Meeting The Family - Human Takizawa

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Author's Note, I'm sorry if his family seem out of character.

[Name] and Takizawa have been together for a couple of months now, and it has been amazing for them both. However, Takizawa has been introduced to [Name]'s family but she has not been introduced to his yet. She has asked why and his answer was simply,

"I don't think you would like them. They can be a bit overwhelming with questions." [Name] only smiled at that.

"I doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as my father asking you if you had taken me in bed." That was certainly an awkward moment for both of them. Takizawa chuckled a little.

"Alright then. I'll arrange a day so you can meet my family."

To say Seidou was nervous would be an understatement. The brunette was constantly fidgeting with his tie, a nervous habit of his, as they approached his parents' house. Once they stood at the door, he turned to her.

"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded and gave him a small kiss on the cheek to help calm his nerves. He smiled and knocked on the door.

Moments later, the door opened to reveal an older woman standing there with a soft smile on her lips.

"Hello Seidou, I'm glad to see you again." She gave her son a hug before turning to [Name], "You must be [Name]. Seidou has told us so much about you." She and [Name] shook hands then his mother welcomed them inside the house.

They all took a seat in the living room. His mother told them that Seidou's father will be home soon as he has finished his golf for the day.

"I'm so glad to know my boy has found someone as lovely as you, [Name]." [Name] gave her a soft smile,

"No, Miss Takizawa. I'm the one who should be thanking you for having such a wonderful son." His mother only waved her hand at that.

"Ohh stop that. You're going to make me ruin my makeup." the two females laughed a little whilst Seidou sat next to [Name], watching his girlfriend and his mother get along well. He smiled a little.

The door opened and his younger sister bounced in, placing her backpack on the floor. Her eyes fell upon [Name] and she stopped.

"Who's this?" she asked her mother.

"This is Seidou's girlfriend, [Name]." Seidou felt his smile drop as his sister turned to [Name] with a smirk.

"So my older brother finally got a girlfriend. That's amazing news. I was starting to think he swung the other way." Seidou frowned at that,

"I already told you, I'm not gay." his sister gave a hum before turning back to [Name].

"Are you a Ghoul Investor too?" [Name] shook her head.

"No, I'm actually a veterinarian. I work at the vets a couple of streets away from here." At that, his mother stood up.

"Ohh, then could you help us with Rocky? The poor thing won't eat properly and I'm worried about him." Seidou looked at [Name] with a silent, pleading look. Rocky had not been eating correctly and everyone has been worried the dog was sick.

"Of course I will. Where is he?" his mother left for a moment and returned with the small dog and handed him to [Name].

She stroked his head a little, muttering soft encouragement to Rocky to comfort him as she examined him. Checked his ears, teeth and eyes for anything out of place. Then checked his food,

"Is this a new brand you're giving him?" his mother shook her head.

"No, he wants that brand all the time. Is he going to be okay?" [Name] looked around the living room and noticed the bouquet of Lilies on the table.

"Does he jump on the table a lot?" Seidou glanced at his mother who nodded. [Name] pointed at the lilies, "You may want to move them away then. Lilies can be dangerous to dogs and cats." Seidou insatnly moved the lilies into the kitchen, out of reach of Rocky before returning to the living room.

"If he continues acting like this, bring him by the vets and I'll examine him more thoroughly." She handed the dog to Seidou, who insatnly started to lick his owner.

"Thank you, [Name]. Here." his mother went to open her purse but [Name] stopped her.

"Please, keep your money. I'll be happy knowing Rocky is healthy."

After dinner, Seidou's mother offered to show [Name] some family photos of Seidou as a child.

"And here's one with him cutting his own hair. The boy was only six at the time." they both chuckled over the photos whilst Seidou sat there, attempting to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh, and here's one when he went through his little phase." the photo was of a teenage Seidou with black hair and dark clothing, eyeliner on his eyes and a bored look on his face.

"Mum, I was only thirteen then." he commented, making them both laugh again.

After the photos were done, [Name] and Seidou had to leave. She thanked his family for a wonderful time. Seidou say in the car with her for a moment.

"Well, that went well." he said with a smile. [Name] turned to him.

"I think they like me." She reached out at pushed some of his Hazel brown locks in front of his eye like in the photo, "Seddy." he playfully pushed her hand away and fixed his hair.

"It was a silly phase. That's all." they chuckled. He started the engine, "And besides, I'm sure you have embarrassing photos of yourself in your parents' house."

This was requested. Also I'm sorry if his family seem out of character. I tried my best and I hope you like it.

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