectations Vs Reality!

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Third P.O.V

Our heroes just arrived to Dendemille Town for Lillie's Pokémon Showcase, but Leah has something else in mind. "The frost cavern, where all kinds of Ice Pokémon reside!" Leah exclaimed. "Okay, After Lillie's showcase we'll visit the frost cavern, anyone agrees?" Serena said. Everyone nodded in agreement. Then Leah's Rotom Dex escaped her bag. "HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF THERE!!!! GET BACK IN THE BAG!" Leah yelled at Rotom Dex. "The frost cavern is home of the Ice Rock, the same rock that enables Eevee to evolve into Glaceon. Is that the reason you want to visit it?" Rotom Dex said. "Wait the Ice Rock is in there!?" Serena exclaimed. "Okay Rotom you had your fun now in the bag you go!" Leah said as she shoved Rotom Dex in her bag. Rotom Dex made an annoying sound before being fully in Leah's bag. "Now let's go to that Showcase! I have faith that Lillie will win it this time!" Leah exclaimed. "Hey Leah," Bonnie said. "That's my name, don't wear it out!" Leah playfully said. "I'm sure no one ever asked you this, but what is your dream?" Bonnie asked. "Yeah, Leah what is it?" Serena asked. "Well, I never thought of it ever since I won the Alola league actually, but when I was younger I wanted to be like Dad, a Pokémon Professor, but now with all the expectations it seems like all of Alola will know me as is the strongest trainer in the region, It's not something I want... I'm strong because I push my Pokémon to their full potential, which is something some trainers don't do." Leah stated. "Who would've thought that you actually wanted to be a Pokémon Professor and not the champion of Alola." Korrina said. "I only went in the league because everyone bugged me about it. 'Oh you're so strong, you'll wipe everyone for sure!' 'You gotta do the league, you'll win for sure!' Those things I heard it so many times, but winning the league didn't reached my satisfaction it only made me feel miserable. Now enough about me, let's just go watch Lillie perform." Leah said.

So they decided to go in the theater, Lillie signed up while the rest of the group were going to wait for her where they watch the performances. "Alright Snowy, Sylveon let's do this!" Lillie exclaimed. "Veon!" Sylveon said. "Vulpix!" Vulpix said.

Lillie's P.O.V

I was up first for the Theme performance, we had to bake Poképuffs, luckily I remembered the recipe that Leah and Serena taught me. I combined malasadas with Poképuffs, when I finished I had to give it to the judges and the judges' Pokémon had to taste it and it loved it, if the Pokémon loved it that means I won! I mentally celebrated! I get to move to the freestyle performance! Words can't describe how happy I am! After a while, I was up for my freestyle performance. I told Snowy to use Powder Snow on the floor. It jumped on my left arm ran to my right one and used Powder Snow as I told Sylveon to use its feelers to grab Snowy, I told Snowy to use Hail, we looked like we were skating, the crowd was wild, I was having so much fun, the crowd didn't bother me at all! "Sylveon use Swift!" I told Sylveon! She jumped spinning in the air and used swift as I told Snowy to use Aurora Beam. Sylveon gave Snowy a boost and Snowy back flipped in the air and used Aurora Beam as it rained sparkles. "And Done!" I said as I was striking Gladion's iconic pose. The crowd was roaring with excitement! Then the audience had to vote who did the best performance, I was stressed out, Snowy noticed as I was holding her in my arms. "And the winner for today's Pokémon showcase is... Performer Lillie!" I heard M. Pierre say. I jumped with joy as I gave Sylveon and Snowy a hug. Mother was squealing, like always. Then we went outside, I was greeted by my squealing mother. "Okay, now that I just had sweet victory how about we visit the frost cavern." I said. Everyone agreed.

Third P.O.V

The group went in the frost cavern, to their surprise there were no ice types roaming. "Huh?" Leah said. They walk deeper in the cavern only to figure out that team Skull has been behind this mess in the first place. "You guys! What are you up to now!?" Leah exclaimed, but before Leah could send any Pokémon Eclipse jumped into the battle. "You want to battle hm? Alright then, Eclipse use Fire Blast!" Leah told Eclipse. The fire blast sent the grunts flying elsewhere. "Eclipse, you seem to be helping me a lot lately. Would you like to join my team?" Leah told Eclipse. Eclipse sat down and looked at Leah. "Nine, Ninetales!" Eclipse said. Leah showed Eclipse a Luxury Ball, Leah never was the kind to throw the Pokéball, she let the Pokémon choose if they want to join her. Eclipse put its paw on the button and the ball dragged Eclipse in the ball. The Luxury Ball flickered and then Sparkled indicating Eclipse was caught. Leah sent out Eclipse. "Ninetales!" Eclipse said. Leah pat Eclipse. After venturing further in the cave, Lusamine spoke up, "Well seems like we should get going then, I'm not letting you children get tired before heading off for Anistar City!" She said. "What did I get myself into?" Leah mumbled. They decided to spend the night in the Pokémon Center, where Leah as she always do shares her bed with Gladion, even if she takes all the space and the blankets, but that didn't stop Leah from purposely annoy Lusamine with her sexual anime noises. After a while she fell asleep to everyone's relief. And so with her new princess key, Lillie is a few steps closer from the Master Class, and Leah just caught a new partner. What will happen next? Stay Tuned as the journey continues!

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