The Assistant - Human Takizawa

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Author's note: I apologise if Takizawa seems out of character. I have recently gotten into Tokyo Ghoul so please forgive me. Enjoy.

There were some things in life that people don't like to mention. One of them is climbing the career ladder in order to get the best opportunities the job can offer. Takizawa was more than aware of that. He may have been a Second Rank Ghoul Investigator but he barely got any recognition for anything he did. The spotlight always fell to Akira or Amon but never him. He was the rookie kid who was just there to make everyone else look more important. For Akira to shine brighter.

Seidou sighed as he glanced at the pile of reports on his desk, he was going to be here for most of the night again. As he scribbled notes down, his gaze glanced up to see Amon talking to someone he didn't recognise. His confusion was put at ease when Amon approached his desk with the young woman following him.

"Seidou, this is [Name]. She is the newest assistant here and she will be helping you with your reports." Amon introduced her as she bowed slightly at him. Seidou bowed his head back,

"Nice to meet you, [Name]." he said before returning to his notes again. Amon had left them alone after that.


For most of the night, [Name] stood there, waiting for him to give her an errand to run or to get him another cup of coffee. Yet she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying it. When he didn't give her something to do, she would sit quietly on a chair reading one of the magazines or looking at the notice board.

"Why aren't you on the board?" she asked, pulling Seidou from his thoughts. She pointed at the board of employees who did the best work where most people were on apart from him.

"Oh that? That's because I haven't done much fieldwork. Though I want to, they say I need to understand what ghouls are capable of rather than just how their kagunes function." he explained, turning away from his reports for a moment to look at the time. It was a couple of minutes past midnight. [Name] seemed to frown at that.

"That's silly. If you don't know how their kagunes function then how can you predict them in a fight?" she questioned to herself. Seidou chuckled a little, she had a point. As he turned back to his reports, he failed to notice [Name] watch him for a moment before pulling out her phone and taking a quick picture of him working.

She excused herself and darted off somewhere, leaving Seidou alone with the reports.


Seidou woke up with a startle, paper flying off his desk as he sat upright like a meerkat. A piece of paper stuck to his cheek as he rubbed his eyes. He must have fallen asleep again whilst doing the reports. Whilst he organised both himself and the reports, Amon approached his desk.

"Congratulations Takizawa. I knew you would make it one day." he patted the younger male on the back, Seidou only looked at him in confusion. Amon motioned to the board.

Seidou rose from his chair, ignoring the dull pain in his muscles from sleeping at the desk and looked at the board. All traces of exhaustion evaporated as he took in the board.

Number 1# Employee of Records Department: Seidou Takizawa.

He blinked, rubbed his eyes then looked again. His lips pulled into a smile. He finally got on the board, and in first place. How? His gaze turned to Amon for an answer but he only pointed towards [Name] who was helping Juuzou balance books on his head. Suddenly everything clicked for Seidou. [Name] was the one who put him on the board. She had persuaded them to have Seidou on the board by showing them the picture of him working away.

Amon patted his back, "She's a good one, isn't she?" Seidou smiled at her. Someone did something for him to help him gain recognition and asked for no credit or spotlight.

"Yeah." he sighed, "She's a good one."

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