Jealousy - Human Takizawa

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Takizawa would never really describe himself as jealous. He wasn't one to get jealous. Especially not when it came to [Name] and Juuzou standing by the water jug chattering about who knows what. He wasn't jealous.

Break time was one of the few moments he got to talk to [Name] in the CCG as both of them were busy and rarely crossed paths in the building. He sat at their usual desk in the break room with two cups of coffee waiting for [Name]. He glanced at his watch to see five minutes had passed already, he frowned slightly and sipped his coffee. A familiar giggle caught his attention. He turned around to see [Name] standing and talking to... Juuzou. A frown pulled his lips at that.

Takizawa approached the two with the cups of coffee, throwing a smile on his lips and burying his annoyance.

"Hey [Name], how you doing?"  [Name] turned to him and smiled, accepting the cup from him.

"Hey Takizawa, thank you for the coffee. I was just catching up with Juuzou." he looked at the strange boy and tried to hide his annoyance.

"Hiya Takizawa. Nice to see you again." Juuzou said with that smile of his. "You didn't tell me you knew him, [Name]." Juuzou turned to her as he said that.

"I was going to. I promise." the two giggled a little. Takizawa stood there, feeling slightly out of place.

"So [Name], how do you know Juuzou?" he asked, hoping to get involved in this little circle.

"I've known Juuzou for a few months now. He's actually a really interesting person." there was a way she said that that Takizawa didn't like.

"Anyway, I was hoping-" before he could finish his sentence, Juuzou cut in.

"Hey [Name], you want to go to the park after work?" he asked, [Name] agreed with a smile. Takizawa felt his nerves tighten and his teeth grit slightly but he took a calming breathe.


The next day, he walked into [Name]'s office to see her alone.

"Hey, [Name]. Me and Amon were going to go to the pub after work and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?" [Name] looked up and smiled.

"Of course, I'd love to. Thank you for the offer." Takizawa smiled. Finally, he and [Name] could have some friend time instead of Juuzou hogging all her attention all the time.

He sat in the passenger seat of Amon's car, waiting for [Name]. This was Amon's treat for them since they've been working extra hours for the past couple of weeks.

His smile fell when he saw [Name] and Juuzou outside her front door, talking about something he couldn't hear. He leaned his head on his hand and mumbled to himself.

"Jealous?" Amon asked, Takizawa looked over at him and straightened his posture, trying to hide it.

"W-What? Of Juuzou? Of course not." he chuckled, trying to seem fine with everything. Amon pointed towards [Name] and Juuzou, he turned just in time to see Juuzou's hand run through her hair. Takizawa gave off a silent growl, earning a chuckle from Amon.


Okay, Takizawa was alright with them two hanging out. He was alright with Juuzou touching her hair but the one thing he was not alright with was that Juuzou was partnered up with [Name] in the field. That was the last straw.

Takizawa almost kicked the door to her office down, interrupting whatever it was she and Juuzou were talking about.

"Takizawa, what's wrong?"

"Rude way of knocking." Takizawa pointed at Juuzou, his teeth gritted.

"Out. I want to speak to [Name]. Alone." Juuzou made no attempt to move from her desk until [Name] told him to wait outside. As he walked past him, he stuck his tongue out at the brunette then ran out before he could do anything. Takizawa slammed the door shut.

"Seidou, what's the matter?" she asked, concerned about her friend's change in attitude. He turned to her,

"I just can't seem to spend any time with you anymore because of Juuzou." he said, "[Name], you have been my best friend since high school and I don't want to be pushed second place by him. I'm sorry if that upsets you but I refuse to be second place to my best friend." Once he got it all out, he took a breathe again. All the built up anger and anxiety, and jealousy, had poured out into his words.

[Name] took it all in and gave him a light smile. She stood up from her seat and stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pushing you away, Seidou. Why didn't you tell me it was bothering you?" Takizawa lowered his head,

"Because I'm jealous and I didn't want you to hate me." [Name] lifted his head up to look at her before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"You will never be second place to me, Seidou. I promise you that."

This was requested and I hope you like it. Thank you for reading.

Takizawa one-shots Tokyo GhoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon