Hope - Ghoul Takizawa

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There were very few things Takizawa was given the joy of. A small cell with nothing in it, a metal door to prevent him escaping. The young female investigator who was sent in every few days to interview - interrogate - him.

The first time she visited him, he stared at her in an attempt to make her uncomfortable, though it seemed to fail. She would put on a brave face and ask her questions. Mainly they circled around the Arigori Tree group.

The second time she visited, he mocked her. Simple mocks about her as a human and how weak she really was compared to him, mentally and physically. Though that did little to faze her, she just waited for him to be quiet and continued asking.

However, the third time she visited, he didn't do anything along those lines. Instead, he decided to answer some of her questions.

"And what can you tell me about the Rabbit?" she asked, voice calm and patient as she spoke.

"Nothing much to say. He'll kill you if told to. Simple." he replied, leaning as far back as his restraintments would allow him - which was not very far- and waited for her next question.

"Okay. How about you, Owl?" he blinked then grinned.

"Is this part of your questions they gave you?" She shook her head, turning off the recorder and sliding it away. This did catch his curiosity.

"I wanted to understand why you do the things you do, Owl. If that's okay." She said, leaning back in her chair. "This will be off the records. Just between you and me." Takizawa narrowed his orbs as her, was she planning something?

"What do you wish to know?" he asked. [Name] smiled lightly at that. A reaction he was not really expecting.

"How did you become a One-Eyed ghoul?" The door to his darker, surpressed memories threatened to break open and flood his mind with those final months as Seidou Takizawa. His restraints rattled as he tried to pull away from the table,

"None of your damn business!" he shouted, "How Seidou Takizawa died is none of your business or anyone's business apart from mine!" [Name] furrowed her brow slightly,

"Was that your name? Seidou Takizawa?" he pulled at his restraints again, the metal rubbing against his skin. A series of grunts was heard as he tried to get away from her, not wanting to remember who he was. How weak he was. How human he was. Those images of his torture flashed his mind.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" The restraints shattered as he jumped back, clutching his head tightly, black nails digging into his scalp. [Name] jumped up, crouching beside him and carefully taking his wrists in her hands.

"Listen to me, you're alright Owl. There's nothing here to harm you." She soothed, her calming voice pulling him from his traumatic memories. Small whimpers slipped his lips as she gently pulled his hands away from his head, preventing him from harming himself. His wide eyes looked up at her laced with fear at his memories, her hand softly rested against his white hair, a soothing gesture to calm him down.

"It's okay." She said, not breaking eye contact. He felt... better. Calmer with her. He leaned into her touch like a stray cat, wary of any sudden moves. She smiled again,

"See? You're okay with me." For a moment, a soft warmth bloomed in his chest at this. Perhaps Seidou Takizawa was not as dead as Owl had believed. Perhaps there was hope for him after all.

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