Sick but not Twisted - Human Takizawa

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In honesty, it took me a bit to decide whether or not for Takizawa to be Human or Ghoul for this one.
Warnings: Blood, angst, fluff, somewhat AU
Please enjoy.

Rain poured from the dark, gloomy clouds, soaking the city of Tokyo; thunder roaring above, spitting and hissing its anger across the entire sky. Lightening screeched through the blackening clouds, offering very little light.

Takizawa pushed through the hissing, icy winds, ignoring the stinging bite on his face. Cold, raw fear radiated from his wide eyes, his face void of any other emotion. His legs throbbed in agony, begging him to stop though he refused to. He readjusted his grip on the unconscious body he carried on his back, feeling her blood seep into his clothing -which were already soaked with rain- as he pushed himself further down the empty street. He needed to get [Name] somewhere safe.


[Name] was a ghoul. Takizawa knew that but it did not change how he felt about her. She was still the most wonderful person to ever grace his life with her presence. Despite being a ghoul, she would only eat human flesh at a minimum and only if the human was already dead. Takizawa was able to look past this and understand her reasoning behind it. She was still a ghoul so she had to eat correctly. But the fact that she was putting effort into trying to be human was what made her special to him.

The CCG had discovered a disease that effects ghouls which, if infected with the disease, removes any humanity they have, reducing them to the monstrous creatures they were. Humans were immune to this disease but the CCG wanted to terminate the disease in case it could affect humans.

It was suppose to be a simple night out together. A form of celebration for Takizawa getting a promotion at work. But now, he wishes they never went out. He wishes he never got that damn promotion. As the two lovers walked down the street, [Name] noticed something odd about the person standing in the park area. He stood, shoulder hunched and seeming to be chewing on something, though the sounds he were making sounded sick. Takizawa approached him,

"Excuse me sir, are you alright? You don't sound-" he was cut off by the man turning around. Wild, rabid hunger blazed in his dark eyes as blood coated his jaw and chest. Drool dripped from his bleeding lips. Blackened veins pulsed through his sickly pale skin, flowing with polluted, infected blood. Takizawa recognised the disease immediately and slowly began to back away, careful not to make any sudden movements. His quinque was absent, left at the house. He had no defence against this rapid ghoul.

Suddenly, the ghoul roared at him, charging at him like a mad bull. [Name] tackled him out of the way, both dodging the ghoul's attack.

"[Name], he's infected with the disease. We need to go!" he said, grabbing her hand and turning to run. Both ran down the street but the ghoul was hot on their heels, determined to kill them both. Takizawa darted down an alley way with [Name], causing the ghoul to jump onto the wall and crawl along it like a spider. He curled back before pouncing at Takizawa. Takizawa's eyes widened in fear at the ghoul as he jaw opened, ready to sink his teeth into his soft flesh.

He never did though. Instead, his teeth sunk into [Name]'s flesh as she had jumped in front of Takizawa in an attempt to shield him from the brutal attack.

"[NAME]!" the ghoul slammed her onto the ground, viciously tearing at her shoulder and spilling her blood everywhere. Grabbing the closest thing -which was a sharp, metal pipe- Takizawa screamed in anger before driving the metal pipe into the ghoul's head; pushing it off of [Name] and killing the ghoul. He turned around, colour draining from his face at [Name]'s motionless form. Without hesitation, he scooped her up and placed her on his back before darting out of the alley way.


The brunette male reached a small bridge that stood over a river, his mind swimming with panicked thoughts. What was he going to do? Where would he take her? It didn't matter, all that he cared about was getting [Name] somewhere safe.

He felt [Name] shift against his back, a low groan emitting from her.

"No, [Name]. You rest, I'll get you somewhere sa-" he was cut off by [Name] throwing her weight around, forcing him to collide into the wooden railing and sending them both falling over the edge. Takizawa landed on the stone pavement that stood under the bridge, a couple of centimetres away from the edge of the water. Dull pain throbbed his body as he started to stand up. His hazel eyes fell upon [Name] who stood only feet away from him. Cold dread clawed at his heart at her. Void black eyes glared at him, a scarlet glow radiating hunger. Blackened veins stained her pale skin.

No. Not [Name].

Before he could react, [Name] growled and lunged at him. He held her away, avoiding her gaping jaws as she tried to bite at him. The force of the attack pushed him to the ground, her strength easily overpowering him but he remained still, keeping her away from his flesh. His eyes scanned around for something to protect himself with. His hand reached for a metal pipe laying close beside him and he brought it between him and [Name], using it as a form a barrier. Her teeth clamped around it, the metal bending under force of her jaw.

"[Name], it's me! Seidou Takizawa! You're not a rabid ghoul, you're [Name] [Surname]! Just hang in there! Please hang in there!" he begged, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of his lover. It was all his fault.

A red-tinted tear dripped onto his face, catching him by surprise. Soft sobs ripped from [Name]'s lips as tears trickled down her face. She heard him. She recognised him! Slowly, Takizawa removed the metal pipe and she made no attempt to attack him. He smiled through his tears, his hands resting against her face.

"Don't worry. I'm going to help you get bet-" A swift movement blinded both him and [Name] for a moment. A CCG member tackled [Name] to the ground, a quinque pressed against her throat as he stood behind her, restraining her. Takizawa jumped up and attempted to run towards her only to be restrained himself.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" he shouted, watching as [Name] struggled against the CCG member.

"Takizawa, you are alright now. She's infected so we have our orders to terminate her." He screamed at that. [Name] couldn't die. Not when she was the true victim. He slammed his foot against the CCG member restraining him, only to get his head smacked against the wall. Black dots decorated Takizawa's vision as he slumped down,

"She won't... eat people..." he tried to say though his words were slightly slurred from the head injury.

A deep growl slipped [Name]'s lips at that, she kicked the CCG member away and darted over to Takizawa's slumped form. She stood in front of him, a threatening growl aimed towards the CCG members as she shielded him from them. Before they could do anything, her kagune sprouted and she lunged, slicing both their throats open and killing them.

Takizawa looked up, his vision clearing as he rested a hand against his head. His hazel eyes shifted to [Name] as she approached him, her dark eyes scanning him to see if he was wounded. He stood up and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you, [Name]. I will find a way to fix this. I promise you." he said, feeling her tightly hug back.

I'm sorry if this was stupid. Please, leave a vote and comment your thoughts. Thank you.

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