Something in my care - Ghoul Takizawa

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Takizawa sat on the edge of the building, his legs dangling over the side as he looked out at the lights of the city. A gentle breeze pushed his hood down, exposing his snow white locks of hair. A frown pulled his black lips, his hand resting against a wound that was slowly, but surely, healing on his side.

The fight was... serious, even though he only escaped with a slice to the side, there was the small possible chance he could have been killed. Amon was determined not to be defeated by him. And Takizawa wanted to see if Amon could actually save him like he claimed he could. A low sigh slipped his lips.

"Odd place to find you here." Haise's voice spoke from behind him. Takizawa didn't bother turning around to face him.

"I like the view. City lights are pretty from this height." he replied, not tearing his gaze away from the twinkling lights that reminded him of stars. Haise smiled a little.

"Something on your mind?" he asked. Takizawa hesitated for a moment.

"Do you ever wonder if someone out there misses you? Stands at the door to see if you would return?" he asked, his gaze dropping as he spoke. Haise tilted his head,

"I'm not sure. Maybe. Why? Someone you miss?" Takizawa gave a small nod. His hand curling around the necklace that his lover had given him so long ago.

"My lover, [Name]." A soft smile graced his lips at the mention of her name. The way she would look at him would always make him feel special. She never looked at anyone the way she looked at him.

"She must have meant a lot to you, Takizawa." Haise said as he sat down next to the snow haired ghoul.

"She did. She was my world. She used to look at me like no one else did. She believed in me when no one else did. She loved me when I was discarded by everyone else." Takizawa held the necklace closer to his chest, imagining it was her hand he was holding close. Haise tilted his head a little,

"[Name]? [Name] [Surname]?" Takizawa looked at him and nodded. Haise smiled again," I met her a couple of times when I was investigating the Tsukiyama family. She's safe, don't worry, but she was very sweet from what I remember." Takizawa sighed, [Name] was a friend of Shuu's, one he had no intention of eating.

"I have something in my care." Takizawa removed the necklace and handed it to Haise. "Could you give that to her the next time you see her?" Haise took the necklace and nodded,

"Anything you want me to tell her?" he asked. Takizawa nodded.

"Tell her 'I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.' She will understand."

Haise had found [Name] in the park a couple of days later. She was sitting on a bench, feeding the ducks when he approached her.

"Miss [Surname]?" she looked up at him.

"Yes?" Haise pulled the necklace from his pocket.

"I have something that belongs to you. From someone you care about." he handed her the necklace and her eyes widened in shock. "He says, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you." She gave a nod, holding the necklace close as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Thank you, Mr Haise." Haise turned his attention next to her to see a pram. Carefully peering inside, he saw a child. Hazel brown locks of hair covered their head with wide, curious brown eyes. Suddenly, it all clicked in his head what Takizawa was apologising for. He gave the child a smile.

"He's sweet, isn't he?" [Name] wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, he looks just like his father."

Just a heads up, this is NOT a second part to any of the pregnant scenarios. Just had to clear that bit up.

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