Pregnant - Human Takizawa

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He pushed the door open, running his tired eyes as his work day was finished and his home reports was about to start. He didn't understand; he tried so hard to be the best and he was always pushed at second place. He sighed and sat down on the couch, dropping his briefcase next to him. It wasn't too bad at home. He had [Name] with him, the one who he gave his heart to and was given hers in return.

Takizawa glanced around, noticing the absence of his lover. His brow furrowed slightly as he stood up,

"[Name]? Are you here?" he called, peering up the staircase. Slowly, he walked up the stairs, continuing to call her name. Nothing. He stood outside the bathroom door and knocked, "Darling, are you in there?" No repsonce. Carefully, he pushed the door open to find the bathroom empty as well. This was strange. Normally she left him a note if she was going to be home late, maybe she forgot.

Not long after that, the front door opened,

" Takizawa, are you here?" She called, a smile pulled his lips at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, I'm in the living room." She walked into the living room, a bag in one hand. Ah, she went shopping. Of course. The woman could vanish in a shopping mall and emerge with half of a shop in bags. That was one thing, though, he loved about her. The two hugged,

"Missed you. I'm sorry I forgot to write a note." [Name] said, setting the bag on the table for a moment. Takizawa placed a kiss on her forehead,

"Don't worry about it. What did you buy?" he asked, curious as to what she bought. [Name]'s lips pulled into a soft smile,

"Nothing important." She kissed his cheek before disappearing upstairs.


Odd. [Name] had been upstairs for a while now. Takizawa glanced towards the stairs, was she okay? She didn't buy that much stuff, he sighed lightly, he must have sounded paranoid at that. Standing up, he walked up the stairs,

"[Name], are you okay?" he called from the top of the stairs.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good." her voice called from the bathroom, sounding uncertain of her answer. His brows furrowed lightly as concern flooded his body,

"Are you sure?" the door opened slightly, her face appearing through the crack of the door.

"C-Can we talk? Please?" her voice was low, almost scared. Why would she be scared of him? He nodded and she led him back down stairs, both sitting on the couch.

"R-Remeber when... you said you wanted children?" she asked, keeping her eyes low with her hair shadowing her face. Takizawa had mentioned a bit ago that he had wanted to start a family with her but she said she wasn't ready yet. He respected her word and had been quiet about it since.

" Yes, why?" Why would she bring that up now? Her hand tightened around his in which he returned the gesture to comfort her.

"I-I... W-We..." She took a breath to calm her shaking nerves. Carefully, she pulled something from her pocket and placed it in his hand. He looked at it.

A pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.

"I'm pregnant." Takizawa stood up, his eyes wide as he took in the information. She was pregnant. He was going to be a father.

He scooped her up in his arms, spinning around the living room.

"We did it! We did it!" he spoke between laughs as they jumped up and down. Tears pricked his eyes as he held onto her tighter. [Name] also laughing and hugging him with equal affection. They had done it. They were going to be a family.

Takizawa stopped spinning, taking her face into his hands, "I love you so so much." he kissed her, pouring all the love he could into it.

"I love you too."

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