Metal Walls - Human Takizawa

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This was requested by: @CupidManna thank you for the request.
Author's note: I do not know what fully happened through Takuzawa's torture so I'm sorry if it's not right. Please enjoy.

In an underground laboratory somewhere, in you walk down three lots of stairs and walk down the corridor, you will come across two metal doors placed side by side. Inside those two cells are two people who wanted nothing more than to help the people around them, and now they are held captive and used as guinie pigs.


A coldness hovered in the air, nipping and brushing itself against [Name]'s body as she held the blanket tighter to herself. What day was it? How long had she and Takizawa been here? All those questions floated around in her head as she leaned back against the wall.

"Takizawa, are you awake?" she asked softly through a small hole they had found and used it as a means to communicate with each other.

"Yeah, [Name], I'm awake." he replied, his voice sounding tired despite doing very little today. The testing those Doctors do can certainly drain the body of energy.

"How're you holding up?" The pair of them had been brought to this place together during the battle in the 20th ward. Takizawa had lost his arm completely and she had lost most of her leg. She looked down at her leg. Partically reformed, that Doctor had told her that, staring from the day they got there, she and Takizawa were now ghouls.

That thought haunted her. She and Takizawa were suppose to fight ghouls, not become them.

Takizawa sighed deeply. "I'm struggling, [Name]. I'm really struggling to cope." he replied. [Name] furrowed her brows, concern gnawing at her muscles.

"Don't worry, Takizawa. We'll get out of here and we'll go home." An annoyed groan slipped from Takizawa's blackening lips,

"No we won't, [Name]. We won't be going anywhere. We're stuck in this Hell-Hole and we are not getting out!" [Name] flinched at the sudden anger lacing his words. She had never heard Takizawa sound so angry. She leaned her head against the metal wall,

"Don't say that. You don't know for sure that we won't get out."

"And you don't know for sure that we will." She fell silent at that. All this is dampening him, his happy, determined attitude was gone. How could he give up? He had to stay positive, he had to believe that one day they will get out.


Takizawa leaned against the wall beside the small hole. Strands of white painted strips of his brown hair. He pulled a bit in his line of sight. Why? Why did he and [Name] have to be dragged into this Hell? Why couldn't they have just died in battle?

His gaze fell down to his arm, it was smaller than his other one but it had grown back from being nothing. Tears pricked his eyes, only ghouls possessed that kind of regeneration.

Ghoul. That was what he was now. He curled up, pulling the blanket closer to his body. He felt so cold, with the metal walls as his company. [Name] was in the room beside him but he couldn't even see her face. Did her hair start changing colour too?

How could she be so confident that they were going to escape? Even if they did, who would take them in? Where would they go? They were monsters now.

"We're never getting out, [Name]. And even if we did, it'll never be the same as before." he hissed, anger clawing inside of him, sinking its teeth into his muscles and poisoning his body.

"Seidou, we can-" her voice was cut off by the bubbling anger that festered in his mind.

"I'M NOT SEIDOU!" His voice echoed around his cell, bouncing off the walls and hovering in the air. Anger mixed with tear-stained fear soaked his words. [Name] fell silent, her chest laced with a sharp pain from his words.

She rested her head against the wall, placing her hand against it as if he could see her.

"Seidou," she spoke softly, "You will always be Seidou Takizawa to me. Nothing is ever going to change that." Takizawa turned his head towards the wall, his forehead resting against the cold metal as soft sobs slipped his lips. He just wanted to hug her. He wanted her to comfort him. Was that too much to ask?

"I-I'm scared, [Name]." he choked through the tears. [Name] closed her eyes,

"I love you, Seidou." Takuzawa's blackening lips lifted slightly, her words planting a warmth inside his chest, warming his body unlike the blanket did.

"I love you too."

Thank you for reading this. Sorry it's short.

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