Mine - Ghoul Takizawa

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[Name] didn't mind living alone. Her house was, originally, intended for two people but it was nice to have the extra space. The neighbours were nice and the neighbourhood was lovely.

As she walked into the kitchen to get herself a drink, she froze. Droplets of crimson dotted the tiled floor, her heart drummed against her ribs, blood freezing over. He was here. Quietly, [Name] walked towards the living room, following the trail of blood.

The lights were off, plaguing the room in darkness, save for one lone lamp that casted a golden glow throughput the room. He sat propped up on the couch, munching on the flesh of a poor soul who crossed his path. Wide, hollow eyes locked on the TV as it played a programme. A TV show he used to love before he was tortured, broken and molded into the ghoul he was now. She remained silent, not wanting to disturb him whilst he ate. She was more than aware of how... sensitive he was when she saw him eating.

"Hello [Name]." his voice pulled her from her thoughts. His attention focused on her as he finished his meal before motioning her to sit in front of him. She did as motioned and sat down on the floor in front of him, her back facing him.

"Hello, darling." She spoke, his chin resting on her head as his black nailed fingers lightly trailed through her hair, playing with it. The touch, before, was comforting, loving. Now, it felt cold, there was affection there but it was different. Her lips remained sealed though.

"How have you been? Good, I hope." his voice whispered in her ear, warm breath stained with the smell of blood. Carefully, she leaned back into his touch.

"I've been good. Thank you for asking." A sudden sharp pull at her hair made her flinch. His nails lightly digging into her scalp.

"Do not lie to me, [Name]. Lovers don't lie to each other." his voice carried a low growl with it, a threatening tone sprinkled over his words. "How have you been?" he repeated his question. [Name] took a breath before speaking.

"I got mugged last night. I'm sorry I lied to you." She closed her eyes, listening to Takizawa's breathing, his tight grip loosening back to the loving touch he had moments ago

"I know. I know." he whispered into her ear, as if he was trying to soothe her. He dug around in his pocket and held something in front of her eyes. Her purse. "I got it back for you. He won't bother you again, my love." She took her purse, feeling him snuggle closer to her, like a cat seeking attention from their owner. He wanted praise.

"Thank you so much, darling." he lightly purred when she brought her hand to his head, stroking his snow-white locks. Despite what he had become, Takizawa still saw himself as the loving hero she wanted. And she didn't dare tell him otherwise.

"Don't worry, [Name]. I will never let anyone take you from me." his arms circled around her abdomen, pulling her into his chest and buried his head against her shoulder blade. [Name]'s hands interlocking with his pale, bloodied hands. She knew he was dangerous. The Seidou Takizawa she fell in love with may have died in that cell but there was some part of her that latched onto the hope that he was still inside Owl, somewhere.

Sorry if this seemed poorly written, I have never done an obsessive character before so please don't criticise it. Thank you for reading though.

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