Feed - Ghoul Takizawa

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Blood. That was all he could taste. Blood and flesh coating his tongue, some trickling from the corner from his sloppy eating, dripping onto the corpse he crouched over. He blinked, looking down aat the corpse. No one he recognised, no one important.

The dark alley offered the perfect cover as he fed, leaving him to be undisturbed. Though he stopped, catching the scent of another ghoul close by. He turned around sharply, prepared to defend his prey, he refused to share with anyone. At the mouth of the alley stood a female, ghoul by her scent. She looked at him, hands in pocket.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." She said, voice quite as she spoke. He tilted his head at her.

"I was hoping you could help me with something sir. But if you're eating then I'll leave you be."

"What kind of help?" Takizawa couldn't deny she had, oddly, caught his curiosity. She smiled lightly,

"Could you pass me my purse? He stole it from me earlier but you beat me to him." She pointed towards the small black purse clenched in the human's hand. He glanced at her confused then pulled it from the human's hand and stood upright, handing it to her.

"Thank you, sir. Enjoy your meal." She turned to walk away when he grabbed her wrist, making her look at him. A smile tugging his black lips,

"Would you like to join me?" he offered. Her eyes widened slightly, then nodded. The two sat by the corpse in silence as they both fed.

"What's your name?" he asked, swallowing a mouthful.

"[Name]. And yours?" she glanced up, taking small mouthfuls as it was still his kill.

"Owl." he replied. [Name] bowed her head slightly,

"Thank you for your help and the meal, Owl." he smiled at her. Blood dripping from his black lips,

"No problem, [Name]."

Thank you for reading this, I had no idea what to write but please leave a vote and comment. Thank you.

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