Confidence - Human Takizawa

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It sounded like something from a fairytale. [Name] was of royal blood but she was not interested in living the luxurious life her family expected her to live. Instead, she wanted to join the CCG and help protect her people another way rather than just sit in a large mansion and watch them die from the safety of her home.

When she met Takizawa, the male was... she could only compare him to a mouse. Nervous and tense around her but he did attempt to act politely around her as he knew which family she came from. She had to admit it was cute to see him stumbled from his seat to offer it to her when she would walk into the break room. Or even how he would both bow and salute her when he first found out she was a royal. The poor male had no idea what to do.

To help him calm his nerves around her, [Name] offered to take him out for a coffee. As they sat at the table, she could see his hands were shaking slightly and whenever he spoke to her, he would stutter and trip over his words.

"It's alright, Takizawa. You don't need to treat me any different because of my family. Please, just treat me as your friend." She said to him. He looked up at her and gave her a nervous smile but it was clear by his eyes that he was pleased to hear her call herself his friend.

This continued for a couple of months. Slowly, Takizawa became less nervous around her as their friendship continued to grow. It even possible offered something else between the two.

[Name] was no stranger when it came to love. She recognised the looks in people's eyes, the small actions they did to show affection and how their body language would change. Mainly because her mother wanted her to learn how to read micro-expressions to "keep you safe" as she said. Takizawa would stand a little closer to her than before, his hand would gently brushed against hers when he would hand her something, his eyes would scan over her features and his lips would twitch up slightly.

Though, one day everything came crashing down. The battle against the ghouls in one of the wards left many dead. [Name] had demanded to be apart of that group but they refused to let her since she was a royal. Then the names of all the soldiers that survived came back, Takizawa was not among those names.

It hurt. It truly hurt her knowing that the one person who didn't want her because of her royalty was dead. She had insisted that her family would tend to the memorial for all the soldiers who had died.


A couple of months had passed since that awful day and [Name] still visited the memorial to replace the flowers for Takizawa.

However, one day when she went to replace them, she was a little surprised to see a hooded figure standing by Takizawa's headstone. Perhaps another member of his family had come to pay their respects. She walked to their side and carefully set the flowers down.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She told the hooded figure. He gave a low hum before speaking,

"Who was he to you?" he asked, keeping his face hidden. [Name] didn't mind though.

"Hee was... a very dear friend of mine. One I still miss to this day." he gave her a quick glance, enough so she could catch a glimpse of snow white hair and black lips.

"Anything else? Nothing more than that?" [Name] glanced at him in confusion.

"Pardon?" the hooded figure turned to her.

"Was he anything else to you beside your friend?" she looked down in thought. She gave a small nod.

"To me, he was an incredible man. One who I had hoped to share my heart with." The hooded male gave a soft chuckle, [Name] looked at him. Slowly, he raised his head so she could see his face properly.

Pale skin. Widen, sunken eyes. Snow White locks. Black lips. However, the more she focused on his facial structure, the more she recognised it.

"T-Takizawa? Is that really you?" she asked, almost not believing it herself. He gave a smile before falling on one knee in a bow.

"I pledge myself to protect you, my princess. And I shall be more than honoured if you share your heart with me." She blinked at this. The one person she believed to be dead is alive, well and bowing before her. Tears pinched her eyes but she held them back.

"Y-You may rise, Sir." he did as told, a smirk pulling his black lips.

"May I tempt the princess into some mischief?" he whispered as he leaned close to her ear. Before she could reply, his lips connected with hers. The kiss was soft yet loving. He pulled away with a smile.

"I have wished to do that for quite some time now."

This was a request. I am sorry if this is terrible. But thank you for reading it anyway.

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