Metal Walls Part Two - Ghoul Takizawa

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Since you people have asked for it, I decided to do a part two to Metal Walls.  
Warning: bit of blood, angst, fluff
Please enjoy.

Two years. Two years of torture, blood and agony had passed before [Name] tasted fresh air again. During those harrowing years in that God-forsaken place, the doctors chipped away at her, tore her to pieces just to put her back together. Like children with a rag-doll. She didn't suffer it alone though, Takizawa's agonising screams echoed in her mind whenever she was alone. His voice pleading them -begging them- to stop but they never did. 

She still spoke to him through the wall though she started to question if he believed she was just a hallucination. She tried to convince him to escape with her but he would never agree, saying that maybe they will get lucky and die during one of the testings. That pained her to think about. However, one day, Fate was on her side for once and she was able to escape that horrible place. Alone.  


Footsteps tapped against the corridor floor as [Name] sprinted down it, fleeing the building and running towards the group of CCG members close by. If she heard correctly, she needed to be there to stop it. Her eyes fell upon a trio ahead of her, one with monochromatic hair, another with blondish and the third with pale blue hair. That must be them. A shadow shifting caught her attention and she pushed herself, determined to reach them before the shadow did.

She tackled Haise to the ground, dodging the cloaked ghoul's attack by a hair thread. 

"Hahaha! Seriously?" the ghoul laughed, turning around to face the group. [Name] stood in front of them, her eyes on the cloaked ghoul. A sharp gasp was heard from him, his eyes widened under the shadows of his hood at the woman who just saved Haise. Pain-laced anger swirled around inside of him like a wildfire, scorching his bones and blinding him for a moment as he lunged for her.

[Name] was able to avoid the attack, he was much more faster now but so was she. His leg swung around to kick her but she blocked it pushing him away from her.

"Stop this, Takizawa! You don't need to do this!" she called out, only to be replied with an angered yell as Takizawa slammed her into the ground, the concrete cracking under her. Pain shot up her spine, blood trickling from her lips.

"You left me! You abandoned me when I needed you most!" he tightly gripped her ankle and swung her around before releasing her, throwing her high into a building. He rapidly chased after her, dragging her further up the building before slamming her through the roof and into the building.

Sharp pain bloomed through her body as she tried to stand up. Her legs shook weakly, using the wall to support herself. Takizawa gripped the back of her head and slammed it into the wall,

"You left me. You left me! You left me! YOU LEFT ME!" with one final slam, he release her and let her fall to the floor, blood smearing her facing as she looked up at her.

"I loved you and you abandoned me in that Hell hole." The anger drifted away, leaving a pained sorrow in its place. Tears pricked his eyes as he looked down at her beaten, bloody form. "Why did you leave me?" the sorrow dripped off his words.

[Name] spat a bit of blood out then looked up at him, her right eye reflected a ghoul eye, just like him and Haise. "Because I thought you did not need me anymore." She replied, her voice weak from the brutal beating he gave her.

"You were successful during the testing whilst I was beginning to fail them." She could easily recall the conversations she overheard between the doctors during testing. Takizawa was showing positive reactions towards the testings whilst she - despite surviving most of them- was starting to show negative reactions.

Unlike Takizawa, she could not sprout a kagune to use nor could she regenerate as quickly like him. All she truly achieved from the testing was heightened senses and a ghoul eye. That was it.

Takizawa's eyes narrowed at her, tears trickling down his pale face as he fell to his knees beside her.

"But why did you leave?" he chocked out, [Name] looked up at him, a smile on her lips.

"Because you were strong enough to continue without me. You didn't need me." A sob ripped from his black lips at that. His head resting against hers as he held her close. 

"[Name], without you, I'm nothing. I need you and I will always need you." he said, kissing her forehead. Despite her not being as advanced as him, she was healing but slowly. Her eyes looked up at him, the same loving glow in them when they first locked eyes all those years ago. H leaned down and kissed her lips.

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