Mr Sasaki - Ghoul Takizawa

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Author's note: Wow! Over one thousand reads? When did that happen? Thank you all so much for your support on this book, I really don't know what to say apart from thank you. Also, some requests may take longer to write since I've been busy recently so please bare with me. Enjoy.

[Name] stood on the roof of the building, her eyes on the group of CCG members making their way towards the building. Haise Sasaki was leading the small group of teenagers. [Name] sighed behind her mask, they were just kids and they were risking their lives to fight ghouls. 

Takizawa stood by her side, following her line of sight and groaned.

"Haise Sasaki? It's been a while since we last met." he commented, [Name] gave no response. He turned to her, his head tilted slightly under his hood. "You okay?" he asked, [Name] turned on her heel and walked back inside to her post, waiting for the signal to ambush them. Takizawa tossed one final glance at the group to see them enter the building. 


The darkness offered a comforting shroud for [Name] as she abandoned her post to stand in the corridor they would surely walk through. Her expression was hollow behind her mask, her hair hidden by her hood. She didn't care if this was not part of the plan, she needed to know the truth. Even if it resulted in her death.

The door opened, revealing the group of teenagers and Haise. Before any of them could grab their weapons, she held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. 

"Jester. An S Rated Ghoul." one of them said, recognising her infamous mask. She has been responsible for the deaths of many of the CCG soldiers and she held no shame nor guilt to it. Survival and orders. That is all. She took a step closer, Haise tightened his grip on his quinque.

"I have not come to fight." she stated, watching the confusion twist their faces. 

"Then what'd you want?" the golden blonde haired male asked, she pointed to Haise.

"I want to talk with your mentor. That is all." There was clear suspicion in Haise's smoke grey eyes, [Name] didn't blame him. An S rated ghoul asking to talk peacefully just before an ambush was about to happen, it would make anyone suspicious. Haise approached her, stopping at a safe distance. 

"What do you want to discuss?" he asked, determination carved into his pale features and sparkling in his smoke coloured eyes. She wanted to sigh but she didn't.

"I wanted to talk to you," she started, "about Ken Kaneki." 


Takizawa watched from the ceiling barriers, his eyes wide as shock flooded his system. What was [Name] doing? This wasn't part of the plan! He wanted to drop down, slaughter all of them to keep her safe but he didn't, he needed to trust [Name]. Though the second any of them reached for their quinques, there will be blood. 

For as long as he has know [Name], she has never strayed away from the plan. If Tatara said jump, she said how high. It was sad but Takizawa knew she did not care about it. Yet, there was a part of her that was not Jester, the hidden [Name] that she has only allowed him to see. She trusted him with her life as he did her. 

Then the day he admitted his love for her, she returned his love and they had been together secretly. They were not going to risk each other's safety if Tatara found out. Eto would likely have her fun with that too. 

He shook his head, focusing on the events happening below.


"about Ken Kaneki." Shock flashed across Haise's face at that name. All the confidence he had faded for a moment, [Name] blinked. He took a step closer,

"What do you know about him? Tell me!" There was a tone in his voice that was demanding answers. Being lost in your mind, scraping for answers would leave anyone desperate. 

"If you can remove my mask, I'll tell you everything about him." Haise shot forward, his fist flying towards her stomach which she easily caught and countered, throwing him into the wall. [Name] remained where she stood, watching as he jumped back on his feet and charged at her again, she blocked his kick and landed one in his lower gut then his chest which sent him flying towards his students. He ordered them to remain put as his kagune sprouted, [Name] felt her heart ache slightly at the sight of it before her own bikaku sprouted. They both charged at each other, their kagunes clashing as she pinned him down, her fist colliding with his face multiple times. 

A sudden familiar yell caught her attention. She looked up to see Takizawa, kagune sprouted, darting towards the students.

"Takizawa, no!" she called out, her distraction gave Haise the opportunity he needed to drive his kagune through her stomach and throw her into the wall this time. His fists collided with her chest multiple times, each punch knocking the wind from her lungs and forcing blood to trickle from her lips. He was stronger than she believed, then again, he use to be such a softie. His kagune lifted her from the wall and slammed her down onto the floor, cracks scattered like a spider web, pain laced her back as she felt her muscles tense for a moment. Likely paralysed from the impact. 

Haise stood over her, his hand slipping under the mask and ripped it from her face. Their eyes locked, neither breaking the stare. His muscles shook slightly, pain mixing with confusion raked his face as he clutched his head, releasing an agonised scream that caught everyone's attention. 

[Name] scooped up her mask, slipped it on and bolted with Takizawa beside her. They were gone before the students knew what to do.


The duo stopped on the rooftop of a different building to catch their breath. [Name] removed her mask and lowered her head. She was right. Takizawa sat beside her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. He knew when she needed comfort and -at this moment- she needed it more than ever. 

She leaned into his hold, allowing him to gently rock her side to side as he rested is head on her shoulder.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, [Name] sighed, softly kissing his black lips. 

"I needed to know." was all she said. Takizawa nodded, there was a flicker in her smoke-grey eyes that told him everything. 

She needed to know if Haise was really Kaneki. 

Kaneki was her brother after all.

I am so sorry for this one. I was bored and wanted to write something. I'm sorry for it being awful. Thank you though. 

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