A Surprise - Human Takizawa

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I'm sorry this is short.

Takizawa has been enduring extra hours at the CCG due to the recent ghoul attacks. He was leaving before dawn and back after dark, exhausted from the work. [Name] felt sympathy for her lover, especially when she found him passed out on the table surrounded by reports.

That's why she went out shopping that day, before Takizawa came home, and bought something that should help ease his stress and help him relax a little.


Takizawa pushed the front door open, his eyes tired from the work again. As he walked into the living room, he noticed a note on the table,

Come upstairs please. I've got something for you.

Takizawa blinked before glancing upstairs. Was [Name] alright? He made his way up the stairs, coming to a stop outside the bedroom door.

Pushing the door open, he was greeted by the soft glow of the lamp on the beside table. The bed was sprinkled with rose petals but [Name] was no where to be seen.

Suddenly, he felt a hand slid up his back, sending goosebumps along his skin.

"[Name], what's all this abo-" he asked, turning to face her and stopped. His face flushed red at the clothing she was wearing. A female police officer uniform that was leaning much more into the exotic nature of things.

"Um... I-I like your new outfit." he stuttered, feeling his chest flutter with nerves. It was rare his [Name] would wear such clothing as she was insecure about her body, though Takizawa assumed her she was beautiful. So to see her wearing something like this was a little surprising.

"I was hoping you would. I know you've been working more harder recently." She lightly pushed him onto the bed, a smile on her lips.

"I was just hoping to relieve you of some str-" before she could finish her sentence, the heel of her boot gave away and she stumbled to the floor.

"[Name], are you okay?" Takizawa asked, [Name] jumped back up, pretending that she didn't just fall.

"I'll be the one asking questions around here." She said, making him chuckle.

"Alright, officer."

I said I wouldn't write smut and this is not smut. It is teasing. Thank you for reading this.

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