As we Fall - Ghoul Takizawa

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Warnings: Blood, violence, fluff
I recommend listening to the song as you read this. Thank you.
Please enjoy. I'm sorry if it's poorly written.

[Name] was unlike any ghoul Takizawa had met in the Aogiri Tree. She was cold and uncaring. A monochromatic image of what ghouls should be: Bloody, brutal and heartless. In his eyes, she was perfect.

In the beginning, it was a simple partnership. Two powerful ghouls working alongside each other to wipe out the more challenging opponents. Both worked flawlessly together like petrol and a lit match, creating destruction in their wake. Until something slithered its way into the albino ghoul's heart, burying itself deep within him and growing with him oblivious to it. 

It was not until Takizawa had found [Name] in her room staring at a photograph with such a soft, loving expression that it bloomed. He questioned her about it and, at first, she refused to tell him, saying how her life was none of his concern. Though, when he did not leave, she sighed. The photograph was of her and her older brother who had been killed by the CCG. Her brother spent every waking moment protecting her after their parents died, and they lived peacefully among humans with little issue. Yet the day her brother's life was stolen from her was the day her humanity died. Why protect humans if all they do is slaughter those who help?

That single moment between the two ghouls sparked something hidden within them, a shred of humanity that allowed them to feel emotion, as they become much more than friends after that night. Takizawa promised her that he would never leave her side.


[Name] dodged the swing of the blade, landing her own strike against the CCG member's head, splitting his skull open on impact. Her stone cold gaze shifted to the corpses that decorated the corridor. 

"[Name], get to the rooftop now!" Ayato's voice spoke through the ear-piece and she immediately made her way towards the rooftop, taking shorter routes to avoid colliding into any fights along the way. 

The rooftop was a mess. Blood smeared everywhere with large dents in the walls and floors. Pained yells caught her attention, informing her of where to go. Running to a large hole in the floor, she caught a glimpse of Haise getting thrown across the room by Takizawa, who pounced after him. [Name] didn't hesitate to drop down, landing directly beside Haise and kicking him across the room again. Takizawa sent her a smile,

"Glad you could make it, [Name]. It's just starting to get fun!" The two ghouls charged at the CCG member. Before [Name] could land a punch, a sudden force sent her colliding into a wall. Her eyes looked up to see a blonde haired boy, one she recognised as one of Haise's students. She jumped back on her feet and charged at him, moving at incredible speed and striking at his stomach, knocking the air from his lungs then slamming his head into the floor.

"Childish arrogance." she spat, grabbing his blonde hair and forcing him to look at her. He had clearly taken a beating from whichever floor her came from due to the bruises already printed on his skin. And he believed he could engage two SS rated ghouls with his mentor? Idiot. [Name] planted her foot on his chest and began to slam her foot down, he caught her foot and twisted it with enough force to send her stumbling into a metal frame. 

A soft growl ripped her lips as her kagune sprouted,

"Oh shit." he muttered as she leaped into the air, her kagune aiming for him and he dodged it narrowly. He smacked his head against hers and kicked her in the chest, she felt a coupe of bones crack under his foot but they were already regenerating as she stood back up.

She darted around him, circling him quickly and lashing an attack before repeating it again like a shark in water. He caught a glimpse of her crimson glowing eyes before her kagune impaled him, lifting him a couple of feet off the ground. Blood trickled from his lips and a smile lifted her lips. A pained gasp ripped from her at the sudden scorching pain in her abdomen. Haise's kagune stuck out of her, her muscles tensed and locked up from the shock.

"[NAME]!" Takizawa shouted before she was thrown upwards, landing roughly on the rooftop and followed by Haise himself. His hand grasped her throat tightly as he hung her over the edge of the building. If he released his grip, she would not survive the fall. His piercing cold glare struck through her at the loss of his student, a hateful look. One she knew all too well. Slowly, his hand released her throat, letting her fall. 

The air flew past her, her body feeling weightless as she fell. Her eyes closed for a moment, she will be with her family soon, and she has done all she could to avenge them. A smile lifted her lips at that comforting thought. Her eyes opened to see Takizawa falling as well, his hand outstretched towards her as pain-laced fear carved his pale features. Her hand reached out towards him. 

Takizawa wrapped her tightly in his arms and rolled so he could -at least- soften her landing. Pain throbbed her muscles as she opened her eyes, looking at Takizawa as he laid there, motionless.

"Takizawa?" she checked his pulse. Weak but there. He was still alive. She rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, "I love you, Takizawa." She felt his arms tighten around her gently,

"I love you too, [Name]."

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