Family - Human Takizawa

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Being a father. Something Takizawa had never considered. Something he thought he would never have the time to be. Until he met his lover. She became his wife, and nine months later, she became the mother of his child.

The first year was... Stressful, to say the least. His daughter was so fragile to the world they lived in. Easy prey to ghouls. He refused to let her become food for those creatures. He protected her from any harm that threatened her.

Then it happened. On a mission, they didn't notice that the ghoul was not dead. His kagune impaled straight through his wife, in a moment of blind emotion, he swung his weapon and removed the ghoul's head then ran to cradle his wife. The wound was too deep, he knew she was dying. He held her hand, tears trickling down his face. But she didn't cry. "Protect our baby girl, my love."


Takizawa sat at his desk at home, head buried in his hands as tears threatened to spill. Three years may have passed since his wife died but the memory still ached like the wound did. Though he would always put on the brave face for [Name]. He had to play the role of both mother and father, and it was terrifying for him. Trying to find a babysitter who could be trusted with his daughter, earning money to support the both of them and spending time with her. It was all becoming stressful.

Amon had told him to take time off to be with his daughter. He still got paid though, but the time made him think back to that tragic day. He missed his wife greatly and not a day went by where he wished he could have saved her. He had hit rock-bottom that day.

Soft sobs broke the silence of his room. He didn't want to lose his daughter, she was the only family. He would lose his right arm before letting anyone take her away from him, and he would still keep fighting.

"Daddy?" he wiped his tears and put a smile on before turning to the door to see [Name] peeking through the door.

"Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" he asked as she walked towards him.

"Why are you crying?" his smile fell. Her eyes looking at him, waiting for him to answer. He sighed.

"I'm just thinking about your mummy." he replied. He couldn't lie to her. At his answer, she wrapped her small arms around his body, burying her face in his chest.

"I miss mummy too. I love you daddy." Takizawa smiles, wrapping his arms around her small body, holding her close to him.

"I love you too, [Name]. I always will." he whispered. She pulled away and looked up at him again,

"But what if you turned into a ghoul? Would you still love me?" he chuckled a little. He stroked her soft locks of hair.

"If I ever turned into a ghoul, I have to eat you up." he tickled the small girl as he made eating sounds, pretending to be eating her. [Name] bursted out into laughter. This was all he needed. As long as his daughter loved him and was safe, he would die a happy man. More importantly, he would die knowing his child would be safe.

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