Bad Guy - Ghoul Takizawa

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Sharp, shallow breaths slipped through gritted teeth as [Name] sprinted down the street as if the demons of Hell were chasing her. Well, technically, only one demon was chasing her. The streets were empty, void of any life at all. Not even a stray cat or mouse was seen.

She made a turn at the corner and continued sprinting down the street. Her legs ached, her lungs burned but she continued running. She could not let him catch her.

Another turn and she froze. Panic flooded her veins at the dead end street. No, no, no, no. Scanning around, she looked for any hiding place. A high pitched giggled echoed down the street, bouncing from the shadows and growing louder with each passing second. Quickly, [Name] crawled under an abandoned car and held her breath, attempting to calm her racing heart.

A thud was heard, followed by the giggles again.

"[Name], where are you?" the voice sung as he walked around the street, searching for her. The soft thudding of his shoes could barely be heard as he wandered.

"[Name], I know you're here somewhere." he spoke again, listening for any sound that could hint to where she was. He was enjoying this, she could tell by his tone.

A soft shuffle was heard and he launched towards it, throwing the bin aside with a yell. [Name] covered her ears at the sudden loudness, tears threatening to spill. He picked the rat up by the tail and growled before launching it across the road.

"[Name], when I find you, you're going to be in big trouble." [Name] buried her face in her arm for a moment, trying to block out the ghoul's voice. If she stayed quiet enough, he'll go away. He'll go away.

A moment of silence hung in the air, her eyes landed on his shoes which were centimetres from the car, facing it. A tear slipped down her cheek as she silently prayed to any higher power that he would not find her. Slowly, he turned away and walked off. Her muscles shook, her chest tightened as a small breath slipped through them. Was he gone? She was not going to take the chance to see if he had actually left, waiting here was her best option. In case he was still out there.

A soft sob escaped her lips and she froze. The car gently shook a little, was it the wind? Please, let it have been the wind. With a painfully loud screech, the car was shoved away, exposing her hiding spot.

Owl stood there, black lips twisted into a grin as he grabbed her throat and slammed her against the brick wall. [Name] frantically clawed at his wrists in a fruitless attempt to escape his clutches.

"What did I tell you?" he spoke, "When I found you, you would be in big trouble?" Tears continued to slip down [Name]'s cheeks.

"P-Please, why a-are you doing this?" A small chuckle was heard from Owl. His wide eyes stared into her soul, pulling at each thread of fear he could.

"Because I'm the bad guy now." he whispered before opening his jaws and leaning towards her head.

Sorry if this seemed rushed. But thank you for reading.

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