Chapter 25 A Fashionable Battle!

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Third P.O.V

Our heroes are eating their food before hitting the road for Laverre City. Leah gave the Pokémon their food mere minutes ago. "I wonder what's wrong with Silvally, it won't eat." Serena said. "It's heartbroken." Leah stated. "That's quite straightforward, Leah, perhaps there's a scientific reason to this." Clemont said. "Nah I'm sure it's simply just heartbreak and guilt, I mean really if you had to tell your crush how you felt before they left to go back home and you may never see them again, I'm sure you'll feel the same." Leah said. "Actually Leah's right about this one, I still haven't gotten over Ash." Serena stated. "It's been a few years, he probably found himself another girl to hang around." Gladion said. "And she's simply not Leah!" Lillie said. "I smacked him with a frying pan because he wouldn't shut up." Leah said. "I wanted to see that happen!" Gladion complained. "I did forget to mention he was hanging around four girls counting myself when he traveled Alola, yeah lots of Ass to stare at!" Leah said. "LEAH!" Lillie yelled. "I'm sorry, but it's true!" Leah said.

Gladion's P.O.V

I was simply eating my food until Leah and Serena brought up Ash. Leah being herself just casually said that Ash had a lot of Ass to stare at. Why am I even complaining about this? I'm just assuming that Leah said that to annoy Serena. If she brings up anything sexual, Imma lose it and I don't mean like the song! Yeah, Leah makes me listen to Country Music. Silvally was acting dull, although I knew it was heartbreak, I was still concerned. Chespin and Pancham were arguing because Chespin stole Pancham's food and Chespin denies it, well until Serena and Clemont stopped them.

Silvally's P.O.V

I didn't wanted to eat, I wasn't hungry. I felt bad for hurting Gladion and I was just left heartbroken when Rapidash left. I see that Chespin and Pancham are arguing, no surprises there, they're always arguing over food. After Serena and Clemont stopped them, Pancham went back to his food and Chespin tried to steal someone else's food. He annoyed me last, I guess Chespin was afraid of me. Knowing Chespin was raiding food, I just gave him mine, I was not hungry after all. "Don't eat too fast, Chespin, you may choke." I hear Krystal say. Krystal is Glaceon, she wants to be referred like that, it was a name Leah gave her when Leah was a toddler. "I don't think Chespin is listening to you, Krys." Umbreon said. "Since when does CHESPIN actually listens to someone!" Pancham said. "He only does in battle, Pancham!" Dedenne said. This comment got everyone nodding. "What about you Pancham? You're not any better." Braixen said. Oh snap, Furry Fox girl is right! "Guys that's enough!" Snowy said, she was trying to break the arguments. "Don't worry little ones, I'll deal with this." Eclipse told Snowy, Fluffy, Vulpix, and Vulpix. Eclipse just used Flamethrower to make everyone shut up. "Thank You, Eclipse!" The five Vulpix said in unison. Honestly the sound of silence was music to my ears right now until Chespin went to raid Snowy's food. "CHESPIN GO AWAY!" She yelled as she used Powder Snow. "Chespin just leave everyone else's food alone." I told him. "Oh okay, right, I'll do that, Mr. Stark." He said. "Who is that Mr. Stark character?" I thought. "Oh he's referencing my favorite movie franchise!" Krystal exclaimed. "I wonder if it's a good franchise, I'd want to see some action movies sometimes." Skye, Lillie's Sylveon said. They give themselves names to differentiate each other, smart move indeed. I then noticed that our trainers were back on feet so well yeah, we were sent back into our balls, well not everyone Krystal, Umbreon, Lycanroc, Houndoom, Snowy, Skye, Dedenne, Lucario, and Fluffy were kept outside of their Pokéballs as for the fifth Vulpix it was a wild Pokémon.

Leah's P.O.V

After walking for what felt like hours! We finally arrived at Laverre City. I was being myself, until those girls came along, Maya's old friends. Seems like Maya found herself some new friends because she was hanging out with a kid and a teenager that we didn't know, but hey, I'm happy for her. Maya deserved better. I don't know where Serena and Bonnie disappeared, but Lillie knew and dragged me towards them. "Back stage?" I asked. They nodded and shoved clothing in my arms. "Look at me!" Lillie exclaimed. She was wearing a small dress with Alolan Vulpix details. "I can almost say that you and Snowy match! Now let me go change." I told them. When I got out of the change room I've got fangirl squeals from them, I was wearing a Glaceon inspired dress, I literally matched with my Ice type partner.

Then Valerie walked in. "Are you girls ready?" She asked. I nodded, but something got my attention, the Vulpix I rescued ran towards Valerie wanting to be pat. "Hm, Very peculiar, Vulpix doesn't normally take to people, it seems like Vulpix came to a liking of you, Miss Valerie." I told her. "Is Vulpix your Pokémon?" She asked. "Not technically, Vulpix is a Pokémon that I rescued, but I never caught it." I stated. "If Vulpix wants to stay with me, I guess it's fine." Valerie said. "If Vulpix is happy then I'm happy." I told her. Valerie grabbed a Pokéball and Vulpix willingly let itself get caught. The ball flickered three times and sparkled indicating Vulpix was caught. Valerie brought out her new partner and spoke to it using Pokémon language, I assume. "Vulpix will evolve into an Alolan Ninetales when exposed to an Ice stone, Alolan Ninetales is an Ice and Fairy type." I stated as I gave Valerie an Ice stone if she ever wanted to Evolve Vulpix. Then we had to come out of backstage, I was nervous and embarrassed, I never really was someone who liked the attention. Then I returned backstage luckily I had no anxiety attacks. We returned to our group only to be greeted by a squealing Lusamine and an annoyed Gladion. Then Valerie appeared on stage and chose a trainer to battle against and that trainer was Gladion, he told Lycanroc to take over as Valerie sent out her Spritzee. Gladion told Lycanroc to use Stone Edge the move hit Spritzee as it went for a Moonblast which Lycanroc dealing damage due to the type disadvantage. Gladion being himself told Lycanroc to use outrage, but Spritzee was left unaffected only for Lycanroc to be finished off by Spritzee's Dazzling Gleam. "Well, although it was fun to watch, you used a dragon type move on a fairy type, that was a massive mistake." I told him.

Third P.O.V

And so Leah became friends with Valerie, the gym leader! Will Leah have her gym battle? Will she win? Stay tuned as the journey continues!

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