His Little Pet - Ghoul Takizawa

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This was requested. 
Warning: Yandere Takizawa, obsessions and ect
Author's note: I'm sorry if this is stupid, my writing is still a bit out of place but I'm trying.

The room was dark. Shadows crawled around the walls, spreading like a fungus in a moist environment. Any glimpse of the outside world was cut off, resulting in [Name] having guess everything from weather to time of day. A rusted shackle clamped down on her ankle, digging into her flesh lightly but not enough for it to break the flesh. She hugged her knees, burying her head in them.   

The ghoul that stole her from her house, from her life, claimed that he loved her. No. Owl did not love her.

He was obsessed with her. He was hellbent over her existence. A life-draining parasite that had implanted itself in her life. 


When Owl first laid his wide eyes on [Name], he felt his world halt. She looked so beautiful, standing there in the park feeding the ducks. Her soft locks of hair gently flowed down her back, bringing out her flawless skin. The light glowing in her vibrant eyes made his heart drum against his chest. A gentle breeze brushed past her, pushing her hair aside slightly. 

Owl sighed softly, a smile pulling his black lips. He knew from that moment, she was going to be his and his alone.


From within the shadows, he was there. Wherever she went, he was always close by, watching her, learning about her. Obsessing over her. 

When she slept soundly, he would sit by her window. On some nights, he would slip into her room, steal and item of clothing. A single whiff of her scent was his new addiction. Sitting by himself, getting high off her smell. 

When she would sit in her garden, he would admire her. A trophy of elegant beauty that no one was allowed to touch, or even come into contact with. If someone spoke to her, touched her, dared to flirt with her, they were never seen again. Owl made sure of it.


The door creaked open, alerting [Name] of his presence.

"Hello, love. How're you feeling?" Owl asked, crouching beside her and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. [Name] looked up at him, her eyes hollow of the vibrancy they once held. 

"Well, thank you." he smiled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. 

"That's good. I love seeing you happy." he said, gently stroking her hair. This softness, the caring nature he was expressing, should have come from a lover. Not a ghoul with an obsession. She did not even know his name beside Owl. 


When [Name] had opened her eyes, her body ached. A mist hovered in her head, leaving her feeling sick. She didn't recognise her surroundings. It was a bedroom of sorts, the window was bricked over, blocking out the world completely. 

The door opened and the cloaked ghoul slid in, a joyful smile on his lips.

"You're awake. Thank goodness. I was starting to worry." he approached her, sitting beside her on the bed. She tried to push herself away from him but his hand latched around her wrist, pulling it close to his face. 

"So soft. Like the delicate petals of a flower." he whispered, rubbing his cheek against her smooth skin. [Name] tried to pull away, his grip was tight yet gentle. He rose his free hand up to her cheek, gently caressing it. 

"I won't let anyone hurt you." 


An angered yell ripped from Owl's lips, followed by the sound of wood being ripped from the wall and it crashing against the wall. [Name] buried herself under the bed. Someone had been sent to investigate the building, a police officer -by his uniform- and had tried to get her out. [Name] didn't want to. She knew what Owl would do. 

The police officer had grabbed her and tried to carry her out, Owl must have seen the car outside or something because he stormed into the building, screaming in rage. She jumped from the officer's grip and crawled under the bed before Owl ripped the door from its hinges. Agonised screams were heard. Blood splattered the floor and a corpse collapsed.

Owl lifted the bed up, exposing [Name] to the bloody sight before her. He wrapped his arms around her, 

"Shh, the horrible man is dead. He won't hurt you." 

He held her in a loving embrace, the police officer's blood smearing on her clothes. She lowered her head, burying it in his shoulder. 

This was her life now. And, if she was to die like this, then so be it.



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