Not a monster - Human Takizawa

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Requested by: @UkrainienOtaku, thank you for the request.
I'm sorry if it's short.

As a child, [Name]'s parents raised her to not kill nor harm humans. It was difficult in her younger years -mainly her teen years- but she had learnt to tame her hunger and feed from those who are already dead. It was not as satisfying as living flesh but she did not care. By surrounding herself with other ghouls like her at Anteiku, she was able to keep her hunger at bay.


[Name] sat in a back alley somewhere, she didn't know where and she didn't care. Her nails digging into her scalp slightly as she curled up on herself. Hunger burned inside of her, clawing at her insides, begging her to eat fresh, living flesh. Her eyes were tightly shut, quietly repeating to herself: "I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry." over and over again. Why was it so difficult today? Food was running low at Anteiku but the others were coping much better than her. How? 

"Um, miss. Are you alright?" a voice caught her attention, she turned her head to see a young male. Soft, brown locks framing his face slightly, making his hazel eyes shine in the darkness. His scent was human. She turned her head away from him, her nails digging into her palms, breaking the skin and drawing blood. 

"P-Please, sir. J-Just leave me alone." she strained through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the sweet scent of his flesh. He was young, his flesh was sweet by the smell alone. She bit down on her lips, turning her head further away from him.

"Madam, maybe I could help you. You look distressed. My name is Seidou Takizawa, I'm with the CCG." he told her, crouching down beside her. His hand went to touch her shoulder when she threw herself away from him, her eyes glowing in the shadows.

"I-I don't want to e-eat. G-Go away, please." Takizawa froze in his stop. His nerves shaking slightly, he was face to face with a ghoul. But... this was not like what he expected from a ghoul. Wasn't she suppose to be attacking him, trying to rip him to pieces? Yet, here she was, curling up away from him, begging him to go away so she didn't kill him. Slowly, he stood up and backed away, leaving the female ghoul alone.


That encounter hovered in Takizawa's mind. The pained look in her eyes as she restrained herself from attacking him. She begged him to leave her alone, giving him chance to escape. Why would a ghoul do that? 

Was it possible that there were some ghouls that did not want to kill humans? There was something about her, he wanted to help her.


[Name] walked down the street, her head hanging low. The hunger had calmed greatly over the past couple of days since she has been eating a little more than usual to sate her hunger, which seemed to work. As she walked past an alley, she heard something. Quietly, she stalked down the alley, clinging to what little shadows there were to find a ghoul pinning a human to the brick wall, his teeth trying to sink into the human's flesh but the human thrashed around, desperate to escape death's clutches.

Her eyes widened slightly, recognising the soft brown locks of hair framing the human's face. He was the CCG member she encountered a couple of days ago. Without hesitation, [Name] charged towards the ghoul pinning him up, her leg colliding with the ghoul's head with enough force to send him flying down the alley and into the wall. She turned her eyes to Takizawa who looked at her with fearful eyes. She extended her hand out for him to take, offering him the calmest expression she could. Slowly, he took it and she helped him up.

"You're the ghoul I met a few days ago. The one who... told me to run." she nodded,

"You're the CCG member, Seidou Takizawa." he glanced towards the other ghoul to see him motionless, knocked out, most likely. "Why did you tell me to run? Why didn't you try to eat me?" he asked [Name]. She blinked at him, 

"Because I don't want to eat living humans. I just want to live like your kind." Takizawa's eyes widened at that. A ghoul wanted to live like a human? He gulped quietly, regaining his composure.

"Well, thank you for saving me. And for not eating me." [Name] gave him a sweet, innocent smile. 

"You're welcome."

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