Until Death do us part - Human Takizawa

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This was requested.
Warning: Possessive behaviour, stalking, blood 
This one is a bit long so bare with me. Thank you.

The day [Name] became Mrs Takizawa was the most wonderful day of her life. Everything was perfect. The dress. The flowers. The vows. Everything was just how she and Seidou dreamed. 

During the first few months of their marriage, everything was wonderful. They would wake up and serve each other breakfast, leave small love notes for the other. Seidou would even leave roses for [Name] to find. It was sweet. 

But then, something changed. 

Seidou changed.


It started off small. He would question where she was going more often, asking if she was going alone or with someone else. It was... a little unsettling for [Name] but she brushed it off as him being protective. 

He also asked her to answer his calls and texts messages if her tried to contact her, saying it was so he could make sure she was safe. There was one occasion she missed a phone call from him and he stormed through the door, screaming her name. When he found her sitting in the living room, he ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders, saying how worried he was that a ghoul might of gotten her, or someone had taken her from him. She apologised and promised to return his calls. 


Oddly enough, she noticed that she would bump into Seidou more often -and frequently- when she went out. With her friends, alone or even with a family member, she would always cross paths with Seidou at least once. Whichever shop she went in, he was in the next aisle. At any park bench she sat at, he was always close by. 

"Seidou, are you following me?" she asked one day. Seidou looked at her, his expression reflecting nothing but innocence but when he registered her question, it darkened. Like a candle being blown out. 

"Why are you asking? Are you hiding something from me?" [Name] blinked before shaking her head. Why would he even think that?

"What? Of course not, Seidou. Why would you think that?" she asked, taking his hand into her own. "I love you, Seidou. And only you." Seidou's expression faded. 


Seidou looked down at his phone, the small red dot blinked softly on the map. He rose his gaze up to see [Name] sitting in the cafe. Alone. He smiled a little, pulling his hat a little lower to shield his face. He should have been more careful. He was a ghoul investigator, he needed to remember the techniques to go unnoticed by the one you follow. 

She looked so beautiful. He refused to let the world taint her in any way, she was his wife after all. She belonged to him. 


Seidou used his laptop for most of his CCG work. However, in his Documents section, there was a file labelled House Adjustments. If you clicked on it, four squares would pop up on the screen. Cameras. He sat at his desk at the office, making sure no one was around, and brought up the cameras, keeping an eye on [Name] from the office. She was in the kitchen, preparing their dinner for tonight. He did love her chicken and rice. 


When [Name] had found the tracker on her phone, that was the last straw. 

"What is wrong with you Seidou? Putting a tracker on my phone? Do you not trust me?" Something snapped in Seidou's head at that. He turned to her and slammed her against the wall, holding her in place.

"You listen to me, [Name]. I am you husband, you are my wife. I will do all I can to protect you. You are mine, and mine alone." This was not her husband. [Name] gave a nod and he released her. Suddenly, he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I love you. That's why I'm doing this." 


[Name] looked around, pressing her phone against her ear, silently preying for them to answer.

"Hello [Name], what's wrong?" Akira asked. Akira and [Name] have known each other since they were young. 

"Akira, I need your help." she said, her voice quiet, "It's Seidou. He's not... He's not who I thought he was." she looked down at the ring on her finger. Did she ever really know her own husband? 

"I'm on my way." 


Akira never came. But Seidou did. [Name] felt tears brim her eyes, blood stained Seidou's clothes, droplets splattered his face as he looked at her. A dark smile lifting his lips and he walked into the kitchen to clean the blood off. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. [Name] curled under the blanket, burying her face in her hands. She got her best friend killed by her husband. 

The bed space behind her dented, an arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. 

"You don't need anyone else, [Name]. You have me." 

Thank you for reading this. This was actually really fun to write as I found it interesting to re-construct the sweet innocent Takizawa we all know and love.  

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