Always hate me - Ghoul Takizawa

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Author's note: I don't own the video, I just used it for inspiration. Give credit to the owner of the video, enjoy. P.S, I prefer Takizawa and Akira rather than Akira and Amon. 

When Takizawa first saw [Name], he felt cupid's arrow strike his heart with perfect aim. She was a new member of the CCG but she was experienced. Amon had said that she was to be partnered with him, when he said that, Takizawa felt his heart shoot through the roof. 

He stood outside the room. Expression reflecting the pain in his chest at the memory of what happened. Hushed orders were given inside the room to fetch some disinfectant or needle along with thread. The sweet scent of crimson blood seeped from behind the door, a scent he usually enjoyed that turned sour on his lips. 

It started with simple things. She would help him around the office, simple jobs and small talk between the two, growing into a friendship. He was there when she needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend to comfort her. Be that rock to stop her from crumbling down into the void below her. And simply being there for a Friday night out, regardless of situation, he was ready to drop all his work just to spend time with her. 

Takizawa chewed at his black nails, his nerves flaring at each sound that echoed from the room. With each passing second of doubt plaguing his damaged mind. That wound was not that serious, she would be okay. He repeated the phrase over and over and over and over again in his mind to block out those haunting thoughts. The memory was burnt into his eyes, each time he blinked, he saw the blade swinging down, the blood splattering his face. The pained look in her eyes as she collapsed to the floor.

[Name] enjoyed his company. She defended him when his position was questioned, and when others attempted to throw off his confidence. She was there to pick him up as he was for her. He laid awake at night, thinking of ways to express his feelings to her. Wrote little loves notes and small poems. He even asked Amon for some help. He helped by asking her what she wanted in a lover and gave the information to Takizawa. 

Once the doctor left the room, wiping the blood from his gloves, Takizawa stood up and darted towards him, asking if [Name] was alright. The doctor gave a nod, saying how the wound was serious but not fetal nor crippling, though she may never fully recover from it. He asked if he could see her, the doctor said he could but she was sleeping at the moment. Takizawa did not care, he needed to see her. See that she was still alive.

One day, after Amon had talked to [Name] for a bit, he went to Takizawa. A grim expression on his face. Takizawa noticed this and his heart ached slightly. Amon told him to sit down, which he did, his confession letter in hand. His heart and soul had been poured into it. Amon had told him the dreadful news that shattered Takizawa's heart like a glass window: 

[Name] was already committed to someone else.

She laid there, bandages covering her abdomen with a hospital gown hiding her body. Her face was peaceful, as if she had never took the blade to save him. Takizawa stood there by her bed, his eyes taking in her features all over again. Her hair was a couple of inches longer, her features more delicate than when he first met her all those years ago. Slowly, his pale hand emerged from within his cloak, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Despite the heat-ache he felt, he could never hate her. He should have expected her to be someone else's. A woman like her.  Carefully, he lowered his head down to hers. Black lips connected with her forehead for a moment before pulling away. His other hand holding the letter he wrote for her. He set it in her open palm and carefully closed her fingers around it.

He needed her to read it. Whether or not she would actually care didn't faze him, he needed to let her know how he felt back then, and how he still felt now. He may be a ghoul now, a sadistic one at that, but she recognised him. She didn't run from him. She didn't fight back. He lowered his head, she could hate him with all her heart if she wished, but he would savour the warmth of the memories they shared as friends. Treasure them just as much as he treasured her. For knowing that she still lived was all he asked for. Her happiness and well-being was all he cared about. 

Once he set the letter down, he gave her one final look. "Get well soon, [Name]." he looked down a moment before looking back at her closed eyes. "I love you." with that, he left. Unaware of her fingers tightening around the paper, a soft whisper slipping her lips.

"Taki... zawa. Stay."

Oh boy, that escalated quickly. I was not expecting it to turn out so sad and I'm sorry for that, I just find these sort of things so powerful and moving. I promise I will do some fluff for him in future ones. Thank you for reading, leave a vote and comment your thoughts.

Takizawa one-shots Tokyo GhoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ